our graduates

Birgül META

2004, graduate with a double major in Finance and Business Administration from Karadeniz Technical University, currently working as a Senior Credit Risk Specialist at the World Bank.

Hello! After graduating with a double major in Finance and Business Administration from Karadeniz Technical University in 2004, I worked as a Treasury Specialist at the Undersecretariat of Treasury between 2004 and 2010. Subsequently, I completed a Master's program in Finance at George Washington University in the United States. Currently, I continue my career as a Senior Credit Risk Specialist at the World Bank in the United States. If you wish to get in touch, you can contact me via bmeta@worldbank.org.


İlker Murat AR

2003, Graduate of Business Administration, currently serving as the General Director at the T.C. Ministry of Industry and Technology.

I graduated from the Department of Business Administration at Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in 2003. Following that, I pursued a Ph.D. degree in the Department of Business Administration and continued my academic career in the same department. After various assignments in public institutions, I am currently serving as the General Director of Industry at the Ministry of Industry and Technology. I want to express my gratitude to all the faculty members, especially the professors in the Department of Business Administration, for their significant contributions. I take pride in being an alum of Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Business Administration, which not only provided valuable professional knowledge but also contributed significantly to my personal development through social and sports opportunities.



2007, Graduate of the Department of Business Administration, T.C. Ministry of Justice – Administrative Law Judge

Hello, I graduated from the Department of Business Administration at KTU Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. After working in the private sector for a while, I passed the exam for administrative law judge in 2013. I started my career as a judge candidate in Trabzon in 2014. Between 2015 and 2020, I worked as a member of the Istanbul Administrative Court. Currently, I am serving as a member of the Erzurum Administrative Court.


Lokman ERCİN

2004, Graduate of Business Administration | Danone - Sales Manager in Türkiye

I graduated from the Department of Business Administration at Karadeniz Technical University in 2004. Between 2004 and 2009, I worked as a Sales Manager and Commercial Marketing Manager at Pepsi. In 2010, I joined Danone. After holding positions as Regional Manager, Regional Director, and Regions Manager in different regions, I currently serve as the Sales Manager for Türkiye as of March 2022. During my time in the department of Business Administration at Karadeniz Technical University, thanks to the activities of the Business Club, I gained not only academic knowledge but also invaluable experience in organizing, teamwork, and networking. My recommendation to all my fellow students is not to neglect internships, foreign language proficiency, and club activities alongside academic success. I extend my respect and love to all my teachers and fellow students.



2023, Graduate of Business Administration | Top Student of the Department

Dear esteemed friends who will join the Department of Business Administration,

Firstly, I would like to congratulate you all. As you know, the conditions of the world we live in are becoming more complex day by day, and the responsibilities assigned to us are increasing. Individuals who are not aware of this change unfortunately cannot adapt to these difficult conditions, facing both financial and spiritual problems. Therefore, everyone should acquire the necessary skills for the set goals by preparing themselves and striving for success in these conditions.

As Business Administration students, the courses you will take in the first year will show you the general functions in business and how these functions are related to each other. It will be beneficial for everyone to choose a specific area (Accounting, Marketing, or Management and Organization, etc.) by the end of this year and take elective courses related to that area.

According to my experience, I have some humble advice on how to be successful in this department.

The beginning of this journey is attending classes regularly and keeping track of your own grades. If there is a topic you do not understand or have difficulty with, be sure to ask your instructor. If you cannot ask the instructor, you can go to the research assistants in the department and ask any questions you want (the academic staff is very thoughtful; just take the first step and ask for help from them). When your classes are over, clean up the notes you took that day, and make sure that you have everything in your pocket by checking the relevant book if there is something you did not understand while doing this. This process may seem very difficult and time-consuming to some, but believe me, you can complete all topics in a maximum of 2 to 3 hours. If you study the areas you had trouble with from your notes during the midterm and final period, your work related to school lessons will be completed. The lessons you will take at school will give you the necessary clues about working life, but these may not be sufficient.

What will ensure our adaptation to the constantly changing world we live in is continuous learning. Some skills that used to be special for the older generation have become a necessity for us. Having at least a basic level of foreign language, computer usage, and knowledge about information technologies and artificial intelligence is indispensable for a business administration student. You can get an idea of these by spreading them out during your 4-year undergraduate education. Now, you don't need to go to a course; you can find everything online. Of course, you may get bored and tired at times, but you can motivate yourself by remembering your goal without falling into unhappiness and despair.


Without extending it too much, I want to remind you of one thing again: the most important stage of this process and the thing that will help you create your route is to determine your goal by the end of the first year and plan accordingly (Academician, financial advisor, marketer, manager, etc.).

Believe me, these 4 years pass very quickly, and everyone begins to reap the fruits of what they have sown. By attending classes, taking notes, exchanging ideas, making friends, and helping each other, you can have a very enjoyable undergraduate life with the direction of a certain goal. I wish you all success.