external projects

Type of The Project Head of The Projects Researcher/Advisor/Etc. Topic Commencement Date Expiration Date
TUBITAK Prof.Dr. Fevzi Karslı

Prof. Dr. Erhan Coskun

Asst. Prof. Fevzi Das

Asst. Prof. Mustafa Dihkan

Lecturer Emirhan Ozdemir

Development of a New Algorithm for Automatic Smoothing of Boundary Building Geometry from Point Cloud Data and Integration into Commercial Software 01.06.2024 01.06.2026



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pembe Ipek Al Prof. Dr. Zameddin Ismailov First Order Linear Normal Differential Operators and Spectral Analysis in Weighted Hilbert Spaces 01.06.2023 01.06.2024
TUBITAK Prof.Dr. Yasemin Sagiroglu Uğur Gözütok Differential Invariants of Hypersurfaces 01.10.2019 01.10.2020



Prof. Dr. Erhan Coskun

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Merdan

Prof. Dr. Elcin Yusufoglu

Prof. Dr. Alaaddin Esen

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Merdan

Industrial Mathematics Graduate Education Workshop

04.01.2023 14.01.2023