The mission of the department is to provide strong and reliable support to the education, research, and community services carried out by Karadeniz Technical University using technology and financial resources effectively. These services are practiced within the framework of laws through the dynamic administrative organization and personnel structure of the University. For this purpose, as the Directorate of Student Affairs, planning the future of our institution will provide a better performance, more efficient, and more modern service. We are aware that the developing and changing world will include organizations with a more global and flexible structure and will not recommend organizations with a caste structure that is unsuitable for the era. We also know that we have this obligation regarding the mission we have undertaken as a service area because we produce domestic and international relations and services. Due to our universal structure, it is obligatory to provide this service in the most modern and generally accepted way. Our studies within the principles of education and training are not only related to a narrow area within the institution but also to other institutions and organizations that have or may have relations with other institutions and organizations.
Our vision is to create a modern administrative structure that is recognized on national and international platforms and open to sustainable development. Quality service consists of quality personnel, equipment, and related production. Lack of one or more of these factors prevents quality service (production) because we provide services as an institution. In general, the Directorate of Student Affairs forms the infrastructure of student services which are most important in achieving the contemporary goals of our University. For this reason, it should not be overlooked that the Directorate is one of the representatives of our University. Therefore, the more organized, productive, and contemporary it is, the more honorable it will be. The main aim should be to bring this unit to the desired level.