Exam Rules

Exam Application Rules

  1. Students must be present in the designated exam hall at least ten minutes before the start of the exam. Supervisors are responsible for arranging seating arrangements. Entering the wrong exam or a location other than the designated classroom will invalidate the exam.

  2. Each student must write their name, surname, and student ID number on the exam paper at the beginning of the exam and sign the exam paper.

  3. Students must keep their ID cards with them and placed visibly on the desk, removed from wallets, throughout the exam. Students without valid identification will not be admitted to the exam.

  4. Supervisors may change students' seating without giving a reason, both before and during the exam.

  5. At the beginning of the exam, students must sign the "Attendance Sheet". Those who sign this sheet are responsible for submitting their exam papers.

  6. During the exam, no questions can be asked to instructors, except regarding errors in questions or typos.

  7. Unless otherwise specified by the course instructor, leaving the exam during the first 15 minutes is prohibited.

  8. Students should ideally arrive in the exam room before the exam begins; however, latecomers within the first 15 minutes due to valid reasons may still be admitted. Once the exam has started, no student will be admitted to the exam room, even if it has not been 15 minutes since the exam started.

  9. Students present in the exam hall during the distribution of questions are considered to have started the exam. Therefore, students must have already made a definite decision about whether or not to take the exam.

  10. After viewing the questions, students cannot leave the exam without signing the exam sheet and submitting the exam paper.

  11. Keeping mobile phones on, even if they are turned off, and accessible places for students are prohibited during the exam. The use of headphones, mobile computers, Bluetooth devices, recording devices, etc., and any communication devices is prohibited.

  12. Drinking water is allowed during the exam; however, eating is prohibited.

  13. Students who complete their exams and submit their exam documents to the supervisor must leave the exam room without returning to their seats. Students who finish their exams in this way cannot return to their seats or enter the exam room again before the exam is completely finished by saying things like "my bag, my book, my coat are left."

  14. The student sitting in the row is responsible for exam-related writings on walls or floors and documents under and around the row. Before starting the exam, students should check their rows, erase such writings if they exist, and inform the supervisor before the exam starts.

  15. Students who do not write their names on the exam paper or do not sign the attendance sheet will have their exams invalidated.

  16. Each student is responsible for their own paper until they leave the room. During the exam and when submitting the exam paper, each student must ensure the security of their own exam paper, keeping it hidden from other students' view.

  17. Students who have completed the exam should not wait in the corridor, enter other exam rooms, or communicate with or signal to students who are still taking the exam.

  18. The course instructor or authorized faculty member is responsible for being present during the exam and ensuring that the exam rules are followed by walking through the exam rooms. The exam rules are enforced by supervisors. Supervisors must be present in the exam room at least 10 minutes before the exam starts.

  19. Supervisors must explain the general rules of the exam and specific instructions for that exam loudly before the exam begins.

  20. The supervisor must be present at their desk when the student submits their exam paper and must check and take the exam paper at the time of submission. The supervisor should not allow the student to leave the exam room after submitting their exam paper by leaving the exam documents (question and answer sheets) on the supervisor's desk while conducting inspections in the exam room.

  21. During the exam, the supervisor must keep their mobile phone on silent mode and refrain from making phone calls in the exam room except in cases related to the exam.

  22. Supervisors must not keep or read materials such as newspapers, magazines, or books in the exam room, must not talk to each other in a way that distracts students' attention, and must not create noise.

  23. Supervisors must count and check the exam documents.

  24. Supervisors must sign the attendance sheet and deliver the exam documents (question and answer sheets) together with this sheet to the course instructor or the authorized faculty member in charge to complete their duties.

  25. Students may not bring materials such as class notes, dictionaries, calculators, books, etc., into the exam room, except those required for the exam. If brought, such materials must be placed on the ground or away from the student, such as on radiators, and not placed near the student or on the desk.

  26. Faculty members present in the exam room will report to the administration with a memorandum regarding students who disrupt the exam rules, disrupt the conduct of the exam for a long or short period, insult exam supervisors, leave the exam room before the announced time, or refuse the exam supervisors' regulations regarding the exam.

  27. Cheating or attempting to cheat in any form during exams is not allowed. The Higher Education Institutions Student Discipline Regulation penalizes "cheating or attempting to cheat in exams" with a "suspension from the institution for one or two semesters." Additionally, those who cheat, attempt to cheat, or are involved in cheating are considered to have failed the exam they entered and all other exams in the penalized period thereafter. According to the same regulation, the offense of "admitting someone else to take the exam in one's place" requires "expulsion from the higher education institution," and an investigation is opened against the person who took the exam in their place.

  28. If supervisors have doubts about cheating, they will prepare a cheating report. This report will specify the name of the exam, whether the exam is classic or multiple-choice, whether the question paper and answer sheet are separate, the start time of the exam, and the time of the cheating incident, the nature of the cheating (looking around, talking, looking at written materials, etc.), and if there are any cheating materials, they will be added to the report. The report will also indicate whether the student's behavior disrupted the exam organization after the supervisor intervened in the cheating process.

  29. It is forbidden for students to talk to each other during the exam, ask for pens, erasers, or similar materials. Supervisors consider such actions as attempts to cheat and take action.

  30. During the exam, students must sit properly and avoid looking around. Supervisors in the exam room may warn students about this. If warnings are not heeded, actions regarding cheating will be taken.

  31. Faculty members present in the exam room will prepare a report and remove students who cheat by preparing a report. Administrative proceedings will also be initiated against these individuals.

  32. If cheating is detected during the exam, the supervisor will prepare a cheating report. This report will specify the name of the exam, whether the exam is classic or multiple-choice, whether the question paper and answer sheet are separate, the start time of the exam, and the time of the cheating incident, the nature of the cheating (looking around, talking, looking at written materials, etc.), and if there are any cheating materials, they will be added to the report. The report will also indicate whether the supervisor intervened in the cheating process and if the student's behavior disrupted the exam organization.