
The School of Foreign Languages Earned Accreditation

Following the necessary evaluations and meetings conducted during the visit by the Evaluation Team Members of the Language Education Evaluation and Accreditation Association (DEDAK) to our University's School of Foreign Languages on 15-17 January, 2024, our School has earned a 2-year accreditation.

The English Preparatory Program at the School of Foreign Languages received an Accreditation Certificate from the Language Education Evaluation and Accreditation Association (DEDAK) for the period from May 2024 to May 2026. The School has agreed to maintain the DEDAK Accreditation Criteria during this specified period. DEDAK, recognized by the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC), is the national accreditation institution for English language programs and institutions in Türkiye.

Congratulations to all our staff who contributed to the accreditation process and thank all our stakeholders.

17 May 2024