exam rules



1.1 Examinations are conducted at the times and places indicated in the academic calendar and in the examination schedules prepared by department chairs.

1.2 Students are not allowed to bring cell phones, pagers, wireless communication devices, headphones, radios, weapons, cutting tools, advanced electronic calculators, cameras, recording devices, or any other advanced electronic and mechanical devices into the examination rooms. If students are found to have any of these items after the start of the exam, these students will be removed from the examination room. Additionally, students with books, notebooks, course notes, dictionaries, magazines, or similar publications will not be admitted to the examination rooms.

1.3 The student who submits their answer sheet must leave the examination room immediately and quietly without waiting. Students are not allowed to wait in the examination rooms, corridors, or foyer areas.

1.4 If a student scribbles, tears, or fails to submit their answer sheet, their exam will be considered invalid, and disciplinary proceedings will be initiated against them.

1.5 Students who disrupt the exam environment, cheat, attempt to cheat, provide answers to others, assist others, take exams for others, or allow others to take exams for them will be removed from the examination room, and their exams will be considered invalid. Additionally, the exams of students who are found to have engaged in dual or mass cheating in multiple-choice exams will be considered invalid. Disciplinary proceedings will be initiated against students involved in these actions.

1.6 Students are not allowed to smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc., during the exam.

1.7 Students are allowed to have water, candies, etc., with them during the exam.

1.8 During the exam, students are not allowed to talk to each other, exchange pens, erasers, calculators, etc., get up from their seats, turn around, or hold their papers in a way that others can see them.

1.9 Except for health reasons, students who leave the examination room for any reason will not be readmitted.

1.10 Writing the answers to questions and taking them out of the examination room is not permitted. Exams of students who do not comply with this rule will be considered invalid.

1.11 Students taking the exam must have their photo ID with them. Students whose photo on the student ID card or special identification document raises suspicion or does not match will not be admitted to the exam under any circumstances. Additionally, if requested, the student must present a second identification document such as a passport, ID card, driver's license, as a special identification document.

1.12 Students arriving late for the exam will not be given extra time.

1.13 Students who want to enter the exam room 15 minutes after the exam has started will not be admitted.

1.14 No student will be removed from the examination room until the attendance register is signed.


2.1 Exam durations will be announced verbally by examiners before the exam begins and will be indicated on the question papers.

2.2 The format of the exam, whether it will be multiple-choice, essay-based, fill-in-the-blank, short-answer, mixed, penalty for wrong answers, or any other method, is decided by the course instructor.

2.3 Optical answer sheets specially printed for multiple-choice exams will be used. Only a pencil is allowed for any marking or writing on the optical sheet.

2.4 Before the exam starts, check the question paper given to you. If there are any unreadable, defective, or missing parts, inform the examiner.

2.5 Do not argue with the examiner about questions you think are incorrect or have no answer. In such cases, attempt to answer every question and mark the answer you believe is correct.

2.6 No talking or questioning of the examiner is allowed during the exam.

2.7 For multiple-choice exams, only one option should be marked for each question on the answer sheet. Multiple or conflicting answers will be considered incorrect.

2.8 Students must adhere to all instructions given by the examiner during the exam. The examiner may change a student's seat if necessary.

2.9 Exams of students who do not write their name, surname, student ID number, and group on the answer sheet, write them incorrectly, or encode another number will be considered invalid.

2.10 Visually impaired students are accommodated in a separate room with a helper and are given 30 minutes more than the regular exam duration.

2.11 Physically disabled students who cannot use their hands are placed in a separate room with a helper.

2.12 Physically disabled students taking the exam are allowed to go to the restroom with the assistance of a staff member.

2.13 Students with disabilities such as leg or foot disabilities, epilepsy, kidney problems, etc., take the exam together with non-disabled students.

2.14 Students with temporary injuries such as broken arms, legs, or feet due to accidents are accommodated in a separate room, taking their temporary condition into account.

2.15 Do not leave your seat until the examiner collects the answer sheets at the end of the multiple-choice exam.


PREPARED BY                                                                                  APPROVED BY

Hasan CEVAHİR                                                                                              Prof. Dr. İrfan ACAR

Faculty Secretary                                                                                  Dean