about us

Karadeniz Technical University, Sürmene Faculty of Marine Sciences, Department of Maritime Business Administration was established in 2011. The purpose of establishing our department is to meet our country's need for qualified workforce and to train future  "Maritime Business Managers" who are qualfied to work in businesses that carry out maritime trade activities anywhere in the world in line with the future needs of the maritime industry. Education in the field of maritime industry has two pillars, the first of which is the training of qualified workforce to work on ships. The training of qualified workforce to work on ships has been carried out by the Maritime Transportation and Management Engineering Department within our faculty by successfully training Oceangoing WatchKeeping Officers since 1996. The second is the training of qualified workforce who will work in the offices of businesses operating in the field of maritime trade, who will organize the management plan, supervise the work, and ensure the connection and organization of the cargo and passenger movements of the ships so that the money, material and manpower resources of the businesses are used in the most efficient way and the ships are operated profitably. In this regard, our department trains future "Maritime Business Managers".