european solidarity corps (ESC)

The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) is a new European Union initiative that aims to meet societal needs by creating opportunities for young people to volunteer, work or network in projects that benefit society in their home country or abroad while promoting their personal, educational, social, civic and professional development.

It brings young people together to build a more inclusive society, support vulnerable people, and respond to societal challenges. The program offers an inspiring and empowering experience for young people who want to help, learn, and develop themselves.

The program adds value to the Volunteering program, formerly known as the European Voluntary Service, under the current Erasmus+ and other EU funding programs.

The European Solidarity Corps was established by Regulation 2018/1475 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

According to Article 11 (1) (b) (i) of Regulation 2018/1475, Türkiye's participation in the European Solidarity Corps is limited to volunteering activities, solidarity projects and networking activities. Negotiations between Türkiye and the European Commission on Türkiye's participation in the European Solidarity Program have been ongoing for some time, and the signature of the accession agreement is about to be completed.



Young people aged 17-30 can register on the European Solidarity Corps Portal. Participants aged 18 and over can receive invitations to participate in solidarity-themed projects from organizations with access to the database. In addition, these organizations can make project announcements on the portal in order to receive direct responses from young people.



As a volunteer within the European Solidarity Corps Program,


  1. You will contribute and provide assistance to communities in need. Since this is unpaid work that you choose to do voluntarily, you will not receive a salary. However, your travel, accommodation, meals, and insurance expenses will be covered, and you will also receive a certain amount of allowance.
  2. This is an experiential learning opportunity that will boost both your personal and professional development. Throughout your volunteer experience, you will have the opportunity to receive training before, during, and after your volunteering period. A mentor will assist you in setting clear goals and guide you on how to achieve them. Additionally, you will have the chance to enhance your language and cross-cultural skills, learn to live independently, overcome challenges, and work within a team.
  3. Living in another country and exploring that country, gaining knowledge about different cultures, or making new friends will inevitably be part of your volunteering experience.
  4. Through your volunteer experience, you will bring new ideas and a multicultural spirit to the organizations and local communities where you volunteer.
  5. By participating in the European Solidarity Corps Program, you will become part of a community. Upon your return, you can stay connected with a broader community of former volunteers, share your experiences, and communicate with other young individuals in your country, inspiring them.
  6. At the end of your participation in a volunteer project, you will receive a certificate documenting your involvement.

For details, please visit the web page: