bilimsel yayınlar

2014 Yılı

 2014 Yılında Bölümümüzde Üretilen Bilimsel Çalışmalar


SSCI- SCI- AHCI Kapsamında Yayımlanan Makale Sayıları  


1.       Çanakçi A., Varol T., "Microstructure and properties of AA7075/Al-SiC Composites Fabricated using Powder Metallurgy and Hot Pressing", POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 268 (2014) 72-79.

2.       Çanakçi A., Erdemir F., Varol T., Dalmış R., Özkaya S., "Effects of A New Pre-Milling Coating Process on The Formation and Properties of an Fe-Al Intermetallic Coating", POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 268 (2014) 110-117.


SCI Expanded ? EI-ECONLIT-CCI-CMCI-IM-CIJE-DI-MLA_DOAJ-EBSCO Kapsamında Yayımlanan Makale Sayıları  


1.    S. Kerli, U. Alver, A. Tanrıverdi, H. Yaykaslı, ?Boron and fluorine doped ZnO films obtained from zinc chloride precursor via chemical spray pyrolysis? Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces,   50 (6) , ( 2014),  797?802.


2.    S. Kerli and Ü. Alver, ?Effect of F_Doping on Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of NiO thin Films? Crystallography Reports, , 59 (7)  (2014) 1103?1106.


3.    Çanakçi A., Varol T., Erdemir F., Özkaya S., Mindivan H. , "Microstructure and Properties of Fe-Al Intermetallic Coatings on the Low Carbon Steel Synthesized by Mechanical Alloying", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 73 (2014) 849-858.


4.    Varol T., Çanakçi A., Özşahin Ş., "Prediction of The Influence of Processing Parameters on Synthesis of Al2024-B4C Composite Powders in A Planetary Mill using an Artificial Neural Network", SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS, 21 (2014) 411-420.


5.    Çanakçi A., Varol T., Çuvalci H., Erdemir F., Özkaya S., Yalçin E.D., "Synthesis of Novel Cusn10-Graphite Nanocomposite Powders by Mechanical Alloying", MICRO & NANO LETTERS, 9 (2014) 109-112.

6.    Çanakçi A., Arslan F., Varol T., "Physical And Mechanical Properties of Stir-Casting Processed AA2024/B4Cp Composites", SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS, 21 (2014) 505-515.


7.    Çanakçi A., Özşahin Ş., Varol T., "Prediction of Effect of Reinforcement Size and Volume Fraction on The Abrasivewear Behavior of AA2014/B4Cp MMCs using Artificial Neural Network", ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 39 (2014) 6351-6361.


8.    Çanakçi A., Çuvalci H., Varol T., Erdemir F., Özkaya S., Yalçin E.D., "Microstructure and Abrasive Wear Behavior of Cusn10-Graphite Composites Produced by Powder Metallurgy", POWDER METALLURGY AND METAL CERAMICS, 53 (2014) 275-287.


9.    Çuvalci H., Erbay K., İpek H., "Investigation Of The Effect Of Glass Fibres Content On The Mechanical Properties Of Cast Polyamide", ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, vol.14, pp.1405-1410, 2014





Diğer Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanmış Tam Makale


1.       Çanakçi A., Varol T., Özkaya S., Erdemir F., "Microstructure And Properties of Al-B4C Functionally Graded Materials Produced by Powder Metallurgy Method", Universal Journal of Materials Science, 2 (2014) 90-95.


Ulusal Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanmış Tam Makale


1.         Nazik C., Tarakçıoğlu N., Çanakçi A., Varol T., Özkaya S., "Sytentesis of Al-B4C Composite Coating On Low Carbon Steel By Mechanical Alloying Method", Usak University Journal of Material Sciences, 1 (2014) 47-53.


2.        Çanakçi A., Erdemir F., Varol T., Özkaya S., Dalmış R., "Sytentesis of Al-B4C Composite Coating on Low Carbon Steel by Mechanical Alloying Method", Usak University Journal of Material Sciences 1 (2014) 15-22.


Uluslararası Bildiri


1.       Varol T., Çanakçi A., Özşahin Ş., "Analysis of the Prediction of Compressibility of Powder Metallurgy Al2024-B4C Composites Using Artificial Neural Networks", 7th International Powder Metallurgy Conference and Exhibition, ANKARA, TÜRKIYE, 24-28 Haziran 2014,


2.       Varol T., Çanakçi A., "Synthesis and Characterizion of Nanographite Reinforced Cu Matrix Composite Powders by High Energy Ball Milling", 7th International Powder Metallurgy Conference and Exhibition, ANKARA, TÜRKIYE, 24-28 Haziran 2014,


3.       Çanakçi A., Varol T., "Processing of AA7075 Powders From Recycling Chips by Mechanical Milling", 7th International Powder Metallurgy Conference and Exhibition, ANKARA, TÜRKIYE, 24-28 Haziran 2014,


4.       Varol T., Çanakçi A., "Effect of Mechanical Milling on The Physical And Mechanical Properties of Powder Metallurgy Al2024-B4C Composites", 7th International Powder Metallurgy Conference and Exhibition, ANKARA, TÜRKIYE, 24-28 Haziran 2014,


5.       Çanakçi A., Varol T., "The Study On The Production of Al7075-Al-SiC Composites by The Recycling Chips", 7th International Powder Metallurgy Conference and Exhibition, ANKARA, TÜRKIYE, 24-28 Haziran 2014,


6.       Özkaya S., Çanakçi A., Varol T., "Synthesis And Characterization of B4C Particles Reinforced Al-Cu-Mg Alloy Matrix Nanocomposite Powders by High Energy Mechanical Milling", 17th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, İSTANBUL, TÜRKIYE, 11-13 Eylül 2014


7.       Çanakçi A., Varol T., Çuvalci  H., Erdemir F., Özkaya S., "Production and Characterization of Bronze-Cr-Ni Composites Produced by Powder Metallurgy", 17th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, İSTANBUL, TÜRKIYE, 11-13 Eylül 2014,


8.       Varol T., Çanakçi A., Özşahin Ş., "The Prediction of Properties of B4C Particle Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites using Artificial Neural Networks", 17th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, İSTANBUL, TÜRKIYE, 11-13 Eylül 2014


9.       Çanakçi A., Erdemir F., Varol T., Özşahin Ş., Özkaya S., "Artificial Neural Network Approach For The Prediction Of Coating Thickness In Fe-Al Coatings Fabricated By Mechanical Milling", 17th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, İSTANBUL, TÜRKIYE, 11-13 Eylül 2014,


10.   Çanakçi A., Varol T., İpek H., Amran S., "The Effect Of The Contact Cycles On The Microstructure And Performance Of Electrical Contact Materials", 17th International Metallurgy and MaterialsCongress, İSTANBUL, TÜRKIYE, 11-13 Eylül 2014


11.   Çanakçi A., Varol T., Erdemir F., Özkaya S., Mindivan H., "Wear And Corrosion Behavior Of Fe-Al Intermetallic Coatings On The Low Carbon Steel Synthesized By Mechanical Alloying", 15th International Materials Symposium, DENİZLİ, TÜRKIYE, 15-17 Ekim 2014


12.   Çanakçi A., Erdemir F., Varol T., Dalmış R., Özkaya S., "Effect Of The Different Milling Process On The Formation Of Fe-Al Intermetallic Coating On Low-Carbon Steel", 15th International Materials Symposium, DENİZLİ, TÜRKIYE, 15-17 Ekim 2014,


13.   Erdemir F., Çanakçi A., Varol T., Özkaya S., "Fabrication Of Functionally Graded Al 2024/B4c Composites By Powder Metallurgy", 15th International Materials Symposium, DENİZLİ, TÜRKIYE, 15-17 Ekim 2014,


14.   ÖZTÜRK B., YALÇIN Ömer F., CORA Ömer N., ÖZTÜRK Sultan, GÖBÜLÜK M., ? Nikel Tozu İle Üretilen Mikroyapılı Yüzeylerde Üretim Parametrelerinin Gözeneklilik Ve Mikrosertliğe Etkisi ?, 7th International Materials Conference and Exhibition, ANKARA, GAZİ, 24-28 Haziran 2014,


15.   ÖZTÜRK B., YALÇIN Ömer F., CORA Ömer N., ÖZTÜRK S., GÖBÜLÜK M., ? Toz Metalurjisi Yöntemi İle Üretilen İnterkonnektör Plakaların Üretim Parametrelerinin Gözeneklilik Ve Isıl Genleşme Katsayılarına Etkisi ?, 7th International Materials Conference and Exhibition, ANKARA, GAZİ, 24-28 Haziran 2014,


Tamamlanan Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Tezler

1. KTÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, ?AA2024-B4C Kompozitlerin Özelliklerine Yaşlandırma Parametrelerinin Etkisi?, Haziran 2014,  Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisi Adnan PATIR, Tez danışmanı: Doç. Dr. Aykut ÇANAKÇI

2. KTÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, ?Mekanik Alaşımlama Yöntemiyle Nano-Parçacık Takviyeli Zn-Al Esaslı Nano-Kompozit Malzemelerin Üretilmesi, İçyapı ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi?, Temmuz 2014,  Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisi Ramazan DALMIŞ, Tez danışmanı: Doç. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI

3. KTÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, ?Toz Metalurjisi Yöntemiyle Üretilen Gözenekli Titanyum Esaslı İmplant Malzemelerin Mekanik ve Tribolojik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi?, Ekim 2014,  Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisi Zafer GÖLBAŞI,Tez danışmanı: Doç. Dr. Bülent ÖZTÜRK


Uluslararası Kitap

1.    ARIN T. ?Şekil Bellekli NiTi Alaşımlarının Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi?, Monografi, Türkiye Âlim Kitapları, 24.09.2014, ISBN 978-3-639-67116-2


Yürütülen ve Tamamlanan TÜBİTAK, SAN-TEZ, Kamu Kurum ve Kuruluşları Projeler

1. "Metal nanopartikül katkılı grafen esaslı biyouyumlu aktuator (eyleyici) sentezi, dinamik analizi ve kontrolü", TÜBITAK -114M826,  Ekim 2014

2. "Hibrit ve elektrikli araçlar için yüksek performanslı sert (kalıcı) mıknatısların hızlı katılaşma yöntemi ile üretimi ve özelliklerinin geliştirilmesi, TÜBITAK - 114M501, Ekim 2014

3. ?Nano Partikül Takviyeli Fonksiyonel Derecelendirilmiş Yeni Elektrik Kontak Malzemelerinin Üretimi Ve Karakterizasyonu?,   TÜBİTAK-114M070, Temmuz.2014

4. ?Mekanik alaşımlama yöntemiyle nano-parçacık takviyeli Zn-Al Esaslı nano-kompozit malzemelerin geliştirilmesi, içyapı-mekanik ve tribolojik özelliklerinin incelenmesi?, TÜBİTAK-213M276, Mart.2014

5. ?Katı oksit yakıt pillerinde kullanılan interkonnektör plakaların toz metalurjisi yöntemiyle üretimi ve performans değerlendirmeleri?, TÜBİTAK - 114M502, Kasım 2014



Yürütülen ve Tamamlanan Üniversiteye Yapılan Projeler

1. Canakci, A., Cuvalcı, H., Varol, T., Yalçın, E.D., Özkaya, S., ?Alüminyum-Bor karbür (B4C) Parçacık Takviyeli Metal Matrisli Nanokompozitlerin Üretimi ve Tribolojik Özelliklerinin Optimizasyonu? KTÜ BAP Projesi Proje: 2011.112.010.3 (Proje devam ediyor.)


2. Canakci, A., Cuvalcı, H., Varol, T., Erdemir, F., Özkaya, S., ?Mekanik alaşımlama yöntemiyle yeni metal ve kompozit kaplama tekniğinin geliştirilmesi? KTÜ BAP Projesi, Proje Kodu:  9582 (Proje Devam ediyor) (Yürütücü). (Bitti), 2014.1


2015 Yılı

 2015 yılında Bölümümüzde Üretilen Bilimsel Çalışmalar


SSCI- SCI- AHCI Kapsamında Yayımlanan Makaleler  


1. Kerli, S., Alver, U., Tanriverdi, A., Avar, B., Structural and physical properties of boron doped ZnO films prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis method  Crystallography Reports 60 (6), pp. 946-950 ,2015.

2. Şennik, E., Kerli, S., Alver, Ü., Öztürk, Z.Z., Effect of fluorine doping on the NO2-sensing properties of ZnO thin films,  Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 216, pp. 49-56, 2015.

3. Eskalen, H., Öz?an, Ş., Alver, Ü., Kerli, S.  Electro-optical properties of liquid crystals composite with zinc oxide nanoparticles,  Acta Physica Polonica A 127 (3), pp. 756-760,2015.

4. Varol, T., Canakci, A., The effect of type and ratio of reinforcement on the synthesis and characterization Cu-based nanocomposites by flake powder metallurgy,   Journal of Alloys and Compounds 649, 34696, pp. 1066-1074, 2015.

5. Varol, T., Canakci, A., Microstructure, electrical conductivity and hardness of multilayer graphene/Copper nanocomposites synthesized by flake powder metallurgy,  Metals and Materials International 21 (4), pp. 704-712, 2015.

6. Erdemir, F., Canakci, A., Varol, T., Ozkaya, S. Corrosion and wear behavior of functionally graded Al2024/SiC composites produced by hot pressing and consolidation,  Journal of Alloys and Compounds 644, 34100, pp. 589-596, 2015.

7. Canakci, A.Varol, T.Ozsahin, S. Artificial neural network to predict the effect of heat treatment, reinforcement size, and volume fraction on AlCuMg alloy matrix composite properties fabricated by stir casting method  International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 78 (1-4), pp. 305-317, 2015.


SCI Expanded ? EI-ECONLIT-CCI-CMCI-IM-CIJE-DI-MLA_DOAJ-EBSCO Kapsamında Yayımlanan Makaleler

1. Alver, U.Kerli, S.Tanriverdi, A.,Yaykasli, H, Synthesis of boron doped ZnO particles by hydrothermal method  Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 17 (3-4), pp. 439-443,2015.

2. Varol, T., Canakci, A., Effect of the CNT Content on Microstructure, Physical and Mechanical Properties of Cu-Based Electrical Contact Materials Produced by Flake Powder Metallurgy,  Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering  40 (9), pp. 2711-2720, 2015.

3. Canakci, A.Varol, T.Erdemir, F.,Ozkaya, S.  New Coating Technique for Al?B4C Composite Coatings by Mechanical Milling and Composite Coating ,Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics (Article in press).

4.Canakci, A.Varol, T.Cuvalci H.,Erdemir, F.Ozkaya, S., Development and characterization of bronze-Cr-Ni composites produced by powder metallurgy,   Science and Engineering of Composite Materials 22 (4), pp. 425-432, 2015.

5. Varol, T., Canakci, A., Ozsahin, S., Modeling of the prediction of densification behavior of powder metallurgy Al-Cu-Mg/B4C composites using artificial neural networks,  Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 28 (2), pp. 182-195, 2015.

6. Canakci, A.Varol, T.Cuvalci, H.,Erdemir, F.Ozkaya, S.,  Synthesis and characterization of hybrid nanocomposite powders via mechanical alloying,  Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials 45 (1), pp. 67-72, 2015.

7. Canakci, A.Varol, T.  A novel method for the production of metal powders without conventional atomization process,  Journal of Cleaner Production 99, pp. 312-319, 2015.

8. Kaftelen H., Kanar D.E. , Repp S., Weber S., Erdem E., "Investigation of Mn-doped sodium-potassium niobate ((K,Na)NbO3) ceramics by EPR and impedance spectroscopic methods", Ferroelectrıcs, vol.494, pp.1-5, 2015


Uluslararası Bildiriler

1. Ömer Akgül, S. Kerli, A. Tanrıverdi, Ü. Alver" Synthesis and Characterization Zinc Oxide-Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite", 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU9), Istanbul,  page 402, (2015)

2. Ömer Akgül, A.Tanrıverdi, S. Kerli, Ü. Alver ,"Characterization Of Graphene Oxide Produced by Hummers Method and Its Supercapacitor Applications",  9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU9), Istanbul,  page 517, (2015)

3. Ömer Akgül S. Kerli, A. Tanrıverdi, Ü. Alver, ZnO/TiO2 Metal Oxide Particles and Their Solar Cell Application", 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU9), Istanbul,  page 517, (2015) 

4. Ayça Tanrıverdi, H. Yaykaşlı, Ü. Alver, S. Kerli, "Fabrication of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) with Boron Doped ZnO Nanoparticles", 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU9), Istanbul,  page 526, (2015)

5. Ayça Tanrıverdi, Ü. Alver, Ö.Akgül, "RGO/ZnO Nanocomposite Metarial and Its Supercapacitor Performance", 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU9), Istanbul,  page 526, (2015)

6. Ayça Tanrıverdi, G. Top, Ö. Akgül, H. Yaykaşlı, S. Kerli, Ü. Alver, "NiO Nanostructures For Supercapacitors", 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU9), Istanbul,  page 527, (2015)


Tamamlanan Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Tezleri


Aluminyum-B4C parçacık takviyeli metal matrisli nanokompozitlerin üretimi, iç yapı, fiziksel, mekanik ve tribolojik özelliklerinin incelenmesi Serdar ÖZKAYA, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü,2015.


Yürütülen ve Tamamlanan TÜBİTAK, SAN-TEZ, Kamu Kurum ve Kuruluşları Projeleri


1.   ?Nano Partikül Takviyeli Fonksiyonel Derecelendirilmiş Yeni Elektrik Kontak Malzemelerinin Üretimi Ve Karakterizasyonu? TUBİTAK 114M070, Temmuz 2014.

