


Placement Examination

With the Placement Exam held on the days and times predetermined in the School Academic Calendar at the beginning of each academic year, foreign language levels of the following students are determined:

a) Undergraduate and graduate students who have enrolled for the first time in one of the departments and programs of the university where there is a compulsory preparatory year of education,

b) Students who do not have a compulsory preparatory class in their programs but want to receive preparatory education optionally, and

c) Students who have transferred (from another university to KTU, to a similar or the same department; from an associate degree program or a distance learning program to an undergraduate program; or through the Central Placement Test) from Turkish programs to programs in which the language of instruction is 30% or 100% English.

If the students who take the Placement Exam get a grade below the grade threshold (B1 level) determined by the Administrative Board, they are placed directly in a suitable level class in the preparatory class without taking the Exemption Exam.

The Placement Exam does not provide exemption from the preparatory class.

It is obligatory for every student to take the Placement Exam. Students who do not take the Placement Exam are not allowed to take the Exemption Exam.

Students who have just registered to our university do not need to apply to the School of Foreign Languages ??if they do not take the Exam. Those students are placed in A1 Level classes.

As stated in the School of Foreign Languages Implementation Directive, the School of Foreign Languages can apply exams, or can use the exams of an independent institution.

“Prior to each academic year, the School may have an independent institution take all or part of the Placement Exam and English Proficiency (Exemption from the preparatory year) Exams administered at the beginning of each academic year, in line with the decision of the School Board, provided that they are announced in advance in the academic calendar. This institution has to be an institution that has equivalence in the European Union and the countries of the world, and makes level determination on the basis of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.”

The Placement Exams to be held in the 2022-2023 academic year are planned to be held internet-based in computer laboratories. In this context, our students should have detailed information about the Placement Exam. Follow the links below for information about the Exam.

IMPORTANT: Because the Placement Exam will be held in a computerized environment, it is of great importance for our students to bring their own headphones to the exam hall in order to listen to the parts in the listening part of the Exam.


What is Oxford Placement Test?

Oxford Placement Test Instructions

Sample OPT Report (Examination Result Document)