


2024 YOKDIL II course

School of Foreign Languages

What is YÖKDİL Exam?

YÖKDİL Exams are Foreign Language Proficiency Level Determination Exams conducted centrally by the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) under the instructions of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) in our country. YÖKDİL is an exam conducted with the multiple-choice test method that measures foreign language knowledge in terms of grammar, reading, comprehension and vocabulary.


What is YÖKDİL Course Content?

In YÖKDİL courses, language proficiency training and testing techniques training are provided. This course covers topics such as English grammar, paragraph recognition, reading comprehension, and vocabulary and provides skills in these subjects. There will be 9 hours of lessons per week. Our course will last 13 weeks.


What is the Required Level for YÖKDİL Course?

It is recommended that trainees who want to participate in YÖKDİL courses have at least pre-intermediate (A2-B1) level English knowledge, have successfully completed the preparatory class in the last 3 years, or have received at least 35 points from one of the exams previously held by ÖSYM in the last three years.


Who Can Register?

Academic staff, master's students and doctoral students can attend this course to receive points to use in their academic studies.


What are the Course Start and End Dates?

06 May 2024 - 01 August 2024


What days and times is the course held?

It is held face to face in the School of Foreign Languages ??building on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 17.15 and 20.00.

How can I register?

Registration for university students is made online through the KTU/BYS system between 11 March 2024 and 06 May 2024. Registration for candidates who are not university students can be made at Our special campaign price for this period is 5,000 TL for all trainees. This fee is the total fee. No installments.


To register for this program;

If you are a KTÜ student, select the "YÖKDİL II 2024" course from the "Kurslarım" tab in the "KTÜ BYS" system and follow the following procedures after 3 from the "Kayıt" menu.


* If you are not a registered KTU student, follow the steps below:

1. Click on the "Kayıt" tab at, register with the required information and then verify your e-mail.

2. After verification, log in to

3. Select “Kurs İlanları” from the “Eğitim ve Kurslar” tab.

4. On the page that comes up, click on the “Kayıt” tab and create your registration.

5. Deposit the course fee of 5,000 TL to Ziraat Bank's IBAN number "TR 8300 0100 1225 1182 5144 5010" (Recipient: K.T.Ü. Circulating Capital Accounting Office) with the description "YÖKDİL II 2024 Course". Writing a description is essential for payment identification.

6. Upload the image of the receipt in "PDF FORMAT" to the receipt upload section in the "Kurslarım" tab in the "KTÜ BYS" system.

7. Send an e-mail containing your name, surname, course name and mobile phone information along with the image of the receipt to


Click for the onlinektu link…


Contact info:

0462 377 44 36