2.     "Hibrit Ve Elektrikli Araçlar İçin Yüksek Performanslı Sert(Kalıcı) Mıknatıslarının Hızlı Katılaşma Yöntemi ile Üretimi Ve Özelliklerinin Geliştirilmesi?, TUBİTAK 114M501, Eylül 2014.            

3.   ?Metal Nanopartikül Katkılı Grafen Esaslı Biyouyumlu Aktuator (Eyleyici) Sentezi, Dinamik Analizi Ve Kontrolü?,  TUBİTAK 114M826,  Ekim 2014.         

4.      ?Katı Oksit Yakıt Pillerinde(Koyp) Kullanılan İnterkonnektör Plakaların Toz Metalurjisi(T/M) Yöntemiyle Üretimi Ve Performans Değerlendirmeleri?, TUBİTAK 114M502, Kasım 2014.   

5.      ?Hızlı Katılaştırma Yönteminde Kullanılan Melt Spinnig Cihazında Döner Diskin  Soğutma Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi?, TUBİTAK 115M113, Nisan 2015.


6.      ?Süperkapasitörler için Grafin/ZnO : B nanokompozit elektrot yapımı?, TUBİTAK 113F044, Ekim 2015(tamamlandı).


Yürütülen ve Tamamlanan Üniversiteye Yapılan Projeler


1.    ?Grafenmetal nanokompozit elektrotların üretimi ve iyonik polimer eyleyicilerde kullanımı?, BAP Arastırma Projesi,(Devam ediyor).

2. ?Yerinde toz metalürji YTM metodu ile AlAl2O3 kompozit üretimi? BAP Araştırma Projesi, (Devam ediyor).      

3. ?Zırhlı yelekler için fonksiyonel derecelendirilmiş hibrit nanokompozit malzemelerin üretimi ve özelliklerinin incelenmesi? BAP Araştırma Projesi, (Devam ediyor).       

4.?ZA27/B4C(nanoparçacık)-Grafen(nanolevha) Hibrit Nanokompozit Yatak Malzemelerinin Üretimi ve Tribolojik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi? BAP Araştırma Projesi (Devam ediyor).

2016 Yılı


2016 yılında Bölümümüzde Üretilen Bilimsel Çalışmalar


SSCI- SCI- AHCI Kapsamında Yayımlanan Makaleler


1. U. Alver, A. Tanrıverdi, and Ö. Akgül,  ?Hydrothermal preparation of ZnO electrodes synthesized from different precursors for electrochemical supercapacitors? Synthetic Metals, 211 (2016) 30-34.

2. U. Alver, A. Tanrıverdi, ?Boron doped ZnO embedded into reduced graphene oxide forelectrochemical supercapacitors? Applied Surface Science 378 (2016) 368?3743.

3. H. Kaftelen, D. E. Kanar, S. Repp, S. Weber, E. Erdem, Investigation of Mn-doped sodium-potassium niobate ((K,Na)NbO3) ceramics by EPR and impedance spectroscopic methods. Ferroelectrics 494 (2016) 1-8.

4. Özkaya S., Çanakçi A., "Effect of the B4C content and the milling time on the synthesis, consolidation and mechanical properties of AlCuMg-B4C nanocomposites synthesized by mechanical milling", Powder Technology, vol.297 Pages 8-16, 2016.

5. Madsen B., Aslan M., Hans L. (2016) Fractographic observations of the microstructural characteristics of flax fibre composites. Composites Science and Technology 123 (2016) 151-162


SCI Expanded ? EI-ECONLIT-CCI-CMCI-IM-CIJE-DI-MLA_DOAJ-EBSCO Kapsamında Yayımlanan Makaleler

1. Varol T., Canakci, A., ?The Effect of Flake Microstructure on the Preparation and Properties of Cu?Graphite Sintered Nanocomposites?, Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, Vol. 55, pp. 426-435, 2016.

2. Varol T., Canakci, A., Erdemir F., ?The Effect of Flake Powder Metallurgy on the Microstructure and Densification Behavior of B4C Nanoparticle-Reinforced Al?Cu?Mg Alloy Matrix Nanocomposites?, Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol.41, pp. 1781-1796, 2016.

3. Varol T., Canakci, A., Erdemir F., ?The Effect of Flake Powder Metallurgy on the Microstructure and Densification Behavior of B4C Nanoparticle-Reinforced Al?Cu?Mg Alloy Matrix Nanocomposites?, Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol.41, pp. 1781-1796, 2016.

4. Varol T., Canakci, A., Ozkaya S., Erdemir F., ?Determining the effect of flake matrix size and Al2O3 content on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al2O3 nanoparticle reinforced Al matrix composites?, Particulate Science and Technology, DOI.10.1080/02726351.2016.1248259, 2016.

5. Varol T., Canakci, A., Yalcin, E.D., ?Fabrication of NanoSiC-Reinforced Al2024 Matrix Composites by a Novel Production Method?, Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, DOI.10.1007/s13369-016-2295-z, 2016.

6. Varol T., Canakci, A., ?An Investigation on Wear Behavior of  Cu-Graphite Nanocomposites Prepared by Flake Powder Metallurgy?, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, DOI.10.1108/ILT-11-2015-0187, 2016

7. Ali Karaipekli, Ahmet Sarı, Alper Biçer, Thermal regulating performance of gypsum/(C18?C24) composite phase change material (CPCM) for building energy storage applications, Applied Thermal Engineering 107 (2016) 55?62.

8. Ahmet Sarı, Thermal energy storage characteristics of bentonite-based composite PCMs with enhanced thermal conductivity as novel thermal storage building materials, Energy Conversion and Management 117 (2016) 132-141.

9. Ahmet Sarı, Cemil Alkan, Alper Biçer, Thermal energy storage characteristics of micro-nanoencapsulated heneicosane and octacosane with poly(methylmethacrylate) shell. J Microencapsul 19 (2016) 221-228.

10. Tawfik A. Saleha, Ahmet Sarı, Mustafa Tuzen, Chitosan-modified vermiculite for As(III) adsorption from aqueous solution: Equilibrium, thermodynamic and kinetic studies, Journal of Molecular Liquids 219 (2016) 937?945.

11. Ali Karaipekli, Ahmet Sarı, Development and thermal performance of pumice/organic PCM/gypsum composite plasters for thermal energy storage in buildings, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 149 (2016) 19?28.

12. Dalmiş, R., Cuvalci, H., Canakci, A, Guler, O., ?Investigation of graphite nano particle addition on the physical and mechanical properties of ZA27 composites?, Advanced Composites Letters, Vol. 25, Iss.2, 2016, 37-42.(SCI-Expanded).

13. Tufan M., Akbas S., Aslan M., Decay resistance, Thermal degradation, Tensile and flexural properties of sisal-carbon hybrid composites  Maderas: Ciencia Tecnología 18(4): 599 - 606, 2016


Diğer Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanmış Tam Makale


1.    H. KAFTELEN,  Farin ilavesinin çini bünye özelliklerine etkisi, Fırat Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri dergisi, Cilt 28, sayı 2, (2016) 51-55.


2.    C. Nazik, N. Tarakcioglu, S. Ozkaya, F. Erdemir, A. Canakci, "Determination of Effect of B4C Content on Density and Tensile Strength of AA7075/ B4C Composite Produced via Powder Technology", International Journal of Materials Mechanics and Manufacturing, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 251-254, 2016. Index (SCI-EI).


Uluslararası Bildiri


1. Öztürk S., Sünbül S.E., İcin K., Öztürk B., Eroğlu M., "Melt Spinning Yöntemiyle Aa6060 Alümınyum Alaşımı Şerit Üretimi Ve İncelenmesi", International Conference on Material Science and Technology, NEVŞEHİR, TÜRKIYE, 6-8 Nisan 2016, pp.440-444

2. Öztürk S., İcin K., Kaftelen H., Öztürk B., Topal U. , Metoğlu A., "Melt Spinning Yöntemiyle Ndfeb Manyetik Tozların Üretimi Ve Karakterizasyonu", International Conference on Material Science and Technology, NEVŞEHİR, TÜRKIYE, 6-8 Nisan 2016, pp.428-433

3. Öztürk S., İcin K., Öztürk B., Topal U. , Kaftelen H., "Improvement Of Magnetıc Propertıes Of Melt-Spun Produced Nd2fe14b Partıcles Durıng Surfactant-Assısted Ball Mıllıng", Internatıonal Energy & Engıneerıng Conference, Gaziantep, Türkıye, 13-14 Ekim 2016, pp.220-227

4. Öztürk S., İcin K., Öztürk B., Topal U. , Kaftelen H., "Hızlı Katılaştırılmış Nd-Fe-B Sert Manyetik Tozların Yapısal,Termal Ve Manyetik Karakterizasyonu", Internatıonal Energy & Engıneerıng Conference, Gaziantep, Türkıye, 13-14 Ekim 2016, pp.68-81

5. Öztürk S., Sünbül S.E., İcin K., Öztürk B., Eroğlu M., "Melt Spinning Metoduyla Aa6060 Alumınyum Alaşımı Toz Üretiminin İncelenmesi", International Conference on Material Science and Technology, NEVŞEHİR, TÜRKIYE, 6-8 Nisan 2016, pp.171-176

6. Ö. Akgu?l, Ü. Alver, and A. Tanrıverdi ?Characterization of graphene oxide produced by Hummers method and its  supercapacitor applications? AIP Conference Proceedings 1722 , 280001 (2016).

