about us

Following the acceptance of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 on November 4, 1981, the Trabzon Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences (TITIA) was transformed into a faculty reporting to the Rectorate by Decree-Law numbered 41 issued on July 20, 1982.

The Academy started education with two departments, Economics and Business Administration, and 200 students in a historic wooden building known as the Nemlizade Mansion in the Boztepe neighborhood of Ortahisar district on December 10, 1979. After being transformed into a faculty in 1982, education continued on the ground floor of the Mechanical Engineering Department, which was reporting to the Faculty of Engineering on the Kanuni Campus. The Faculty used classrooms of the departments of Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Forestry Industry, Physics, and Electrical-Electronics Engineering for approximately 14 years. On October 3, 1996, the Faculty moved to its new building, consisting of two blocks with a total closed area of 13,560 square meters. With the addition of a new building, which was constructed adjacent to the student block in 2011, the closed usage area of the Faculty was 17,845 square meters.

In addition to the Economics and Business Administration departments, the Faculty rapidly expanded after 1991, with the establishment of the departments of Finance, International Relations, Public Administration, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, and Econometrics. With Law numbered 3843 accepted in 1992, the evening education programs of these departments were opened, and the number of programs reached 14. The Department of Management Information Systems was opened in 2017, and the International Relations undergraduate program, which has an English medium of instruction, was established in 2018. After the closure of evening education programs in 2019, the Faculty currently has nine active undergraduate programs.

Optional courses in English are offered in the International Relations (30% of the courses are in English) and Public Administration departments. Besides, one-year compulsory English preparatory program is offered in the International Relations undergraduate program, which has an English medium of instruction for all courses. Our faculty offers master's programs with a thesis in all departments, while it offers doctoral programs in the Departments of Economics, Business Administration, Finance, International Relations, Public Administration, and Econometrics.

The Faculty has over 124 academic and 28 administrative staff serving over 6,000 students. There are currently three lecture halls, two with a capacity of 168 students and one with a capacity of 336 students, one seminar room, two computer laboratories with a capacity of 40 students each, 28 classrooms with capacities ranging from 60 to 160 students, and 149 staff offices in the Faculty.

[1] The Decree Law numbered 41 on the Organization of Higher Education Institutions was converted into Law by Law numbered 2809, amended on 23.08.1983 (published in the Official Gazette No. 18003 on 30.03.1983).