writing rules

Article Publication Language
The mandatory publication language for the journal is English. Optionally, articles can be submitted in Turkish.

Submission of the Article
Articles must be submitted through the DergiPark platform.
All processes and correspondence related to the articles should be conducted through the DergiPark system.
Along with the articles, authors must upload the "LivenARCH+ Journal ARTICLE INFORMATION FORM"*, "LivenARCH+ Journal CONFLICT of INTEREST DECLARATION FORM"*, "LivenARCH+ Journal ETHICS COMMITTEE APPROVAL FORM"*, "LivenARCH+ Journal COPYRIGHT TRANSFER FORM"*, and the "SIMILARITY REPORT", obtained from iThenticate or Turnitin programs.

(*Accessible from the Journal Forms tab at: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/livenarch/writing-rules)

General Rules of the Article

• Full-text articles in .doc format uploaded to the LivenARCH+ Journal system should not include the author's name. Authors should use their names in the user accounts they open to submit articles.

• In English articles the articles should include an abstract, preceding the title of the article. Abstracts should be in the range of 150-250 words.
• In English articles, the sequence “Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Main Text, (Method, Findings, Discussion are optional), Results and References” should be followed.
• The total word count for articles should be between 5000-9000 words.
• Any images, drawings, or content used in the articles should be labeled in the format; Table/Figure 1. Name or Description of the Table/Figure.
• All references to books, newspapers, journals, TV programs, films, etc., in the text should be italicized.

Writing and Formatting Rules of the Article

Formatting of Titles
Main Title: All letters capitalized, Arial, 13 points, bold, line spacing before and after 6nk.
Second Title: “Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Main Text, (Method, Findings, Discussion are optional), Results, and References”, first letters capitalized, Arial, 12 points, bold, left-aligned, line spacing before and after 6nk.
Subheadings: Italic, first letters capitalized, Arial, 12 points, bold, left-aligned, line spacing before and after 6nk.

Articles should be written in Microsoft Word, and page measurements should be arranged as follows:
Paper Size: A4 Vertical
Top Margin: 3 cm
Bottom Margin: 2.5 cm
Left Margin: 2.5 cm
Right Margin: 2.5 cm
Paragraph Indentation: Left-aligned
Block Quotation: Left-aligned
Font: Arial
Font Style: Normal
Main Text Size: 11 points
Block Quotation: 10 points
Footnote Text Size: 9 points
Table Information: 10 points
Paragraph Spacing: 6 nk
Line Spacing: Single (1.25)

In-Text Citation

Single-author source: (Makal, 2014, pp. 201-202)
Two-author source: (Neyzi & Demirci, 2011, p. 72)
Three, four, and five-author source: (Connerton, Wayne & West, 2010, pp. 12-13)
Repeated use in the text: (Connerton et al., 2010)
Six or more author source: (Mutlu et al., 2013)

Reference Section
LivenARCH+ Journal adopts the APA (6.0) reference format. The citation format of the submitted works should comply with the APA (6.0) style. (For information on APA rules: http://www.apastyle.org/)
All sources used in the article should be listed alphabetically and hanging at the end of the text under the heading “References”.
In the case of using notes, the notes are numbered in the text and given as “footnotes”.

Article Final Checklist
Ensure that you have no deficiencies in the following items:
• Articles must be uploaded through DergiPark System.
• The uploaded article text must be in .doc format, and in accordance with the double-blind peer review policy, the author's name should not be present in the full texts of the articles.
• Make sure that your articles use the APA (6.0) reference system, comply with the journal's publication policies, manifesto, purpose, scope, and adhere to the recommendations specified in the writing rules. For Turkish articles, ensure that the English Extended Abstract is included. For the details of Turkish articles, please see: "LivenARCH+ DERGİSİ YAZIM KURALLARI ve FORMATI" section, "Makalenin Genel Kuralları" part.
•Along with the main text of the article uploaded to the system, upload the "LivenARCH+ Journal ARTICLE INFORMATION FORM"*, "LivenARCH+ Journal CONFLICT of INTEREST DECLARATION FORM"*, "LivenARCH+ Journal ETHICS COMMITTEE APPROVAL FORM"*, "LivenARCH+ Journal COPYRIGHT TRANSFER FORM"*, and the "SIMILARITY REPORT" as separate files.

(*Accessible from the Journal Forms tab at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/livenarch/writing-rules)