7. S. Kerli , Ö. Akgu?l , and Ü. Alver ?ZnO/TiO2 particles and their solar cell application? AIP Conference Proceedings 1722 ,  280002 (2016).

8. S. Kerli,  Ü.Alver, ?Supercapacitor Behaviour of Boron Doped Cobalt Oxide Films? International Conference on  Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS), Sarajevo, page 162, (2016).

9. S. Kerli,  Ü.Alver, ?Preparation And Solar Cell Applications Of Zno/Nio Composite Particles?  International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS), Sarajevo, page 193, (2016)

10. Ü.Alver , S. Kerli, ?Zno Particles For Supercapacitor Electrodes? International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS), Sarajevo, page 758, (2016)

11.Ü. Alver, S. Kerli, ?RGO / NiO Nano Composite Powder For Supercapacitor Electrodes? International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS), Sarajevo, page 759, (2016).

12. H. Kaftelen, "Effect of Fly Ash on the Properties of Sanitaryware Ceramics", International Black Sea Mining and Tunnelling Symposium, Proceeding book, 2-4 November 2016, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, pp. 410-416 (tam metni basılmış sözlü bildiri).

13. H. Kaftelen,  D. E. Kanar, M. İtik, M.Y. Coskun, C. Sancak, " RGO Electrode Materials Prepared by Multi Step Reduction Method for Ionic Electroactive Biopolymer Actuators" Graphene, 3RD Emerging 2D Materials & Graphene Conference,  October 20-21, 2016, Hilton Kozyatagi Hotel, Istanbul, Abstract book, p.49.

14. H. Kaftelen, D. Emre Kanar, M. İtik, "One pot synthesis of Ag nanoparticles /RGO nanocomposites and their application in PVDF based polymer actuators" 12th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology conference, 03-05 June 2016, Gebze Technical University, Gebze, Türkiye.

15. Sezer R., Hızlı İ.G. , Bilen A., Ertürk S., Arslan C., "Effect of Mechanical Activation on .Roasting of Celestite Ore", International Black Sea Mining & Tunnelling Symposium, TRABZON, TÜRKIYE, 2-4 Kasım 2016, pp.461-466

16. Bilen A., Hızlı İ.G. , Sezer R., Ertürk S., Arslan C., "Investigating the Dissolution of Celestite in BaCl2 and MgCl2 Medium", International Black Sea Mining & Tunnelling Symposium, Trabzon, Türkiye, 2-4 Kasım 2016, pp.479-484

17. Madsen B., Lester C L., Mortensen U. A., Aslan M., Lilholt H. Microstructure, quantification and control of dislocations in bast?type plant fibres ECCM17, 26?30th June, 2016 Munich, Germany.

18. Varol T., Canakci A., Erdemir F., ?Tribological Performance Under dry Sliding Conditions of Copper-Graphene Nanocomposites?, 16th International Materials Symposium IMSP'2016, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey, 12-14 Oct 2016

19. Varol T., Canakci A., Ozkaya S., Cuvalcı H., ?Metallic Biomaterials: Biocompatibility and Mechanical Properties?, 16th International Materials Symposium IMSP'2016, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey, 12-14 October 2016

20. Varol T., Canakci A., Erdemir F., ?Effect of CNT content on the synthesis and characterization of Copper-CNT composites fabricated by ball milling technique?, 16th International Materials Symposium IMSP'2016, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey, 12-14 October 2016

21. Varol T., Canakci A., Yalcin E.D., Ozkaya S., ?Properties of Silicon Carbide Matrix Nanocomposites Prepared by Flake Powder Metallurgy Processing?, 16th International Materials Symposium IMSP'2016, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey, 12-14 October 2016

22. Varol T., Canakci A, Öztürk A., ?Arc erosion behavior of Cu-nanographite electrical contact materials?, 16th International Materials Symposium IMSP'2016, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey, 12-14 October 2016

23. Varol T., Canakci A., Ozkaya S., Erdemir F., ?Functionally Graded Materials?, 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS 2016), Sarajevo, Bosna-Hersek , 24-28 May, 2016, pp. 1643-1649.

24. Canakci, A., Ozkaya S., Varol T., Erdemir F., ?Investigation of Properties of CNT Reinforced HA Biocomposites Produced by Mechanical Alloying Technique?, 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS 2016), Sarajevo, Bosna-Hersek , 24-28 May, 2016, pp. 361

25. Ozkaya S., Canakci, A., Varol T., Erdemir F., ?Corrosion Behaviour of AlCuMg/B4C Nanocomposites Produced by powder Metallurgy Method?, 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS 2016), Sarajevo, Bosna-Hersek , 24-28 May, 2016, pp. 2846-2849.

26. Yalcin E.D., Canakci A., Ozkaya S., Varol T., ?Study on Microstructure and Wear Properties of B4C Nanoparticle Reinforced ZA27 Nanocomposites?, 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS 2016), Sarajevo, Bosna-Hersek , 24-28 May, 2016, pp. 2850-253.

27. Yalcin E.D., Canakci A., Cuvalci H., Varol T., ?Study on Microstructure and Wear Properties of B4C Nanoparticle Reinforced ZA27 Nanocomposites?, 1st International Conference on Engeneering Technology and Applied Sciences Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey 21-22 April 2016

28. Erdemir F., Canakci A., Yalcin E.D., Varol T., Ozkaya S., ?Development of Response Surface Methodology for Optimization of Process Parameters on the Formation of Fe-Al İntermetallic Coating?, 1st International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2016) Çukurova University, Adana/Turkey, 26-28 October 2016, pp. 2025-2030

29. Yalcin E.D., Canakci A., Erdemir F., Varol T., ?Tribological Behaviours of ZA27/Graphene nanocomposites?, International Conference on Thermophysical and Mechanical Properties of Advanced Materials (THERMAM 2016), Izmir, Turkey, 1-3 September 2016, pp. 1-7.

30. Erdemir F., Canakci A., Yalcin E.D., Varol T., Ozkaya S., ?Wear Investigation of Al2024/SiC Composites by Response Surface Methodology?, International Conference on Thermophysical and Mechanical Properties of Advanced Materials (THERMAM 2016), Izmir, Turkey, 1-3 September 2016, pp. 235-241.

31. Erdemir F., Canakci A., Varol T., ?Electrochemical Corrosion Study of Al2024/SiC Composites?, XIV. The International Corrosion (KORSEM16) Bayburt University, Bayburt/Turkey, 5-7 October 2016, pp. 26-32

32. Ozkaya S., Canakci, A., Erdemir F., Varol T., ?Mekanik Alaşımlamanın AlCuMg/B4C Nanokompozitlerinin Korozyon Davranışı Üzerine Etkisi?, XIV. The International Corrosion (KORSEM16) Bayburt University, Bayburt/Turkey, 5-7 October 2016, pp. 526-530

33. Ahmet Sarı, Bentonite/Capric Acid Composite PCMs: Preparation, Characterization and Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Characteristics, 2nd INTERNATIONAL TURKIC WORLD CONFERANCE ON CHEMICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES (2nd ITWCCST), October 26-30, 2016 in Skopje, Macedonia, Page:113-115.

34. Ahmet Sarı, Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage by Using Phase Change Materials, 2nd INTERNATIONAL TURKIC WORLD CONFERANCE ON CHEMICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES (2nd ITWCCST), October 26-30, 2016 in Skopje, Macedonia, Page:116-119.

35. Ahmet Sarı, Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Characteristics of Kaolin/Capric Acid Composite as a Building Mass with Phase Change-Energy Storage/Release Ability, International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS 2016), May 24 to 28, 2016 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, page:59-67.


36. Ahmet Sarı, Thermal energy storage characteristics of bentonitebased composite PCM with enhanced thermal conductivity, International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS 2016), May 24 to 28, 2016 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, page:68-77.


Ulusal Bildiri


1.                  S. Kerli, Ü. Alver, A. Tanrıverdi, Ö. Akgu?l, ?Production and Application of RGO/ZnO/TiO2 Composite Material? International Physics Conference at the Anatolian Peak, (IPCAP), Erzurum, page 101 (2016).


