
Public Finance Planning Discussed at Our University

The Meeting for the Strategy Development Unit Managers of the Republic of Türkiye-Ministry of Treasury and Finance was held at our university with a large turnout.

Hosted by our university, the Strategy Development Unit Managers Meeting of the Republic of Türkiye-Ministry of Treasury and Finance took place at the Osman Turan Culture and Convention Center. The meeting was attended by our Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim OKUMUŞ, General Director of Public Financial Management and Transformation of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance Yakup TEKİN, our Acting Secretary General Prof. Dr. Bünyamin ER, Deputy General Secretaries Ufuk ÖZTÜRK and Mustafa BEZİROĞLU, Strategy Development Department Heads of various universities, and numerous academicians and administrative personnel.

The opening speech was delivered by our Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim OKUMUŞ. Following his address, Yakup TEKİN, General Director of Public Financial Management and Transformation of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, shared his thoughts and sentiments regarding the meeting. After the opening speeches, presentations were made on various topics by key figures from the General Directorate of Public Financial Management and Transformation. Department Head Mevlüt Yasin SAATCİ and Treasury and Finance Expert Tuğba OĞUZ presented on the "Savings Measures Information System". Department Head Hüseyin IŞIK and Treasury and Finance Expert Tuğba SEVÜKTEKİN presented on the "Public Fleet Management System" and "Spending Review".

On May 10, 2024, the presentations covered topics such as Spending Review, Performance-Based Program Budget Implementation, Internal Control System Monitoring and Evaluation Guide, Public Corporate Risk Management Guide, Public Procurement as a Policy Tool within Changing Approaches, and the Integrated Public Financial Management Information System. On May 11, 2024, the discussions concluded with topics on Electronic Tender Application and Cash Management.

The meeting provided a comprehensive examination of the latest developments and planning in public finance.

17 May 2024