department introductory video

General Information: The Department of Business Administration has been operating since 1982 with its competent academic staff in the fields of accounting and finance, management and organization, production management and marketing, quantitative methods, commercial law, and cooperativism. The main goal of the department is to provide students with the theoretical and practical knowledge they will need in their professional lives from a competence-building perspective. In the activities of education, the fundamental mission is to cultivate a human resource that adheres to ethical principles and rules, respecting universal values. The Department of Business Administration, aiming to document and elevate the quality of education, applied for accreditation as of December 2022 after a long preparatory process. The evaluation process regarding the accreditation of the department is ongoing.


Education: Students who have a high school diploma or equivalent, have obtained a sufficient score from the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS), and have been placed in the department are accepted for enrollment. Full-time education is provided for a period of 4 years only in the form of the daytime education. To be eligible for the Business Administration undergraduate diploma, students must complete the required course credit load (240 ECTS), achieve a minimum weighted grade point average of 2.0, and successfully submit their graduation thesis. The majority of courses are evaluated through a mid-term exam and a final exam, each contributing 50% to the overall assessment. However, some courses also include evaluations of projects, teamwork, and presentation skills.

The department is staffed with 17 professors, 1 associate professor, 3 assistant professors, 1 lecturer, 1 research assistant PhD, and 7 research assistants.

Our students have the opportunity to benefit from double major and minor programs among the relevant departments within our university. In addition, through agreements made by our university, they can participate in the Erasmus+ Program to study at a higher education institution abroad or have an internship at a foreign-origin company or any institution/organization abroad. Moreover, within the scope of the Farabi and Mevlana Exchange Programs, they can receive education in certain periods at domestic and/or international higher education institutions.


Employment Opportunities: Graduates from the Department of Business Administration have the opportunity to find employment in various public institutions and organizations as well as the private sector. Students who succeed in the written exam held through the Public Personnel Selection Exam (KPSS) and subsequent institution interviews can start working in various public institutions as assistant specialists, tax inspector assistants, account specialist assistants, tax auditor assistants, administrative judges, and similar titles. Additionally, students who successfully complete criteria such as entering the profession, internship, and qualification can practice the profession of an independent accountant and financial advisor. In the private sector, they can take on roles at various levels in departments such as management, production, marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, public relations, and foreign trade within companies. Students with an entrepreneurial spirit can establish their own companies and engage in business activities in the field of entrepreneurship.