2.  A. Tanrıverdi, Ü. Alver, S. Kerli, Ö. Akgu?l, ?ZnO-Based Dyes Sensitized Solar Cell with Natural Dyes? International Physics Conference at the Anatolian Peak, (IPCAP), Erzurum, page 102 (2016).


3. Ö. Akgu?l, Ü. Alver, S. Kerli, A. Tanrıverdi, ?RGO / ZnO Composite Materials Produced from Different Zinc Salts and Investigation of Their Super Capacitor Performance? International Physics Conference at the Anatolian Peak,  (IPCAP), Erzurum, page 104 (2016)



Tamamlanan Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Tezleri



2-   Yüksek Lisans, ?Melt spinning yöntemiyle hızlı katılaştırılmış CuAl10Ni5Fe4 Alaşımı Tozlarından Kompakt Parça Üretimi ve Tribolojik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi?, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü, Haziran 2016.

3-   Deha Emre Kanar, "Metal nanopartikül katkılı grafen elektrot ve Kitosan elektrolit içeren aktuator (eyleyici) sentezi ve dinamik analizi" Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü Eylül 2016.

4-   Doktora, "Nano Partikül Takviyeli Bakır Esaslı Fonksiyonel Derecelendirilmiş Elektrik Kontak Malzemelerinin Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu", KARADENİZ TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Makine Mühendisliği / Malzeme Ocak, 2016.

5-   Doktora, "Fonksiyonel Derecelendirilmiş Al2024/SiC Kompozitlerinin Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu", KARADENİZ TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ Fen Bilimleri Ensitütüsü Makina Mühendisliği Ocak, 2016



Yürütülen ve Tamamlanan TÜBİTAK, SAN-TEZ, Kamu Kurum ve Kuruluşları Projeleri


1.    ?Nano Partikül Takviyeli Fonksiyonel Derecelendirilmiş Yeni Elektrik Kontak Malzemelerinin Üretimi Ve Karakterizasyonu? TUBİTAK 114M070, Temmuz 2014.

2.    ?Hibrit Ve Elektrikli Araçlar İçin Yüksek Performanslı Sert(Kalıcı) Mıknatıslarının  Hızlı Katılaşma Yöntemi ile Üretimi Ve Özelliklerinin Geliştirilmesi?, TUBİTAK 114M501, Eylül 2014.              

3.    ?Metal Nanopartikül Katkılı Grafen Esaslı Biyouyumlu Aktuator (Eyleyici) Sentezi, Dinamik Analizi Ve Kontrolü?,  TUBİTAK 114M826,  Ekim 2014.           

4.    ?Katı Oksit Yakıt Pillerinde(Koyp) Kullanılan İnterkonnektör Plakaların Toz Metalurjisi(T/M) Yöntemiyle Üretimi Ve Performans Değerlendirmeleri?, TUBİTAK 114M502, Kasım 2014.    

5.    ?Hızlı Katılaştırma Yönteminde Kullanılan Melt Spinnig Cihazında Döner Diskin  Soğutma Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi?, TUBİTAK 115M113, Nisan 2015.


6.    ?Süperkapasitörler için Grafin/ZnO : B nanokompozit elektrot yapımı?, TUBİTAK 113F044, Ekim 2015(tamamlandı).


7.    Metal Nanopartikül Katkılı Grafen Esaslı Biyouyumlu Aktuator (Eyleyici) Sentezi, Dinamik Analizi Ve Kontrolü, TÜBİTAK 3001, Proje no. 114M826(tamamlandı)



Yürütülen ve Tamamlanan Üniversiteye Yapılan Projeler


1.    ?Toz Metalurjisi ve Metal Şerit Yöntemleriyle Şekil Bellekli Alaşımların Üretimi ve Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi? BAP01 Projesi, BTAP9696, 2016.

2.    ?Toz Metalurjisi Yöntemiyle Co-Cr-Mo Esaslı İmplant Malzeme Üretimi ve Mekanik Özelliklerin İncelenmesi? BAP01 Projesi, 2016.            

3.    ?Zırhlı yelekler için fonksiyonel derecelendirilmiş hibrit nanokompozit malzemelerin üretimi ve özelliklerinin incelenmesi? BAP Araştırma Projesi, (Devam ediyor).       

4.    ?ZA27/B4C(nanoparçacık)-Grafen(nanolevha) Hibrit Nanokompozit Yatak Malzemelerinin Üretimi ve Tribolojik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi? BAP Araştırma Projesi (Devam ediyor).

5.    ?Zırhlı Yelekler İçin Fonksiyonel Derecelendirilmiş Hibrit Nanokompozit Malzemelerin Üretimi Ve Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi? KTÜ,  BAP.

6.    ?ZA27/B4C (nanoparçacık)-Grafen (nanolevha) Hibrit Nanokompozit Yatak Malzemelerinin Üretimi ve Tribolojik    Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi? KTÜ,  BAP.


7.    ?Grafenmetal nanokompozit elektrotların üretimi ve iyonik polimer eyleyicilerde kullanımı", KTU BAP Temel Araştırma Projesi, proje no. FBA-2015-5343.


8.    ?Polimer kompozit malzeme ile hafif gövde ve kabuk tasarımı ve üretimi? KTU BAP02 5238.




2017 Yılı

  2017 yılında Bölümümüzde Üretilen Bilimsel Çalışmalar  

SSCI- SCI- AHCI Kapsamında Yayımlanan Makaleler

1.      A.,  A. Kawasaki,  S. Ramakrishna, Physicomechanical properties of spark plasma sintered carbon nanotube-reinforced metal matrix nanocomposites, Progress in Materials Science, 90 (2017) 276-324.T. VarolAzarniya,  A. Azarniya, S. Sovizi,  H.R.M. Hosseini, 


2.      ,  P. Nithyadharseni,  H.R.M. Hosseini, S. Ramakrishna,  M.V. Reddy, Physicomechanical properties of spark plasma sintered carbon nanotube-containing ceramic matrix nanocomposites, Nanoscale 9 (2017) 12779-12820.T. VarolAzarniya,  S. Sovizi,  A. Azarniya,  M.R.R.T. Boyuk, 

3.      ., "Effect of nano-sized B4C addition on the mechanical properties of ZA27 composites", Journal Of Wuhan University Of Technology-Materials Science Edition, vol.32, pp.747-752, 2017.Çuvalci H., Çanakçi A., Güler ODalmış R.,

4.      Güler O., Çuvalci H., Çanakçi A., Çelebi M., "The Effect Of Nano Graphıte Partıcle Content On The Wear Behavıour Of Za27 Based Hybrıd Composıtes", Advanced Composites Letters, vol.26, pp.30-36, 2017.

5.        Document Bonding performance of universal adhesives to er,cr:YSGG laser-irradiated enamel, Microscopy Research and Technique,  80, (2017), 387-393.Erdemir, F.Ayar, M.K.,

6.       Erdemir, F. Study on particle size and X-ray peak area ratios in high energy ball milling and optimization of the milling parameters using response surface method, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 112, (2017), 53-60.

7.      , Artificial neural network-based prediction technique for coating thickness in Fe-Al coatings fabricated by mechanical milling, Particulate Science and Technology, Erdemir,  S. Ozkaya  S. Ozsahin,  Varol,  A. Canakci,T.

8.      Güler, O., Tribological behavior of ZA27/Al2O3/graphite hybrid nanocomposites, Particulate Science and Technology,pp. 1-9, 2017Çelebi, M., Çanakçi, A., Gökdağ, M., Çuvalcı, H.,


9.      Güler, O., Cuvalci, H., Canakci, A., Celebi, M., The effect of nano graphite particle content on the wear behaviour of ZA27 based hybrid composites, Advanced Composites Letters 26(2), pp. 30-36, 2017.

SCI Expanded ? EI-ECONLIT-CCI-CMCI-IM-CIJE-DI-MLA_DOAJ-EBSCO Kapsamında Yayımlanan Makaleler

1.      T. Varol, S. Ozsahin,  Artificial neural network analysis of the effect of matrix size and milling time on the properties of flake Al-Cu-Mg alloy particles synthesized by ball milling, Particulate Science and Technology,

2.      T. Varol, E.D. Yalcin, Fabrication of NanoSiC-Reinforced Al2024 Matrix Composites by a Novel Production Method, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 42 (2017) 1751-1764A. Canakci,

3.      T. Varol,  A. Canakci, Artificial neural network-based prediction technique for coating thickness in Fe-Al coatings fabricated by mechanical milling, Particulate Science and Technology, Erdemir,  S. Ozkaya,  S. Ozsahin, 

4.      /Fly ash hybrid composites obtained by hot forging, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 27(2017) 474-4812,  P.G. Koppad, Mechanical and thermal properties of AA7075/TiOT. VarolK.V.M. Shivananda, D.P. Girish,  R. Keshavamurthy, 

5.      T. Varol, An investigation on wear behavior of Cu-graphite nanocomposites prepared by flake powder metallurgy, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 69 (2017) pp.8-14.A.  Canakci,

Öztürk S

., Topal U. , Kaftelen Odabaşı H., Göbülük M., et al., "Enhanced Magnetic Properties of Nd15Fe77B8 Alloy Powders Produced by Melt-Spinning Technique", Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy And Materials Science, vol.48, pp.5017-5030, 2017.     İcin K., Öztürk B.,

Diğer Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanmış Tam Makale


1.      Öztürk S., İcin K., Öztürk B., Topal U. , Kaftelen Odabaşı H., "Effect of Chill Wheel Cooling on Magnetic Properties of Nd15Fe77B8 Alloy Powders Produced by Melt Spinning Method ", International Journal of Materials Science and Applications, vol.6, pp.241-249, 2017 






Uluslararası Bildiri

1.      Temel Varol, Synthesize and Characterization of Sic Nanoparticles by Mechanical Milling Technique, 3rd International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition PPM 2017, 205-209.

