strategic goals and objectives

GOAL 1 – To Increase the Quality of Education for Qualified Graduates with an Innovative and Student-Centered Approach

Objective 1.1 - Increasing the Recognition of Programs and Enhancing the Level of Preference for Qualified Students

Objective 1.2 - Developing Education Programs, Learning Resources, and Academic Support Services with a Focus on Quality

Objective 1.3 - Improving Graduate Education in Terms of Quantity and Quality

Objective 1.4 - Continuously Improving Teaching and Learning Services

Objective 1.5 - Enhancing the International Dimension of Education


GOAL 2 – To Conduct Research Sensitive to the Needs of Society and Economy by Strengthening the Quality of Being a Research-Oriented University

Objective 2.1 - Enhancing Institutional Research Capacity

Objective 2.2 - Increasing the Quality Level of Research

Objective 2.3 - Enhancing Interaction and Cooperation in Research

Objective 2.4 - Encouraging Student Participation in Research Processes and Supporting Entrepreneurial Potential

Objective 2.5 - Increasing the Effectiveness of Application and Research Centers (UYGAR)


GOAL 3 – To Enhance Institutional Capacity with a Focus on Quality 

Objective 3.1 - Increasing Efficiency in Managerial Processes and Developing Qualified Administrative Workforce

Objective 3.2 - Enhancing Quality

Objective 3.3 - Meeting Spatial Needs and Developing Infrastructure

Objective 3.4 - Increasing Institutional Belonging and Developing Institutional Culture

Objective 3.5 - Increasing Financial Resources and Managing them in Line with University Objectives


GOAL 4 - To Contribute to Local, Regional, National, and International Development and Strengthening the Perception of KTU 

Objective 4.1 - Contributing to the Development of Society by Disseminating Knowledge

Objective 4.2 - Cooperating with External Stakeholders

Objective 4.3 - Strengthening the Quality and Diversity of Healthcare Service Delivery According to National and International Needs

Objective 4.4 - Generalizing activities carried out within the scope of sustainable development goals

Objective 4.5 - Strengthening Alumni Relationship Management, Monitoring Job Placement, Career Development, and Improving Employer/Alumni Satisfaction Rates