
Our University Hosted the Minister of Industry and Technology and the First Turkish Astronaut in the Science, culture, and Arts Week

As part of our university's Science, Culture, and Arts (BKS) Week, the program "Space Journey Through the Eyes of a Turk" was organized with the participation of the Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacır and the first Turkish astronaut, Alper Gezeravcı.

The program, attended by numerous protocol members, began with an opening speech by our Rector, Prof. Dr. Hamdullah Çuvalcı. He highlighted that the unique experiments and studies conducted on the space station will significantly contribute to the literature and the specific work that our scientists have done in the field of space. Following his remarks, the Minister of Industry and Technology, Mehmet Fatih Kacır, took the floor.

Following the Minister, the first Turkish Astronaut Alper Gezeravcı gave a speech on his mission. On the seventh day of BKS Week, filled with various entertaining programs, activities, and events, our students, staff, and guests had the opportunity to meet Alper GEZERAVCI, the first Turkish astronaut to go to space. He shared his experiences from the space journey, providing inspiring stories and meticulously answering the intriguing questions posed by the brilliant minds in attendance. The program received considerable interest.

At the end of the program, Trabzon Governor Aziz Yıldırım and our Rector Prof. Dr. Hamdullah Çuvalcı presented a plaque to Alper Gezeravcı. The event concluded with a group photo to commemorate the occasion.

27 May 2024