ethical principles and publication policy

• Manuscripts that do not comply with the "LivenARCH+ Journal ETHICAL PRINCIPLES AND PUBLISHING POLICY" will not be considered for the peer review process.
• Manuscripts submitted to LivenARCH+ Journal for publication are evaluated by national and/or international referees. The final decision about the manuscript is made by the editor(s).
• The double-blind peer review system is applied in LivenARCH+ Journal.
• In the same issue of LivenARCH+ Journal, more than one article with the same author's name as the sole author cannot be published.
• Authors of manuscripts submitted to LivenARCH+ Journal send the similarity report to the journal simultaneously with the manuscript. In the iThenticate/Turnitin programs where the similarity check will be performed, a similarity rate (excluding sources) of up to 15% is expected.
• For manuscripts submitted to LivenARCH+ Journal requiring Ethics Committee Approval/Legal Permission/Special Permission, the author(s) submit the official document related to the permission containing the necessary explanations to the journal simultaneously with the manuscript.
• There is no submission, editing, evaluation, and publishing fee in LivenARCH+ Journal.

LivenARCH+ Journal Editor(s) Ethical Responsibilities
• Editors are responsible for ensuring that every article published in LivenARCH+ Journal is published in accordance with the “LivenARCH+ Journal ETHICAL PRINCIPLES AND PUBLISHING POLICY” and international standards.
• Editors are obligated to implement the policies outlined in the "LivenARCH+ Journal ETHICAL PRINCIPLES AND PUBLISHING POLICY", specifically the "BLIND PEER REVIEW AND EVALUATION PROCESS"; they ensure that each article is fairly, impartially, and timely reviewed, regardless of the author's ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religious beliefs, or political philosophy.
• During the submission stage to LivenARCH+ Journal, authors are required to declare any conflicts of interest. If no such declaration is provided, a note stating that no conflict of interest has been declared is added to the article during the typesetting stage.
• Editors of LivenARCH+ Journal have the right to reject an article in the event of the detection of any conflict of interest.
• Editors review articles submitted to LivenARCH+ Journal for compliance with the aims/scope and writing rules principles and ensure their entry into the peer review process.
• Editors have full authority in the assignment of referees, and the final decision regarding articles to be published in LivenARCH+ Journal lies with the editors. Editors consult the Scientific Advisory Board when necessary for the final decision.
• Articles sent to referees by editors are expected to be evaluated within twenty (20) days. If this period is exceeded, editors make a new referee assignment, retracting the request from the previous referee.
• All changes requested by the editorial team or referees must be made by the authors within twenty (20) days. Articles not corrected by the authors within this period are considered withdrawn.
• Corrected articles are re-evaluated by referees requesting changes or corrections, if necessary.
• LivenARCH+ Journal editors decide on the publication of articles where corrections and suggestions requested by referees are made, in line with the opinions of the referees.

LivenARCH+ Journal Referee(s) Ethical Responsibilities
• Manuscripts received by LivenARCH+ Journal referees are evaluated anonymously. The double-blind peer review principle, where referees do not know the authors, is applied during the evaluation process, and each manuscript is sent to two (2) referees. For a manuscript to be published in the journal, two (2) positive reports from referees are required. In cases where referee reports differ, the opinion of a third referee is sought, and the evaluation is completed.
• Direct communication between referees and authors is not allowed within the scope of LivenARCH+ Journal. Article evaluations and notes are communicated to authors by the editors.
• Referees keep their evaluations confidential due to the nature of the documents sent to LivenARCH+ Journal.
• Referees evaluate only the articles related to their areas of expertise. In case of a different subject, they inform the editor and withdraw from the process.
• Referees report any conflicts of interest to the editor and withdraw from the process in case of issues related to conflicts of interest.
• Referees complete the "LivenARCH+ Journal REFEREE EVALUATION FORM" for each article they evaluate, indicating their positive/negative decisions and reasons on the form.
• The time assigned to referees to evaluate articles is twenty (20) days from the date of their assignment by the editor.
• Referees inform the editors if they cannot evaluate the assigned articles within the designated time.
• Referees notify the editors in case of any plagiarism and/or copyright infringement.
• The language used in referees' reports should adhere to the rules of grammar, be academically articulate, explanatory, and constructive.
• Referees acknowledge that the final decision regarding the publication of the article lies with the journal editors.

LivenARCH+ Journal Author(s) Ethical Responsibilities
• The opinions expressed in articles published in LivenARCH+ Journal are not the views of the journal. The entire responsibility for the articles belongs to the respective authors.
• Authors of articles published in LivenARCH+ Journal are responsible for protecting the individual data of referees and readers.
• Manuscripts submitted to LivenARCH+ Journal must not have been published elsewhere or submitted to any other journal for publication. The authors of the respective articles are responsible for any disputes arising in this regard.
• Manuscripts submitted to LivenARCH+ Journal must be prepared in accordance with the "LivenARCH+ Journal WRITING RULES and FORMAT". Articles that do not comply with the "LivenARCH+ Journal WRITING RULES and FORMAT" are not considered for the evaluation process.
• Manuscripts submitted to LivenARCH+ Journal must be original, and if they benefit from other works, proper citation or quotation is required.
• The bibliography should be stated in a complete format.
• Data containing copyrights are used with the necessary permission, and permission information is provided.
• In articles based on postgraduate theses, information about the institution where the thesis was conducted and the thesis advisor is included.
• Multiple publications made within the scope of a project are specified, and the first publication information is provided.
• Research requiring ethical committee approval obtains approval, and approval information is included.
• A “responsible author” is selected from the authors of the article. During the evaluation process, all communication with editors and the journal is the responsibility of the corresponding author. The corresponding author is obligated to provide timely, complete, and accurate information in response to all questions and requests from editors and referees.
• All authors must sign the "LivenARCH+ Journal COPYRIGHT TRANSFER FORM" to specify the authorship order.

LivenARCH+ Journal is an international peer-reviewed electronic journal published twice a year, with an additional Special Issue, by the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Karadeniz Technical University.
LivenARCH+ Journal utilizes the TUBITAK ULAKBIM DergiPark interface.
The copyright of articles accepted for publication in LivenARCH+ Journal is considered transferred to the journal. Authors of LivenARCH+ Journal articles transfer their publication rights and all related privileges to LivenARCH+ Journal by filling out the "LivenARCH+ Journal COPYRIGHT TRANSFER FORM" available in the journal system.

Price Policy

No fee is charged from the author or institution under any name.