design project


Engineering Design is one of the compulsory courses that must be taken in the 4th year autumn term. It is a prerequisite for the Graduation Project course in the Spring Term. While our students are in the 3rd year spring semester (April-May), they choose 5 topics they want to study within the scope of Engineering Design course. The Head of the Department distributes the students to the faculty members according to the subject preference. Thus, students can continue their studies in the summer months and apply to TUBITAK Support Programmes for their projects in September, since their Project Advisors are known before they start their summer holidays. Students who do not make a subject preference in April-May must make this preference at the latest in September during the Add-Drop week. In addition to the course software, students enrolled in the Engineering Design course in the Spring Term are required to select Engineering Design subjects using the link address given in the Application Files section below. This process must be completed within the first 2 weeks of the Spring term. In the 3rd week, counsellor assignment will be made. Students should carefully read the explanations and files given on this page in order not to be victimised.



  1.     Prepare your Engineering Design project file in accordance with the Application Directive and Writing Rules.
  2.     You can use the Engineering Design and Graduation Project Template File while preparing the Engineering Design file.
  3.     Make sure that the file you have prepared meets the requirements specified in the Engineering Design Submission Requirements Form. Fill in and sign the form and attach it to your Engineering Design book after having your project supervisor sign it. It should be noted that if the statements in this form are incorrect, the Engineering Design project file will not be accepted and disciplinary action will be taken against students who make false statements. (If a workshop on interdisciplinary work has not been organised or an application has not been made within the scope of the course, only this part of the form can be left blank to be completed in the Graduation Project).
  4.     When naming your file, please consider the explanations on page 3 of the Engineering Design and Graduation Project Writing Guide.
  5.     Upload your Engineering Design file as .PDF from the online upload interface. In team works, it is sufficient to upload a single file on behalf of the group by naming it as explained in the previous article.



Engineering Design Project Presentations are held within the last three days of the final exams at the end of each semester within the framework of the programme announced by the head of the department. Each project is given 20 minutes in the presentation programme. This time is shared equally among the group students who prepare the project. A maximum of four students can be in a group. Students are expected to prepare and present their presentations very well so as not to be boring.

5. SUPPORT FILES (Rules, Guidelines, Appendices, Auxiliary Files)

 How to write e-mails and correspondence?

5.1. Instructions and Guidelines

1. 1. Engineering Design and Graduation Project Roadmap (.pdf)
1.2. Engineering Design and Graduation Project Implementation Directive (.pdf)
1.3. Engineering Design and Graduation Project Writing Guide (.pdf)
1.4. Engineering Design and Graduation Project Template File (.doc)

5.2. Appendices

2.1a. IEEE Etik Kuralları (Türkçe) (.doc)
2.1b. IEEE Etik Kuralları (Türkçe) (.pdf)
2.1c. IEEE Etik Kuralları (English) (.doc)
2.1d. IEEE Etik Kuralları (English) (.pdf)

2.2a. Realistic Constraints Form (.doc)
2.2b. Realistic Constraints Form (.pdf)
2.3a. Experience of Working in Multidisciplinary Teams Form (.doc)
2.3b. Experience of Working in Multidisciplinary Teams Form (.pdf)
2.4.   Engineering Design Submission Requirements Form
2.5.   Engineering Design Jury Evaluation Form (For information purposes)

5. 3. Auxiliary Files

3.1. Article writing format (.doc)
3.2. Experiment Design Manual (pdf)
3.3. Project introduction summary (.doc)
3.4. Poster Template (.doc)
3.5. Engineering Design Jury Evaluation Form (For information purposes)

5. 4. TUBITAK 2209/Applications