graduation project and design project announcement

Design Project Announcement

Students who will take the course Design Projects in the 2023-2024 Academic Year Spring Semester must finalize their project topics with the department faculty members they wish to work with by March 01, 2024 at the latest, and after reaching an agreement between the student and advisor, the student must submit the Design Project Form (K1) signed by them (the topic can be determined later) to the project advisor. The project advisor is expected to submit the signed forms to the department secretary by Tuesday, March 05, 2024. Advisor appointments will be made based on the K1 forms submitted to the secretary's office. The Department Chair is not responsible for forms that are not submitted. The Design Project advisor is also the advisor for the Final Project. Except for compulsory circumstances, changes in advisors will not be permitted.

Students who do not communicate with their advisor and do not determine the topic by the specified date will be considered unsuccessful in the design project course.

Final Deadline for the Design Project: Please submit the "Design Project Submission Form" to the Department Chair by the end of office hours on Friday, May 31, 2024.

NOTE: The Design Project will be subjected to a similarity analysis using the "Turnitin" plagiarism detection program. The maximum similarity rate allowed is 30%.


Prof. Dr. İsmail POLAT (Department Chair)



1. Some Principles Related to Design Projects

2. Directive for Design Project and Final Project

3. Writing Guide of Design Project and Final Project

4. Design Project Sample Template

5. Design Project Work Schedule

6. Design Project Success Evaluation Form

7. Design Project Form (K1)

8. Design Project Submission Form


TUBITAK Projects Support Program for Undergraduate Students

Students applying to this support program can visit the relevant website to access more comprehensive information, application conditions, and application forms.


For 2209-A - Research Projects Support Program for Undergraduate Students...

For 2209-B - Industry Oriented Research Theses Support Program for University Undergraduate Students...

Graduation Project Announcement

Students taking the course of Graduation Project in the 2023-2024 Academic Year Spring Semester must finalize their project topic with their advisor by the end of office hours on Friday, 01/03/2024, and submit the Final Project Topic Determination and Evaluation Form (K2) signed to their project advisor. Students who do not submit the K2 form by the specified date will be considered unsuccessful in the project course. The student advisor will sign the K2 document and submit it to the department chairmanship, completing the process. The Department Chairmanship is not responsible for students whose K2 form does not reach them. Graduation projects will be submitted after being subjected to a similarity analysis using the "Turnitin" plagiarism detection program. The maximum similarity rate allowed is 30%.


The final deadline for the Graduation Project is until the end of office hours on May 31, 2024.

- Please visit the web page for detailed information about the Graduation Project Advisor Lists ...

- Please visit the web page for the Directive for Design Project and Graduation Project.

- Please visit the web page for the Writing Guide of Design Project and Graduation Project.



1. Some Important Points Regarding the Graduation Project

2. Graduation Project Topic Determination and Evaluation Form (K2)

3. Graduation Project Work Schedule

4. Graduation Project Submission Form

5. Graduation Project Sample Template


TUBITAK Project Support Program for Undergraduate Student

Students applying to this support program can visit the relevant website to access more comprehensive information, application conditions, and application forms.


For 2209-A - Research Projects Support Program for Undergraduate Students...

For 2209-B - Industry Oriented Research Theses Support Program for University Undergraduate Students...