
2024 Bachelor's Graduation Ceremony was held in our Department Amphitheatre

2024 Bachelor’s Graduation Ceremony was held in our Department Amphitheatre


KTU Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department’s Graduation Ceremony was held.


The 2024 Graduation Ceremony of the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering was held on 27 June 2024. Our Rector and Department Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI, Head of Department Prof. Dr. Aykut ÇANAKÇI, Department Faculty Members, students and their families attended the ceremony.


The ceremony started with the speech of our Head of Department Prof. Dr Aykut ÇANAKÇI.


The ceremony started at 10:30 at the Department Amphitheatre with the tribute and the Turkish National Anthem and continued with the speech of Prof. Dr. Aykut ÇANAKÇI, Head of the Department. The mission and vision of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, the point it has reached today, and the activities carried out within the framework of MÜDEK accreditation were mentioned. Head of the Department emphasised to the graduated students that they should consider justice, merit, loyalty and respect as their life motto in the future and ended his words by expressing his good wishes and thanks.


The Award ceremony and Cap Throwing Ceremony started after the speech of our Rector Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI


In his speech, Rector Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI mentioned the well-established structure of Karadeniz Technical University and the significance of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.  Emphasising that the greatest investment is education and training, he also shared his recommendations and expectations from the graduating students for their future careers. He ended his speech by greeting and congratulating the graduates.

After the speech, plaques were presented to our first 3 department students who ranked according to their GPA. After the speech of Suna BİLİCİ, who graduated from the department with the first rank, certificates of appreciation were presented to our students and supervisors who took part in the projects carried out by TUBITAK and TAI. All students were invited to the stage, the engineering oath was taken and the cap throwing ceremony was held. The ceremony ended with the graduating students pinning their names on the Graduation Log and photo shoot.


We congratulate all our students and wish them many more successes in the future as KTU Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department.

Our students who graduated with degrees;

1st Suna BILICI

2nd Cagdas COBAN

3rd Rumeysa CENGIZ




02 July 2024