about us


By the decision of the Council of Ministers, the Faculty of Health Sciences was established on 01.02.2010 and was published in the official gazette dated 26 February 2010. With the decision of YÖK dated 01.12.2010 and numbered 43307, it was deemed appropriate to open the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. It started education by admitting its first students in the 2023-2024 academic year.


The Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, which is in the current organizational structure, was established in 2010. There are 1 Associate Professor, 2 Doctoral Lecturers and 5 Research Assistants (3 of whom are working at different universities for postgraduate education) in our department. Curriculum preparation studies have been completed within the department. Academic and clinical studies, social responsibility projects and international education and training mobilities are carried out.

Department activities:

  • Academic and clinical studies
  • Research and development and social responsibility projects
  • Scientific and professional meetings
  • International academic mobilities
  • Clinical collaborations
  • Quality studies

Education period: 4 years

Courses: Theoretical (30%) and Applied (70%)

Graduation requirement: 240 ECTS

Who is a Physiotherapist?

The physiotherapist profession is one of the professions that serve positive science within the healthcare team to meet the needs of society. Physiotherapist, pain and dysfunction caused by injury, disease, congenital disability, movement system disorders or other conditions; Determining people's functional limitations, pain, disabilities and abilities with special measurement, evaluation and examination methods, planning, implementing and re-evaluating and reporting the physiotherapy and rehabilitation program for the development of function and functional capacity according to the diagnosis of the specialist physician, appropriate exercises to maintain the health of healthy people, is a health professional who has professional autonomy and plans preventive programs. April 8 is celebrated as Türkiye Physiotherapists Day, and September 8 is celebrated as World Physiotherapists Day.

Qualities a Physiotherapist Must Have:

Commitment to learning, interpersonal skills, communication skills, effective use of time and resources, use of feedback, problem solving, professionalism, responsibility, critical thinking and coping with stress.

Working places:

A physiotherapist, as a member of the medical team;

  • In public hospitals and private hospitals,
  • In universities, colleges, research institutes,
  • In private clinics,
  • In sports clubs,
  • In rehabilitation centers,
  • In centers opened for the elderly,
  • In wellness centers
  • In schools established for the hearing and visually impaired,
  • In vocational rehabilitation centers
  • Can work in thermal facilities.

Why Our Department


A Field-Focused Training

Our Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation department was established by focusing on the needs of the field. In this sense, our department ensures that its students put the theoretical knowledge they have acquired into practice with practical applications in order to train qualified manpower to serve in the field. It aims to closely follow the changes in the field and renew its training programs according to the development and needs of the constantly changing field.

Technological Infrastructure Required for Contemporary Education

Our department works to ensure that registered students benefit from modern education opportunities. It is possible to use e-learning techniques in training programs. Internet access is available at the school and students have the opportunity to work effectively with program-specific application laboratories.

Strong Academic and Administrative Staff

The experienced academic and administrative staff of our department has a young and dynamic structure that follows innovations closely. Our programs have started teaching activities with experienced and well-educated academic staff in their fields. Administrative affairs of students are followed by experienced administrative staff.

Strong Consulting Service

In our school; It plans training seminars and guidance on getting a job in order to increase students' knowledge about the sector and provide support regarding job opportunities.

Strong Relationships with Stakeholders

Our department aims to establish strong relationships with its stakeholders within and outside the province. By including sector employees in education practices, it carries out studies to ensure that students come into contact with sector employees and are constantly informed about field practices.


Our department; It is located in a comfortable and spacious location, 6 km away from the center of Trabzon, within walking distance of Trabzon International Airport, within the central campus of 1,061,119 m2, full of green areas.

Our Strengths

  • Implementation of a strong curriculum program that will increase professional competence,
  • Faculty members are willing to improve their teaching and learning methods,
  • Faculty members are willing to continue their academic development,
  • Presence of young personnel who are open to innovations and have adopted modern values,
  • High commitment to ethical principles,
  • Providing a good communication environment between students and faculty members through consultancy services,
  • Having application laboratories,
  • Supporting student activities,
  • There is a need for graduating students in the public and private sectors.

Our Improveable Aspects

The department does not have its own Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Units that can accept patients and provide rehabilitation services and provide consultancy services to protect and improve the health of populations such as athletes, pregnant women and geriatrics.

Lack of Departments.

Lack of postgraduate education programs

Our Department in the Press

Physical Facilities