2.      Temel Varol, Aykut Canakçı, Application of Artificial Neural Network for Prediction of Coating Thickness in Fe-Al Coatings, 3rd International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition PPM 2017,  210-214.Fatih Erdemir, Serdar Özkaya, Şükrü Özşahin,

3.      Fatih Erdemir, Aykut Canakçı, Temel Varol, Emre Deniz Yalçın, Determining of the Effect of Heat Treatment Parameter on The Graın Sıze of AISI 316L Stainless Stell Using Taguchi Method, 3rd International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition PPM 2017, 219-222.

4.      Fatih Erdemir, Aykut Canakçı, Temel Varol, Müslim Çelebi, Serdar Özkaya, A Review on The Powder Coating with Mechanical Milling, 3rd International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition PPM 2017,  228-232.

5.      Temel Varol, Fatih Erdemir, Aykut Canakçı, Fabrication of AL2O3 Nano-Powders by a Planetary Ball Milling Without Process Control Agent, 3rd International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition PPM 2017, 233-236.

6.      Temel Varol, Şükrü Özşahin, Prediction of the Effect of Matrix Size and Milling time on the Particle Size of Flake Al-Cu-Mg Alloy Particles Using Neural Networks, 3rd International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition PPM 2017, 237-241.

7.      Temel Varol, Aykut Canakçı, Fatih Erdemir, Emre Deniz Yalçın, Electrical Contact Materials, 3rd International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition PPM 2017, 242-247

8.      Canakci A., , The Production and Characterization of B4C and Graphene Nanoparticle Reinforced Fe Based Brake Materials,8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Ekim 2017, Elazığ, TurkeyT.Varol, U. Calıgulu and S. Ozkaya, M. Celebi K.A. Arpaci,

9.      A.H. Karabacak, A. Canakci, T.Varol, F.Erdemir, S.Ozkaya, Characterization and Mechanical Properties of Al2024-SiC Nanocomposites Fabricated by Mechanical Alloying 8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Ekim 2017, Elazığ, Turkey

10.  Aykut Çanakçı, Serdar Özkaya, Ö.Yasin Keskin, Temel Varol, Fatih Erdemir, Investigating the Properties of Functionally Graded AlCuMg Metallic Foams, 2nd International Defense Industry Symposium, 6-8 Nisan 2017, Kırıkkale, Turkey

11.  Temel Varol,  Serdar Özkaya,  Fatih Erdemir, Aykut Çanakçı, Metal Foams, 2nd International Defense Industry Symposium, 6-8 Nisan 2017, Kırıkkale, Turkey.

12.  Fatih Erdemir, Serdar Ozkaya, Temel Varol,  Aykut Çanakçı, Emre Deniz Yalçın, The ballistic performance of Functionally Graded Al2024/B4C Nanocomposites, 2nd International Defense Industry Symposium, 6-8 Nisan 2017, Kırıkkale, Turkey.

13.  , The Production and Wear and Corrosion Resistance Composite bearing Material Reinforcement with Nanoparticle by Powder Metallurgy, The second of the National Defense Industry Symposium IDEFIS 2017, 6-8 April 2017, Kırıkkale, Türkiye.Aykut Çanakçı, Hamdullah Çuvalcı, Fatih Erdemir, Temel Varol, A. Hasan KarabacakEmre Deniz Yalçın,

14.  , Mechanical Properties of ZA27/Graphene Nanocomposites Produced by Powder Metallurgy Method, 1 th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology For next Generation (MsNG-2017) June 28-30, 2017, Sarajevo, BOSNIAM. Çelebi and A. Çanakçı, F. Erdemir, T. Varol,E.D. Yalçın,

15.  Karabacak, A.H., Canakci, A., Erdemir, F., Varol, T., Yalcin, E.D., ?Microstructure and Some Mechanical Properties of Al2024-B4C Composites Fabricated by Powder Metallurgy??, Icadet, 1314-1321, Bayburt, 2017.

16.  Öztürk S., İcin K., Öztürk B., Topal U. , Kaftelen Odabaşı H., "The Influence Of Solidification Rate On Hard Magnetic Properties Rare-Earth Permanent Magnetic Powder", 4Th International Conference On Materials Science And Nanotechnology For Next Generation , Saraybosna, BOSNA HERSEK, 28-30 Haziran 2017, pp.62-62

17.  Öztürk B., İcin K., Şahin Ö., Gölbaşi Z., Öztürk S., "Analytical Hierarchy Process in Material Selection", 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, BAYBURT, TÜRKIYE, 21-23 Ekim 2017, pp.693-700

18.  Öztürk S., Eroğlu M., Sünbül S.E., İcin K., Öztürk B., "THE EFFECT OF Mn AMOUNT ON THE SHAPE MEMORY PROPERTIES OF CuAlMn RIBBONS PRODUCED BY MELT SPINNING METHOD", 2nd International Conference on Material Science and Technology in Cappadocia (IMSTEC?17), NEVŞEHİR, TÜRKIYE, 11-13 Ekim 2017, pp.67-72

19.  Öztürk S., Eroğlu M., Sünbül S.E., İcin K., Öztürk B., "MICROSTRUCTURAL INVESTIGATION OF RAPIDLY SOLIDIFIED Cu(100-x)Al13Mnx (x=1-14) RIBBONS", 2nd International Conference on Material Science and Technology in Cappadocia (IMSTEC?17),, NEVŞEHİR, TÜRKIYE, 11-13 Ekim 2017, pp.187-192

20.  Öztürk S., Eroğlu M., Sünbül S.E., Gölbaşi Z., İcin K., Öztürk B., "Melt Spinning Yöntemiyle CuAlMn Şeritlerin Üretimi ve Manyetik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi", 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ICADET 2017), BAYBURT, TÜRKIYE, 21-23 Eylül 2017, pp.0-0

21.  Öztürk S., İcin K., Öztürk B., Topal U. , "Magnetic Behaviours of Dendritically Solidified Spherical NdFeB Powders and Surfactant-Active Ball Milled Particles", 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, BAYBURT, TÜRKIYE, 21-23 Ekim 2017, pp.1281-1293

22.  Öztürk S., İcin K., Öztürk B., Topal U. , Kaftelen Odabaşı H., "Effect of Wheel Cooling on Magnetic Properties of Nd15Fe77B8 Alloy Powders Produced by Melt Spinning Method", 4Th International Conference On Materials Science And Nanotechnology For Next Generation , Saraybosna, BOSNA HERSEK, 28-30 Haziran 2017, pp.63-63

23.  Öztürk B., İcin K., Gölbaşi Z., Öztürk S., "Effect of Deformation Rate on Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Pure Copper", 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, BAYBURT, TÜRKIYE, 21-23 Ekim 2017, pp.917-923

24.  Öztürk S., Sünbül S.E., Gölbaşi Z., İcin K., Öztürk B., "Production Of AA2024 Aluminum Alloy Ribbons By Melt Spinning Process", 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ICADET 2017), BAYBURT, TÜRKIYE, 21-23 Eylül 2017, ss.0-0

25.  Öztürk B., Gölbaşi Z., Öztürk S., "Effects of Tin on the Mechanical and Tribological Preoperties of Titanium-Based Implant Materials", 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ICADET 2017), BAYBURT, TÜRKIYE, 21-23 Eylül 2017, pp.512-520

26.  Ümit ALVER, Handan ÖZLÜ TORUN, Süleyman KERLİ, ?TIO2/DYE/CUI AND ZNO/DYE/CUI SENSITIZED SOLID-STATE SOLAR CELLS? Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress, September 6-10, 2017, Bodrum /Turkey

27.  Mustafa ASLAN ? The Effect of Reinforcement Content on the Mechanical and Physical Properties of the Polyester Based Carbon and Basalt Fibers Reinforced Composites? 2nd International Defense Industry Symposium, 6-8 Nisan (2017)      Kırıkkale, Turkey Onur GÜLER,  Ümit ALVER, E. Gazi KAYMAZ,

