


2024-2025 Academic Year International Student Application Announcement

Student Affairs Office



Click PowerPoint Presentation.

Click the Link for Application and Preference Procedures:


a) Application, Placement and Temporary Registration procedures for international students for the 2024-2025 academic year are completed online between the specified dates.

b) Before candidates apply; It will be useful for them to carefully review, which contains information about the placement calendar, application requirements, tuition fees and how many points the candidates got into which program they were placed in last year, during the application and registration process.

c) Candidates who upload incomplete, incorrect or incorrect documents during the application evaluation process will be sent an error message via the e-mail they registered to the system. For this reason, candidates should check their e-mail addresses frequently during the application process and, in case they receive an error message, complete the specified deficiencies and update their application. The application of the candidate who does not make the necessary adjustments between the application dates despite receiving an error message will be deemed invalid.

c) If candidates who submit false information/documents during the application process are definitely registered at our University, regardless of their education stage, if they are detected, their registration will be deleted from our University and legal proceedings will be initiated against these people.

d) The photo that the candidates will upload to the system will later be used as a student card etc. Since it will be used in all official transactions, the photo must be 4.5x6 in size, taken biometrically within the last six months.

e) For final registration to the Maritime Transportation Management Engineering (30% English) and Marine Machinery Management Engineering Program, it is necessary to obtain a Seafarer Health Report, and in order to complete the internship of the program, it is necessary to obtain a Seaman's Certificate. (Seafarer's Wallet is not given to foreign students by the authorities of the Republic of Türkiye. Foreign students who prefer these programs can obtain the Seaman's Wallet from their own country or from other countries. However, since some countries do not give Seaman's Wallet to female students, they must first decide whether they can get the Seaman's Wallet or not. It will be to their advantage to learn from their authorities.)

f) Student candidates who are placed in the Pharmacy Program are required to bring a Health Report along with their registration documents during final registration, stating that they do not have any illnesses that would prevent them from completing their Pharmacy education.

g) The application fee is 1000 TL (Turkish Lira) and the application fee will be paid online by credit card/debit card.   You can pay the application fee by following the steps in the APPLICATION SYSTEM. Applications of candidates who do not pay the application fee will not be evaluated. The application fee will not be refunded in case of failure to place, or will not be deducted from the tuition fee of the candidates who are placed.

h) 2024 Türkiye International Student Admission Exam (TRYÖS/1) results will be announced on 14 June 2024. Candidates who will use the 2024 Turkey International Student Admission Exam (TRYÖS/1) placement score will make their applications starting from this date.

i) For candidates who will apply, the exams approved by the Council of Higher Education; There is no limitation on the validity periods of ABITUR, INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE, GCE, TAWJIHI and similar exams that have the status of high school graduation exams. However, the validity period of SAT, Türkiye International Student Admission Exam (TR-YÖS) and similar exams, which have university entrance exam status, is two years.

j) Students must upload Turkish or English translations of their documents during the application process.

Documents to be uploaded online for application:

1. Passport or Identity Document

2. Exam Result Certificate

3. Secondary Education (High School) Graduation Certificate. (Turkish copy approved by the Turkish Embassy, Consulate in their country or notary authorities in Türkiye. Secondary education senior students who will graduate must upload documents showing their student and grade point average approved by the high school directorate.)

4. Document Showing Secondary Education GPA (Transcript, Turkish copy approved by the Turkish Embassy, Consulate in their country or notary authorities in Türkiye)

5. Blue Card (Candidates who have renounced Turkish citizenship and received a blue card will upload it)

6. Population Registration Sample (Candidates who are Turkish citizens, who have renounced Turkish citizenship, or who have renounced Turkish citizenship and received a blue card will upload it.)

7 Citizens of the Republic of Turkey who completed their secondary education in an institution that provides formal education abroad and candidates with dual nationality whose first nationality is the Republic of Turkey must have a document showing that they have been in the country where the diploma was received during their high school education or that they entered and exited this country (certified passport or police records).

Click for Application and Preference Procedures.

Success Requirement (Table-1)





TRYÖS ( Türkiye International Student Admission Exam)

Getting at least 220 points.


SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test)

Getting at least 1000 total points and at least 500 mathematics points.

ACT (American College Test)

Getting at least 21 points in science, mathematics and total score.



-National/International High School Graduation Exams (Baccalaureate)

-National/International Secondary Education General Grade Point Averega



Get at least 60 points.

















NOTE: Candidates who will apply for the GCE (A Level) exam will obtain their exam result score by adding the numerical values corresponding to the letter grades specified below and dividing by the number of courses.

Numerical equivalent of letter grades: A&A+ =100, B=90, C=80, D=70, E=60, F=50