Message from Department Head

Dear Students,

Our department began its educational activities on December 10, 1979, under the Trabzon Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences (TITIA) and became part of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (FEAS) in 1982. Our master's and doctoral programs started in 1984 and 1988, respectively. We have a strong academic staff specializing and conducting research in areas such as Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics, and Economic Policies. Our department offers a comprehensive education to our students through both theoretical and practical courses.

As the Department of Economics, one of our fundamental principles is to create an environment where rights, law, and justice are upheld at the highest level. These values are also the most important guides in our university's academic and administrative processes. By adhering to the principles of justice and equality, we aim to provide an academic environment where everyone can express themselves freely and reach their highest potential.

We are committed to progressing as a department that respects the ideas and thoughts of each individual in the light of democracy and ethical values. With a participatory and transparent management approach, we value and consider each of your opinions and contributions. By adhering to the principle of meritocracy, we reward success while ensuring that everyone is evaluated fairly. Prioritizing professional ethics, we adopt principles of honesty and reliability in our scientific research and educational processes.

I would also like to welcome our new students. You are the most valuable individuals who will shape the future of our Department, our University, and, of course, our country. Here, we will provide you with all the opportunities that will support your academic achievements, contribute to your personal development, and help you reach your career goals. Additionally, we will offer every kind of support necessary for you to take an active role in projects that contribute to society with a sense of social responsibility and to take advantage of educational opportunities abroad through the Erasmus+ exchange program. Ensuring that our new students joining our Department have the best experience both academically and socially during their time here will be one of our top priorities.

We believe that success and happiness can only flourish in a fair, equal, and transparent environment. As the Department of Economics, we will make every effort to support the academic and personal success of our current and new students. I am confident that, together, in solidarity and cooperation, we will advance our University and our Department even further.

I wish you all a successful, healthy, and happy academic year.

Prof. Dr. Seyfettin ARTAN

Head of the Department of Economics