28.  Mustafa ASLAN ?The Effect of Basalt Fiber        Content on the Physical-Mechanical Properties of the Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polylactic Acid  (PLA) Composites? 2nd International Defense Industry Symposium, 6-8 Nisan (2017)      Kırıkkale, TurkeyOnur GÜLER,  Ümit ALVER, Murat KAYA,

29.  Mustafa ASLAN, Onur GÜLER,   ? Mechanical Performance  of Laminar and Tubular Carbon Epoxy Prepreg Composites by Vacuum Bag Oven Method?  2nd  International Defense  Industry Symposium, 6-8 Nisan (2017) Kırıkkale, Turkey,  Ümit ALVERKutay CAVA

30.  Mustafa ASLAN, Onur GÜLER, , Eda YÜCELOĞLU ? An Investigation on the mechanical properties of the Sandwich  Panel Composites? 2nd  International Defense  Industry Symposium, 6-8 Nisan (2017) Kırıkkale, Turkey,  Ümit ALVERKutay CAVA

31.  Mustafa ASLAN, Ümit ALVER, Onur Güler, Kutay CAVA, ?Investigation of Effect of Layer Thickness and Fan Speed on Mechanical, Surface and Microscopic Properties of 3d Printed ABS Polymers? THE 2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON 3D PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES (3D-PTS2017), 3-4 April 2017, Istanbul, Turkey

32.  Mustafa Aslan, Ümit Alver, Onur Guler, ?Tensile Properties Of Carbon/Jute Woven Fibre Reinforced Polyester Composites? International Conference on Engineering Technology and Innovation (ICETI), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, page 129,  (2017)

33.  Mustafa Aslan, Ümit Alver, Onur Guler, ? Mechanical Characterisation Of Glass/Flax Woven Fibre Reinforced Hybrid Composites? International Conference on Engineering Technology and Innovation (ICETI), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, page 128,  (2017)

34.  Ümit ALVER, Hamdullah Çuvalcı, Onur GULER, Fatih Erdemir, Dogancan Demir  ?Effects of Nitrocarburizing on the Corrosion Behavior of AISI 4140 Steel? International  Conference on Engineering Technology and Innovation (ICETI), Sarajevo, Bosnia and  Herzegovina, page 125,  (2017)

35.  Ümit ALVER, Mustafa Aslan, Onur GULER, Mustafa Enis Tas?cıoglu, ?Synthesis,  Characterization and Optical Properties of the PMMA Based Nanocomposites?  International Conference on Engineering Technology and Innovation (ICETI ), Sarajevo,  Bosnia and Herzegovina , page 126, (2017)

36.  Fatih Erdemir, The effect of process parameters on specific surface area of B4C powders in mechanical milling, 3rd International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition PPM 2017, 205-209.

37.  ., "Corrosion Properties o f ZA27/ B4C Composites Fabri cated By Powder Metallurgy", 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ICADET 2017), BAYBURT, TÜRKIYE, 21-23 Eylül 2017, pp.27-32.Çanakçi A., Çuvalci H., Erdemir FYalçin E.D.,

38.  Yalçin E.D., Çanakçi A., Çuvalci H., Erdemir F., Çelebi M., "Wear Resistance Of ZA27 Matrix Reinforced with Nanographene Particle", 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIALS SCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR NEXT GENERATION (MSNG2017), Saraybosna, BOSNA HERSEK, 28-30 Haziran 2017, pp.347-352.

39.  ., Yilmaz E., Ertürk S., Arslan C., "Investigating the Dissolution Characteristics of Strontium Sulfide", 3rd Pan American Materials Congress,, San Diego, ABD, 26 Şubat - 3 Mart 2017, pp.539-545 Sezer RHizli İ.G. , Bilen A.,

40.  Ertürk S., Arslan C., "Strontium Carbonate Precipitation With Ammonium Carbonate From Strontium Sulphide Solution", XVIIth Balkan Mineral Processing Congress ? BMPC 2017, ANTALYA, TÜRKIYE, 1-3 Kasım 2017, pp.551-555 Sezer R.,Hizli İ.G., Bilen A.,

41.  Sezer R., Bilen A., Hizli İ.G. , Ertürk S., Arslan C., "Direct Conversion of Celestite to SrCO3 by Wet Milling", TMS 2017 146th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings, San Diego, ABD, 26 Şubat - 3 Mart 2017, pp.609-614


42.  ., Ertürk S., Arslan C., "Strontium Carbonate Precipitation form Strontium Sulfide Solution", XVIIth Balkan Mineral Processing Congress ? BMPC 2017, ANTALYA, TÜRKIYE, 1-3 Kasım 2017, pp.543-550 Sezer RBilen A., Hizli İ.G.,

43.  ., Hizli İ.G. , Bilen A., Arslan C., "Roasting of Celestite in Laboratory Scale Rotary Furnace", 8th International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing, San Diego, ABD, 26 Şubat - 3 Mart 2017, pp.469-476 Sezer RErtürk S.,

44.  Ertürk S., Arslan C., "Production of Strontianite from Celestite Ore in Carbonate Media", 3rd Pan American Materials Congress,, San Diego, ABD, 26 Şubat - 3 Mart 2017, pp.607-613 Sezer R.,Hizli İ.G. , Bilen A.,

45.  A. Canakci, Ö.Y Keskin, S. Özkaya and M. Çelebi,  Production of Biomaterials by Powder Metallurgy Methods and Applications, 8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Ekim 2017,Elazığ,Turkey.

46.  A. Canakci, Ö.Y Keskin, S. Özkaya,  Production of Aluminum foam with TiH2, , 8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Ekim 2017,Elazığ,Turkey.

47.  A.Çanakçı, Ö.Y.Keskin, S. Özkaya and M.Çelebi,  Metal Foams Produced by Powder Metallurgy Methods and Applications, 8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Ekim 2017,Elazığ,Turkey.

48.  A.H. Karabacak, A. Canakci, S. Ozkaya, U. Calıgulu,  Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al2024-B4C Nanocomposite Produced by Mechanical Alloying and Hot Pressing Method,  8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Ekim 2017,Elazığ,Turkey.

49.   Öztürk B., ?Bonding Strength and Fuel Leakage Tests for Crofer®R22 APU Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Interconnects? , International Hydrogen Technologies Congress (IHTEC 2017), ADANA, TÜRKİYE, 15-18 Mart 2017., Cora Ö. N Öztürk S., Topcu A.,


50.  Gölbaşi Z., "Production of Porous Ti-6Al-XFe Alloy by Powder Metallurgy Method, Investigation of the Mechanical and Tribological Properties", 2nd International Energy & Engineering Conference 2017, GAZİANTEP, TÜRKIYE, 12-13 Ekim 2017, pp.438-438

Yürütülen ve Tamamlanan TÜBİTAK, SAN-TEZ, Kamu Kurum ve Kuruluşları Projeleri

1.       Sultan Öztürk, "Hibrit ve Elektrikli Araçlar İçin Yüksek Performanslı Sert (Kalıcı) Mıknatısların Hızlı Katılaştırma Yöntemiyle Üretimi ve Özelliklerinin Geliştirilmesi", TÜBITAK Projesi, 114M501, , 2017(tamamlandı).


2.       Bülent ÖZTÜRK, Katı Oksit Yakıt Pillerinde (KOYP) Kullanılan Metalik İnterkonnektör Plakaların Toz Metalurjisi (T/M) Yöntemiyle Üretimi ve Performans Değerlendirmeleri TÜBİTAK Projesi, 114M502,2017 (tamamlandı)


Yürütülen ve Tamamlanan Üniversiteye Yapılan Projeler

1.       Sultan Öztürk, "Element Katkılı NdFeB Esaslı Sert Mıknatısların Üretimi ve Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi", BAP Y.Lisans, FYL-2017-6931, Yürütücü, Devam Ediyor



3.       Sultan Öztürk, "Transformatörlerde Kullanılan Supermalloy Alaşımının Melt Spinning Yöntemi İle Üretilmesi Ve Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi", BAP Y.Lisans, FYL-2017-6796, Yürütücü, Devam Ediyor

















