prospective student

General Information


Mathematics is a science that studies the properties of numbers, shapes, structures, space and change. The main goal of mathematics is to define and understand abstract concepts and the relationships between these concepts and to use this knowledge to solve various problems.

Airtmetic is a mathematical field that deals with numbers and simple calculations.

Algebra deals with equations, polynomials and abstract structures (groups, rings, fields)

Geometry studies the properties of shapes in space such as points, lines, surfaces and solids.

Analysis deals with the concepts of continuity, limits, derivatives and integration.

Topology is the study of properties of objects independent of their shape and size.

Applied mathematics deals with the application of mathematical theories and methods in other basic sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology, and other disciplines such as engineering, economics, statistics.

Mathematics is a fundamental instrument for solving everyday problems, conducting scientific research and advancing technological developments. It also plays an important role in developing mathematical thinking, reasoning, problem solving and analytical skills.

Founded on September 19, 1963, our department is one of the first departments of our university. Until the 1971-1972 academic year, it taught only the basic sciences courses of the Engineering departments until it started teaching its own students. The Department of Mathematics, which started undergraduate education in addition to the basic sciences courses of other faculties as of 1971-1972 academic year, started doctoral education in 1973-1974 academic year and master's education in 1981-1982 academic year and continues to teach mathematics at three levels as undergraduate, master's and doctorate. The department started to teach Mathematical Engineering in the 1974-1975 academic year, but later abandoned this program. In the 2008-2009 academic year, the English preparatory program was started in regular education and at the same time, the second education program was started. As of June 2024, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs are being carried out in our department.

As of June 2024, we have 425 active students.

The mission of the department is to be a department that provides its students with the mathematical and social education required by the digital age and carries out education and research activities with expert academicians in appropriate physical conditions with professional administrative service understanding.

The vision of the department is to ensure the all-round development of our students by providing a limited curriculum of basic mathematical concepts that are universally accepted to be appropriate for the undergraduate level at the level of Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis and Synthesis, and by providing the opportunity for minor and double major education in other fields of interest, especially in information technologies. For the graduate level, the aim is to introduce current research topics by examining more advanced mathematical concepts at the aforementioned pedagogical levels and to provide students with the knowledge and skills to conduct research activities.

Education and Teaching


The Department of Mathematics is one of the oldest departments of our university and aims to educate students who are equipped with the mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities needed by the society with its 61 years of history and experienced and dynamic staff. The department offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs.

The undergraduate program usually lasts four years and offers students a comprehensive education in various areas of mathematics. The master's and doctoral programs provide the opportunity to conduct more advanced research and contribute to the development of the profile of academics in mathematics.


We enroll around 80 students in our program every year. After the first two years of mandatory mathematics and auxiliary courses, starting from the third year, students are allowed to develop themselves in certain areas of mathematics in line with their preferences with elective courses called "departmental technical optional". On the other hand, elective courses called "social (cultural) optional" allow students to develop themselves in the social (cultural) fields of their choice.


Our department is staffed by experienced and expert academics who are nationally and internationally recognized. Our academicians guide our students in various fields of mathematics.

In addition to educational activities, our department carries out various research projects and publications at national and international level. Seminars and workshops are organized with the participation of students and academicians.

As of the spring semester of 2024, our department carries out education and research activities with an academic staff of 42 people, including 14 Professors, 10 Associate Professors, 8 Assistant Professors, 1 Lecturer, 1 Lecturer and 8 Research Assistants. In addition to its own undergraduate students, the mathematics education of the students of the Science and Engineering Faculties of our University is also carried out by the academicians of our department.

Internship Program

There is no obligatory internship in our department. However, internship applications of our students who want to do internship are received through BYS and insurance premiums for a certain part of the internship period are covered through the Department of Health, Culture and Sports.


The curriculum of the Department of Mathematics includes introductory courses in the following areas

  • Analysis and Theory of Functions
  • Algebra and Number Theory
  • Geometry
  • Fundamentals of Mathematics and Mathematical Logic
  • Topology
  • Applied Mathematics

Please click here for Course Information Packages, Course Curricula, Course Compliance Programs, Course Catalogs of our department.

Exchange Programs

Student exchange programs at our university are carried out by the Exchange Programs Coordinatorship of the Foreign Relations Office. Exchange programs provide our students with the opportunity to receive education and internship opportunities in Turkey and abroad. Within the Exchange Programs Coordinatorship:

1) Erasmus+ Exchange Program Unit
2) Farabi Exchange Program Unit
3) Mevlana Exchange Program Unit
There are 3 different units.  For detailed information about exchange programs, you can check the page of our university's Exchange Programs Coordination Office.


The Department of Mathematics carries out its internal and external activities and duties through the dean's office to which it is connected and the rectorate as the parent institution within the framework of the broad vision it draws. The partners that the Department of Mathematics interacts with and is asked to interact with can be summarized as TUBITAK, SPO, Employer Companies ( Private Schools, Banks), Universities, Research Institutions, Institutes, Graduates.

Alumnies and Employment

Dilek Yazgan
Math Teacher
MEB (Mınıstry of National Education)

Sinan Albayrak

Software Specialist
Agito Software

Cihan Kayar 

General Manager

Ugur Schools

Kübra Karacair
Research Asisstant
Karadeniz Technical University

Graduates of mathematics departments are employed in many fields related to their professions in the public and private sectors, such as

  • Postgraduate education and academic career 
  • Teaching
  • Data Proccesing
  •  Banking
  • Trade and Finance
  • Research and Development
  •  Software Development
  • Manufactoring and Production Management
  • Planning
  • Accounting
  • Communication
  • Data-Base Management

as well as academic careers. Mathematicians analytical thinking and problem solving skills are in demand in many fields.

Minimum Base Score Requirements

Mathematics Department Central Placement Quotas and Base Points by Years





Base Score

 with 0.12 Coefficient 

Maximum Score

 with 0.12 Coefficient 


Base Score

 with 0.12 Coefficient 

Maximum Score

 with 0.12 Coefficient 


Base Score

 with 0.12 Coefficient

Maximum Score

 with 0.12 Coefficient 










YÖK Atlas Department Information

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