graduation project


Graduation Project is one of the compulsory courses to be taken in the 4th year spring semester. In order to be enrolled in the Graduation Project course, it is compulsory to have passed the Engineering Design course, which is a prerequisite course. The subject studied during Engineering Design is also the subject of the Graduation Project.  Students continue the Graduation Project with their Engineering Design advisors and realise the prototype they designed during Engineering Design. After passing the Engineering Design course, students are expected to enrol in the Graduation Project in the following semester and continue their projects with the same teammates. It is not recommended to continue the Graduation Project after a semester break. Students should read the explanations and files given on this page carefully in order not to be victimised.

WARNING: Continuing the project in the Engineering Design course does not mean that the Graduation Project course is software. Like other courses, you must enrol in the Graduation Project course in the semester you take it.

For Engineering Design and Graduation Project, each student is required to fill out the "Graduation Project-Engineering Design Pre-Registration and Preference Form" in order to be assigned an advisor. Since it is not possible to assign an advisor to students who do not fill out the form on time, students who do not fill out and submit the form on time will directly lose the semester from these courses.

Students are required to fill out the form by determining their subjects and the lecturers they want to be their counsellors until the deadline.

It is useful to discuss your preference with your lecturers. Click the link for contact information.

The reason why the Engineering Design and Graduation Project advisor and thesis determination applications are determined before the start of the autumn semester is that the project supports of institutions such as TÜBİTAK are made at the beginning of the autumn semester. It is necessary to complete the TUBITAK Project application procedures in the summer months and complete them by October.

You can use the links below to get information about TUBITAK undergraduate project supports.

2209-A - University Students Research Projects Support Programme
2209-B - Undergraduate Research Projects Support Programme for Industry


  •     The Engineering Design advisor is also the Graduation Project advisor.
  •     No change of advisor will be allowed except in compulsory cases.


If you are continuing the Graduation Project in the semester following the Engineering Design course, you only need to enrol in the course. You can continue the project topic in the Engineering Design course with the same team and supervisor without any other action. However, if you will continue the Graduation Project after at least one semester break, you need to get information from the Department Head. In this case, it is possible to continue your work with a new topic and a different supervisor. You should act according to the explanations in the Engineering Design and Graduation Project Road Map file.


Graduation Project file (book) submission has two stages, one for the first and one for the last submission. These stages are given below in order. This sequence is actually a kind of checklist of what the student needs to do. Careful follow-up will prevent them from falling victim.

Before Project Submission:

1) Complete the deficiencies in the file you prepared and submitted at the beginning of the semester within the scope of the Engineering Design course. You can use the files below for this.

2)  During the semester, complete your work on the Graduation Project with your teammates under the supervision of the project advisor.

3) In addition to what you have done within the scope of the Engineering Design course, add what you have done in the Graduation Project to your project book. In particular, additions should be made to the 5th Experimental Study section and the Experimental Results subheading in the 6th Results section. Depending on these new additions, new additions may also be required in the 7th Evaluations, References and Appendices section.

4) When you complete your Graduation Project Book as a team and make it deliverable, check whether it meets the Graduation Project Delivery Conditions.

5) Fill in and sign the Graduation Project Delivery Conditions Form. Have your project supervisor sign it and add it to your Graduation Project Book after "CVs".

First Submission:

6) In this first Graduation Project file submission, a file will be submitted on behalf of the Graduation group. When naming your file for the first submission, please consider the explanations on page 3 of the Engineering Design and Graduation Project Writing Guide.

7) Graduation Project deadline is announced in the academic calendar for each semester. Please upload the file you have prepared from the interface addressed below until this date.


8) After the first submission of the projects, the Graduation Projects Presentation Programme will be announced during the Final Exams. The projects included in this presentation programme are the projects that meet the Graduation Project Delivery Conditions. Therefore, please make sure that these conditions are met before submitting your project. Later objections or correction requests will not be accepted.

9) If your project is included in the presentation programme, prepare a presentation poster to be used during the presentation programme. One poster is sufficient for each project. While preparing your poster, you can use the project templates given at the bottom of this page. Or you can make your own design, provided that you stick to the content.

10) Please upload the poster you have prepared until one day before the start of the presentation programmes via the Graduation Project Poster Submission address given below.


11) It is obligatory to be in the Graduation Project Exhibition area on the days and times specified in the Presentation Programme. The prototypes developed within the scope of the project are exhibited open to visitors during the presentation programme. The evaluation jury visits the exhibition and evaluates the projects for which they are the jury and fills out the Graduation Project Jury Evaluation Form and submits it to the Department Head.

12) During distance education, the Graduation Projects exhibition will not be held face-to-face.  For this reason, the presentation programme will be made online and the jury members will make their evaluations in online presentations. The online presentation programme and meeting access addresses will be announced separately on the department web page.

Deadline for Submission:

13) Students who are eligible to participate in the Graduation Project exhibition and presentation programme and who are successful at the end of the presentations will submit their Graduation Project books not on behalf of the group at this stage, but under their own names after making the final corrections, if any.

14) In other words, each student will give his/her own number and name to the project and upload it online. Regarding this final submission, it is obligatory to follow the explanations made on page 4 of the Engineering Design and Graduation Project Writing Guide.



Graduation Projects are exhibited within the last three days of the final exams at the end of each semester within the framework of the programme announced by the head of the department. Students who exhibit their projects for 3 days and their project advisors are given a certificate of participation.

  •     2021-2022 Spring Term Graduation Projects Summary Book
  •     2022-2023 Spring Term Graduation Projects Summaries Book
  •     2021-2022 Graduation Projects Poster Show
  •     2022-2023 Graduation Projects Poster Show

5. SUPPORT FILES (Rules, Guidelines, Appendices, Auxiliary Files)

 How to write e-mails and correspondence?

5.1. Instructions and Guidelines

1. 1. Engineering Design and Graduation Project Roadmap (.pdf)
1.2. Engineering Design and Graduation Project Implementation Directive (.pdf)
1.3. Engineering Design and Graduation Project Writing Guide (.pdf)
1.4. Engineering Design and Graduation Project Template File (.doc)

5.2. Appendices

2.1a. IEEE Etik Kuralları (Türkçe) (.doc)
2.1b. IEEE Etik Kuralları (Türkçe) (.pdf)
2.1c. IEEE Etik Kuralları (English) (.doc)
2.1d. IEEE Etik Kuralları (English) (.pdf)

2.2a. Realistic Constraints Form (.doc)
2.2b. Realistic Constraints Form (.pdf)
2.3a. Experience of Working in Multidisciplinary Teams Form (.doc)
2.3b. Experience of Working in Multidisciplinary Teams Form (.pdf)
2.4. Graduation Project Submission Conditions Form
2.5. TUBITAK Project closure form (Could be downloaded from TUBITAK page. Valid for those who receive TUBITAK support)

5. 3. Auxiliary Files

3.1. Article writing format (.doc)
3.2. Experiment Design Manual (pdf)
3.3. Project introduction summary (.doc)
3.4. Poster Template (.doc)
3.5. Graduation Project Jury Evaluation Form (For information purposes)

5. 4. TUBITAK 2209/Applications


ATTENTION: Those who use the graduation projects / theses on this site in their own work must cite the source they use in accordance with the format below. Otherwise, the users are deemed to have accepted all legal responsibilities. Author's Name and Surname, "Title of the Graduation Book Subject", Karadeniz Technical University, Of Technology Faculty, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Graduation Project, Year. If there is more than one author, all names should be written by placing a comma between them.