dean message

Welcome to our Faculty of Forestry.

I am proud to be a graduate and member of Karadeniz Technical University, one of the oldest universities in our country. Our Faculty of Forestry began its education journey in the 1971-1972 academic year. With a half-century of history, our faculty has a solid foundation of traditions and values while constantly renewing itself by following the developments in modern science and technology. The current century witnesses extraordinary changes and transformations, with rapid advancements in science and technology reshaping the expectations and needs of society. Understanding these changes and transformations is crucial for the future of a strong and great Türkiye. We know that supporting the emergence of these developments is essential. In this regard, the Departments of Forestry Engineering and Forest Industry Engineering are accredited by MÜDEK, and the accreditation efforts for our other departments are ongoing.

Our faculty encompasses the Departments of Forestry Engineering, Forest Industry Engineering, Landscape Architecture, and Wildlife Ecology and Management, consisting of expert, internationally recognized, and experienced faculty members and staff in their respective fields.


Dear students,

We invite you to visit our faculty and explore the opportunities we offer. I recommend you to browse through our departments, curriculum, and faculty members via our website. You will find a community that values productivity, new ideas, and people.

With these feelings, we will continue to elevate the horizon and development of the Faculty of Forestry. We will never compromise on research, knowledge, production, innovation, and collaboration between university, industry, and government. Knowing that success is a team effort, I extend my thanks to all my academic and administrative colleagues for their efforts and support.

With love and respect,

Prof. Dr. Ömer KARA
