microwave and antennas laboratory

Important Points About Microwave Antenna Laboratory Operation

  • Laboratory attendance requirement    is 80% . Those who do not participate in 20% of the experiments will fail due to absenteeism and will not be admitted to the final exam.
  • It will be very convenient for you to keep the "Experiment Sheet" printouts regarding the experiment with you during the experiment.
  • Before coming to the experiment, theoretical preparations for the experiment should be made meticulously and the experiment sheet should be read carefully.
  • Every student actively participates in the experiments and contributes to the measurement processes.
  • Individual reports must be prepared after the end of the relevant experiment (some experiments will last more than 1 week) and submitted online by the beginning of the course the next week.
  • The midterm exam grade will be calculated by taking the average of the weekly test scores obtained from the preliminary preparation for the experiment, test performances and test report notes. The final exam will be in written form.
  • For each experiment, 50% of the experiment note consists of effort and interest during the experiment and 50% is the experiment report.
  • It is the student's responsibility to perform laboratory experiments  at the correct frequency and in the correct manner .
  • Coming to the experiment without preparation and lack of preparation are sufficient reasons not to be admitted to the course .
  • Reports regarding the experiment must be submitted via " Google Classroom ".

Microwaves and Beyond


Test Sheets