İŞKUR internships

İŞKUR Internship Portal is a completely free platform, like other İŞKUR services, where high school, university, master's, and doctoral students can see available internship positions in private sector workplaces. Employers can find internship positions in their companies for internship candidates with the qualifications they are looking for (Visit: https://staj.iskur.gov.tr/).

Students who want to do an internship must be registered with İŞKUR. You can inquire whether you are registered as an applicant on the screen you will go to by pressing the start application button, and you can easily create your applicant registration and follow the internship portal user guide and instructions and benefit from our internship portal service.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply?

All high school, university, master's, and doctoral students who meet the application criteria stipulated in the available internship position can apply for internship postings.

How will the evaluation be done?

Internship candidates can see all the advertisements on the system and apply to the advertisements that are suitable for their qualifications. Employers invite the applicants to an interview among the internship candidates they deem appropriate.

How many days do I have to apply for internship postings in the system?

Internship announcements can be published for a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 90 days from the date of publication. The 90-day period can be extended by İŞKUR for up to 120 days in parts.

How long is the internship period?

The duration of the internship varies according to the internship positions applied for.

Will my insurance be covered during the internship process?

Yes, within the scope of Article 5/b of the Social Security and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510, occupational accident and occupational disease insurance will be made by the educational institution you are affiliated with.

Do I have to do an internship in that company if I receive an offer from the companies as a result of the application?

You do not have such an obligation.

Can I cancel my internship application if I cannot attend the internship?

You can cancel your application in case of not participating in the internship.