

1. Management of Internationalization Processes
Activities carried out within the scope of international protocols and collaborations are systematically measured to evaluate whether the targets have been achieved, and measures to be taken in subsequent years are determined. The Exchange Programs Coordination Office at Karadeniz Technical University conducts an online survey for students who have gone abroad with Erasmus to monitor the outcomes of these collaborations. Additionally, to track results, our department's Erasmus coordinator holds meetings with students upon their return from Erasmus to assess and improve the process. The number of outgoing and incoming students, the direction and diversity of student mobility, the mobility of faculty members, the scientific activities of faculty members, and academic collaborations are measured and evaluated. The management and organizational structure of internationalization processes have been institutionalized. In our department, the person responsible for the management of international processes is Lecturer Dr. Zeynep ŞAHİN TİMAR.

2. Resources for Internationalization
Within the framework of strategic activity areas, the department's vision focuses on internationalization along with innovation and entrepreneurship. Due to the contribution of internationalization to the quality of education and research and development, the expectation from international collaborations is to enhance the creative, exploratory, and intercultural high-quality characteristics of scientific research and educational capacity. Therefore, internationalization is among the primary goals of the institution, and there are fundamental indicators set in this regard. International exchange programs are utilized at the level of research and development activities as well as faculty and students. The department has Erasmus agreements with five different universities in four different countries. Additionally, efforts are ongoing to establish new agreements.

3. Internationalization Performance
Internationalization performance is monitored. The monitoring mechanisms and processes are well-established, sustainable, and there is evidence of steps taken for improvement.

Student Mobility

Click here to access the webpage of our University's Exchange Programs Coordination Office.

The data pertaining to our department from past years are shown in Table 1 and Table 2.


Table 1. Erasmus KA-103 Study Mobility Outgoing Student Statistics by Year

Academic Year Number of Outgoing Students
2024-2025 4
2023-2024 7
2022-2023 2
2021-2022 6
2020-2021 2
2019-2020 6
2018-2019 6
2017-2018 8
2016-2017 1


Table 2. Erasmus KA-103 Internship Mobility Outgoing Student Statistics by Year

Academic Year Number of Outgoing Students
2023-2024 4
2022-2023 2
2021-2022 2
2017-2018 1

National and International Joint Programs and Joint Research Units

Our department includes faculty members who serve as working group (WG) members in COST Actions. Table 1 shows the working groups that our faculty members have participated in over the years.

Table 1. Working Groups Participated by Our Department's Faculty Members Over the Years

Faculty Member

Cost Program Role
Dr. Mustafa Hakan BOZKURT CA22137 - Randomised Optimisation Algorithms Research Network (ROAR-NET) Working Group Member (2023,2024)
Dr. Mustafa Hakan BOZKURT CA21131 - Enabling multilingual eye-tracking data collection for human and machine language processing research (MultiplEYE) Working Group Member (2023,2024)
Dr. Mustafa Hakan BOZKURT CA21169 - Information, Coding, and Biological Function: the Dynamics of Life (DYNALIFE) Working Group Member (2023,2024)
Dr. Zeynep Şahin TİMAR CA19104 - advancing Social inclusion through Technology and EmPowerment (a-STEP)

Working Group Member (2022,2023,2024)

Vice Chair (2023,2024)

Dr. Zeynep Şahin TİMAR CA19122 - European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics (EUGAIN)

Working Group Member (2022,2023,2024)

Chair (2023,2024)

Dr. Işılay BOZKURT CA21131 - Enabling multilingual eye-tracking data collection for human and machine language processing research (MultiplEYE) Working Group Member (2023, 2024)
Dr. Işılay BOZKURT CA21169 - Information, Coding, and Biological Function: the Dynamics of Life (DYNALIFE)

Working Group Member(2023, 2024)