prospective students




Our department was established in 1963 as part of the Faculty of Basic Sciences at Karadeniz Technical University. Until the academic year 1971-1972, physics courses were offered by other faculties until students were admitted to the Physics department. Physics undergraduate and, for a period, Physics Engineering education were conducted until 1981. With the Higher Education Institutions Law numbered 2547 and the law numbered 2809 published in the Official Gazette on March 30, 1983, the name of the Faculty of Basic Sciences was changed to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Since 2010, it has continued its education, teaching, and research activities as part of the Faculty of Science. The Physics Department includes sub-disciplines in General Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Solid-State Physics, Nuclear Physics, and High Energy/Plasma Physics. In these disciplines, there are 13 professors, 1 associate professor, 1 doctoral faculty member, 1 lecturer with a doctoral degree, and 4 research assistants.

Until the year 2010, a credit system was implemented in the Physics Department. Starting from the academic year 2010-2011, in line with the Bologna Process, the department transitioned to the workload-based ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) within the framework of the Bologna Process. Upon successfully completing the courses equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS credits over eight semesters and achieving a weighted GPA of at least 2.00 on a scale of 4.00, students are awarded a Physics undergraduate diploma. Our graduates have the option to pursue academic careers, and after taking pedagogical formation courses, they can also work as teachers in both public and private educational institutions. Graduates find employment opportunities in various public institutions, research and development centers (such as TÜBİTAK Gebze Marmara Research Center, National Metrology Institute, Turkey Energy, Nuclear and Mining Research Institute, Technoparks, etc.), and organizations related to the electronic and defense industries (such as Aselsan, Roketsan, etc.). They can also work in medical centers, computer companies, and sales and service companies for technical devices. Furthermore, by taking the necessary courses, they can become certified occupational health and safety experts.

In our department, Physics graduate and doctoral programs, as well as doctoral programs in Renewable Energy Sources/Technologies, are conducted under the umbrella of the Institute of Science. Additionally, master's programs in Health Physics are offered under the Institute of Health Sciences.

The department, situated within the Karadeniz Technical University Kanuni Campus (Central Campus), provides services to hundreds of students each year through its dedicated department building with classrooms and laboratories. In addition to undergraduate courses, Physics-I, Physics-II, Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Optics, Electronics, Modern Physics, and Nuclear Physics student laboratories are offered to support the educational process. Research activities in our department cover areas such as Superconductors Physics, Semiconductors Physics, Nuclear Physics, Radiation Physics, Gamma and X-ray Spectroscopy, and Particle Physics. There are specialized research laboratories in Solid-State Physics, Atomic Physics and Nuclear Physics, Low-Temperature Physics, Thin Film Coating, Radiation and Environmental Physics, as well as Sol-Gel and Spectroscopy. Furthermore, the department houses a Liquid Nitrogen Production Unit that provides liquid nitrogen to various institutions.


Educational Objectives


Starting from fundamental concepts such as gravity, light, and energy, you can embark on a journey through the universe of physics with bright ideas from scientific pursuits like quantum physics, solid-state physics, nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics, and particle physics. The curriculum also explores scientific concepts like quantum mechanics, dark energy, and the God particle, along with attractive applications of physics such as maglev trains, X-ray diffraction, and gamma spectroscopy.


Our Students

Our students, including undergraduate and postgraduate students, can contribute to science while still in their student years by participating in national and international projects. They also learn firsthand how the scientific project process works and how the outcomes are transformed into presentations, papers, and publications.


Our Academics

Faculty members in our department actively contribute to cutting-edge science as project leaders and researchers in numerous national and international scientific projects. Various research groups, such as the Yılmaz Research Group, Electromagnetic Guidance and Acceleration Research Group (EMGA), NucPAp, and Gamma and X-Ray Application Research Group (GXARG), have been established with the same goal of advancing knowledge through collaborative work and research.



General Physics

Solid-State Physics

Atomic and Molecular Physics

Nuclear Physics

High-Energy Physics


Pedagogical Formation

Our department offers the opportunity for students who wish to receive pedagogical formation training, free of charge. Pedagogical formation is a document that enables individuals who are not graduates of education faculties to become teachers. This opens up an additional field for our students to work in after graduation.


Exchange Programs

Student exchange programs at our university are managed by the Exchange Programs Coordination Office of the International Relations Office. These programs provide opportunities for our students to receive education and internships both domestically and internationally. Within the Exchange Programs Coordination Office, there are three different units:


Erasmus+ Exchange Program Unit

Farabi Exchange Program Unit

Mevlana Exchange Program Unit

For detailed information about exchange programs, you can refer to our university's Exchange Programs Coordination Office page.


Course Information

You can access information about the undergraduate courses offered in our department and their contents through this link.

Laboratory and Application

As a research university, our department provides interdisciplinary research and application opportunities for our students to reinforce the theoretical knowledge gained during their education in practical settings. In the Physics Department, student laboratories are offered both as standalone courses and as practical components within the curriculum for certain courses. Numerous undergraduate, postgraduate, and research laboratories are available for our students and academics to conduct their work. Below, you can find a list of our laboratories.

Student Laboratories 

•Mechanics-Electromagnetism Laboratory
•Optics Laboratory
•Heat and Thermodynamics Laboratory
•Vibrations and Waves Laboratory
•Modern Physics Laboratory
•Nuclear Physics Laboratory
•Solid-State Physics Laboratory

Araştırma Laboratuvarlarımız


1- Spectroscopy Laboratory
2- Environmental Radiation Laboratory
3- Atomic and Nuclear Physics Laboratory
1- Solid-State Physics Lab.
2- Sol-Gel Lab.
3- Thin-Film Coating Lab.
4- Low-Temperature Physics Research Application Laboratory
5- Ellipsometry Room



Alumni and Employment

The career opportunities for graduates of the Physics Department are quite diverse. Graduates who aspire to build careers outside academia, leveraging the analytical thinking and problem-solving skills gained through their physics education, find themselves qualified for various fields. These fields range from the banking sector to the defense industry (ASELSAN, ROKETSAN, HAVELSAN) and extend to many other areas.

Double Major and Minor Programs

To obtain information about Double Major and Minor Programs (application, acceptance, registration conditions, etc.), click here.