history of the department

Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Business Administration started its activities on December 10, 1979, with 100 students within the Trabzon Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences (TAECS), established under Law No. 7334 dated June 20, 1978. Following the acceptance of Law No. 2547 on Higher Education on November 4, 1981, the Department of Business Administration continued its activities under the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (FEAS) after the transformation of TİTİA into FEAS by the Decree Law No. 41 dated July 20, 1982.

The Department of Business Administration in the Trabzon Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences, which started its education in the historical wooden building known as Nemlizade Mansion in Boztepe Neighborhood of Ortahisar District, moved to the Kanuni Campus after the transformation of the Academy into a faculty in 1982. It continued its education on the ground floor of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering. For approximately 14 years, the Department used classrooms of the different departments. On October 3, 1996, the department moved to the fourth floor of the new FEAS building and continues its activities there. Operating with a second shift program between 1992-2019, the Business Administration Department has provided numerous graduates in the field of management through its undergraduate and graduate programs and continues to contribute to employment.

The Department of Business Administration actively comprises a total of six academic divisions, including "Accounting and Finance," "Management and Organization," "Production Management and Marketing," "Quantitative Methods," and "Commercial Law" and "Cooperativism." Additionally, the Department of Business Administration offers master's program with a thesis, master's program without a thesis, and doctoral program. With approximately 1,500 students, the department is currently staffed by 17 professors, 2 associate professors, 3 lecturer PhD, 1 lecturer, 9 research assistants, and 1 administrative staff. Over the years, the Department of Business Administration, with its academic staff, has contributed significantly to both the literature and the business world by supporting its students.

[1] The Law Decree No. 41 on the Organization of Higher Education Institutions was amended and enacted as law on August 23, 1983 (published in the Official Gazette No. 18003 on March 30, 1983)