analog communication laboratory

Important Points About the Operation of Analog Communication Laboratory

  • Attendance to the laboratory is mandatory at 80%. Those who do not participate in 20% of the experiments will fail due to absence and will not be allowed to take the end-of-term exam.
  • Having the "Experiment Guide" printouts related to the experiment with you during the experiment will greatly facilitate your work.
  • Before coming to the experiment, theoretical preparations regarding the experiment should be meticulously done, and the experiment guide should be carefully read.
  • Before coming to the experiment, a preparation report related to the experiment should be prepared and brought to the experiment. Preparation reports will constitute 1/3 of the weekly experiment grades.
  • Preparation questions for the experiment will be published weekly via the following experiment preparation questions link.
  • The laboratory supervisor checks the pre-preparations at the beginning of the class. If necessary, they ensure that the preparation is done by the student by asking questions.
  • Each student in the group will actively participate in the experiment, and will be involved in connection and measurement operations. The experiment performances of the students will constitute 1/2 of the weekly experiment grades.
  • At the end of the experiment, everyone must prepare a "Experiment Report" as a group and this report must be submitted online within a week. Reports not submitted within the specified time will not be accepted, and the Experiment Report grade will be given as (zero) '0'. The experiment report constitutes 1/2 of the weekly experiment grade.
  • The "Experiment Report" is a document and must be prepared with care. The Experiment Report should include the introduction of the experiment, theoretical preliminary information and calculations, the implementation of the experiment, the measurement results obtained in the experiment, a general evaluation of the results, and, if requested by the experiment responsible, simulations and results made in MATLAB, Proteus, Multisim, Eagle, etc. circuit drawing programs, comparison of simulation, measurement, and theoretical results.
  • The midterm grade will be calculated by taking the average of the weekly experiment grades obtained from preparation reports, experiment performances, and experiment report grades. The final exam will be in written form.
  • Students detected copying in preparation reports and experiment reports will have their grades calculated as "0".
  • Simulation experiments are explained through MATLAB. It will be beneficial for students to learn MATLAB usage. Thanks to our university's agreement with Mathworks, free MATLAB licenses have been assigned to our students' extension email addresses. By clicking on the Mathworks registration link, our students who register with their extension emails can use MATLAB for free. Also, the document MATLAB USAGE FOR ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS may help you before simulation experiments. Our students can learn about MATLAB usage by consulting this document.
  • Download and fill out the experiment report cover on your computer.


Google Clasroom Connection

Experiment Guides