
Our Student's Success

Interuniversity International CTF Competition was hosted by BTK Academy.

In the CTF held with distinguished universities of Türkiye & England;

10 teams from Turkey and 10 teams from England competed.

In this valuable competition, the winning teams in the fierce competition of students from all over our country received prize money!

KTÜ Cyber ??Security Club (@ ktusec ), including our EHM 2nd year student Alperen GECE , came 5th in the Interuniversity International CTF Competition. We congratulate them and wish them success.

1- Warwick University 

2- Kütahya Dumlupınar University [ Kütahya Dumlupınar University ]

3- Istanbul Technical University [ Istanbul Technical University ]

4- Cambridge University [ University of Cambridge ]

5- Karadeniz Technical University [ Karadeniz Technical University ]

6- University College London 

7- Middle East Technical University [ Middle East Technical University ]

8- Imperial College London

9- Kırıkkale University [ Kırıkkale University ]

10- Fırat University [ Fırat University ]

15 May 2024