2018 Yılı

2018 Yılında Bölümümüzde Üretilen Bilimsel Çalışmalar

  1. Güler, O., Çuvalcı, H., Gökdağ, M., Çanakçi, A., Çelebi, M.Tribological behavior of ZA27/Al2O3/graphite hybrid nanocomposites(2018) Particulate Science and Technology, 36 (7), pp. 899-907
  2. Aslan, M., Tufan, M., Küçükömeroğlu, T.Tribological and mechanical performance of sisal-filled waste carbon and glass fibre hybrid composites(2018) Composites Part B: Engineering, 140, pp. 241-249.
  3. Dalmis, R., Cuvalci, H., Canakci, A., Guler, O., Celik, E.The Effect of Mechanical Milling on Graphite?Boron Carbide Hybrid Reinforced ZA27 Nanocomposites(2018) Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 43 (3), pp. 1113-1124.
  4. Yilmaz, S.S., Tutuncu, E., Misirlioglu, Y., Kuçuk, A., Cuvalci, H., Aslan, M.Synthesis, charecterization of a new 16 A, S, C-HBPAE-b-PCL copolymers and the mechanical properties of the copolymer-cement composites(2018) Proceedings of the World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering, art. no. 111.
  5. Altintig, E., Onaran, M., Sarı, A., Altundag, H., Tuzen, M.Preparation, characterization and evaluation of bio-based magnetic activated carbon for effective adsorption of malachite green from aqueous solution(2018) Materials Chemistry and Physics, 220, pp. 313-321.
  6. Chopra, K., Tyagi, V.V., Pandey, A.K., Sari, A.Global advancement on experimental and thermal analysis of evacuated tube collector with and without heat pipe systems and possible applications(2018) Applied Energy, 228, pp. 351-389.
  7. Bağda, E., Sarı, A., Tuzen, M. Effective uranium biosorption by macrofungus (Russula sanguinea) from aqueous solution: equilibrium, thermodynamic and kinetic studies (2018) Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 317 (3), pp. 1387-1397.  
  8. Bagda, E., Tuzen, M., Sari, A., Shemsi, A.M., Bukhari, A.A. Thermodynamics and kinetics of biosorption of vanadium with macrofungus (Hypholoma fasciculare) and determination by GFAAS(2018) Atomic Spectroscopy, 39 (4), pp. 170-177.
  9. Sarı, A., Bicer, A., Al-Ahmed, A., Al-Sulaiman, F.A., Zahir, M.H., Mohamed, S.A.Silica fume/capric acid-palmitic acid composite phase change material doped with CNTs for thermal energy storage(2018) Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 179, pp. 353-361.
  10. A., Tyagi, V.V., Anand, S., Pandey, A.K., Sari, A., Al-Sulaiman, F.A.Energy storage by PCM for building applications(2018) Handbook of Energy Systems in Green Buildings, pp. 995-1023.
  11. 56f270b885ab299df6028d39085f83eaSarı, A., Bicer, A., Al-Sulaiman, F.A., Karaipekli, A., Tyagi, V.V.Diatomite/CNTs/PEG composite PCMs with shape-stabilized and improved thermal conductivity: Preparation and thermal energy storage properties(2018) Energy and Buildings, 164, pp. 166-175.
  12. Saleh, T.A., Tuzen, M., Sarı, A.Polyamide magnetic palygorskite for the simultaneous removal of Hg(II) and methyl mercury; with factorial design analysis(2018) Journal of Environmental Management, 211, pp. 323-333.
  13. Bozkurt, F., Köse, C., Sarı, A.An inverse approach for automatic segmentation of carotid and vertebral arteries in CTA(2018) Expert Systems with Applications, 93, pp. 358-375.
  14. Bozkurt, F., Köse, C., Sari, A.Comparison of seeded region growing and random walk methods for vessel and bone segmentation in CTA images(2018) 2017 10th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ELECO 2017, 2018-January, pp. 561-567.
  15. Kahraman Döğüşcü, D., Kızıl, Ç., Biçer, A., Sarı, A., Alkan, C.Microencapsulated n-alkane eutectics in polystyrene for solar thermal applications(2018) Solar Energy, 160, pp. 32-42.
  16. Tuzen, M., Sarı, A., Saleh, T.A.Response surface optimization, kinetic and thermodynamic studies for effective removal of rhodamine B by magnetic AC/CeO2 nanocomposite(2018) Journal of Environmental Management, 206, pp. 170-177.
  17. Parameshwaran, R., Sarı, A., Jalaiah, N., Karunakaran, R.Applications of Thermal Analysis to the Study of Phase-Change Materials(2018) Handbook of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 6, pp. 519-572.
  18. Sarı, A., Alkan, C., Bilgin, C., Bicer, A.Preparation, Characterization and Thermal Energy Storage Properties of Micro/Nano Encapsulated Phase Change Material with Acrylic-Based Polymer(2018) Polymer Science - Series B, 60 (1), pp. 58-68.
  19. Sarı, A., Bicer, A., Karaipekli, A., Al-Sulaiman, F.A.Preparation, characterization and thermal regulation performance of cement based-composite phase change material(2018) Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 174, pp. 523-529.
  20. Pandey, A.K., Hossain, M.S., Tyagi, V.V., Abd Rahim, N., Selvaraj, J.A.L., Sari, A.Novel approaches and recent developments on potential applications of phase change materials in solar energy(2018) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82, pp. 281-323
  21. Varol, T., Canakci, A., Ozsahin, S., Erdemir, F., Ozkaya, S.Artificial neural network-based prediction technique for coating thickness in Fe-Al coatings fabricated by mechanical milling(2018) Particulate Science and Technology, 36 (6), pp. 742-750.
  22. Varol, T., Canakci, A., Ozkaya, S., Erdemir, F.Determining the effect of flake matrix size and Al2O3 content on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al2O3 nanoparticle reinforced Al matrix composites(2018) Particulate Science and Technology, 36 (3), pp. 312-323.
  23. Varol, T., Canakci, A., Ozsahin, S.Prediction of effect of reinforcement content, flake size and flake time on the density and hardness of flake AA2024-SiC nanocomposites using neural networks(2018) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 739, pp. 1005-1014.
  24. Aslan, M., Kaya, M., Güler, O., Alver, Ü.Effect of fibre content on the mechanical properties of basalt fibre reinforced polylactic acid (PLA) composites(2018) Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 28 (1), pp. 66-71.
  25. Öztürk, S., İcin, K., Öztürk, B., Topal, U., Karaağaç, Ö., Köçkar, H.The Role of Wheel Surface Quality on Structural and Hard Magnetic Properties of Nd?Fe?B Permanent Magnet Powders(2018) Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 31 (9), pp. 3025-3041.
  26. Öztürk, B., Topcu, A., Öztürk, S., Cora, Ö.N.Oxidation, electrical and mechanical properties of Crofer®22 solid oxide fuel cell metallic interconnects manufactured through powder metallurgy(2018) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (23), pp. 10822-10833.

2019 Yılı

2019 Yılında Bölümümüzde Üretilen Bilimsel Çalışmalar


  1. Öztürk, S., İcin, K., Gençtürk, M., Göbülük, M., Topal, U., Svec, P.Surface and structural characterization of amorphous Fe,Co-based melt-spun ribbons subjected to heat treatment processes(2019) Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 522, art. no. 119592.
  2. Güler, O., Erdemir, F., Çelebi, M., Çuvalcı, H., Çanakçı, A.Effect of nano alumina content on corrosion behavior and microstructure of Za27/graphite/alumina hybrid nanocomposites(2019) Results in Physics, 15, art. no. 102700.
  3. Alver, Ü., Tascıoğlu, M.E., Güler, O., Aslan, M., Yazgan, A., Kaya, H., Duran, C., Çuvalcı, H., Bilgin, S.Optical and Dielectric Properties of PMMA/?-Fe2O3?ZnO Nanocomposite Films(2019) Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 29 (5), pp. 1514-1522
  4. Yalçın, E.D., Çanakçı, A., Erdemir, F., Çuvalcı, H., Karabacak, A.H.Enhancement of Wear and Corrosion Resistance of ZA27/Nanographene Composites Produced by Powder Metallurgy(2019) Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 44 (2), pp. 1437-1445.
  5. Suresh Kumar, S., Uthayakumar, M., Thirumalai Kumaran, S., Varol, T., Canakci, A. Investigating the surface integrity of aluminium based composites machined by EDM(2019) Defence Technology, 15 (3), pp. 338-343.
  6. Kahya, V., Karaca, S., Okur, F.Y., Altunışık, A.C., Aslan, M.Free vibrations of laminated composite beams with multiple edge cracks: Numerical model and experimental validation(2019) International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 159, pp. 30-42.
  7. Kalusuraman, G., Thirumalai Kumaran, S., Aslan, M., Küçükömeroğluc, T., Siva, I.Use of waste copper slag filled jute fiber reinforced composites for effective erosion prevention(2019) Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 148, art. no. 106950.
  8. Kalusuraman, G., Siva, I., Aslan, M., Anandkumar, S., Satyanarayana, K.G. Evaluation of surface pre-treatments on the surface characteristics modifications in sponge gourd (Luffa Cylindrica) fibers(2019) Materials Research Express, 6 (9), art. no. 095106.
  9. Dalu, M., Temiz, A., Altuntaş, E., Demirel, G.K., Aslan, M.Characterization of tanalith E treated wood flour filled polylactic acid composites(2019) Polymer Testing, 76, pp. 376-384.
  10. Kalusuraman, G., Thirumalai Kumaran, S., Aslan, M., Mayandi, K.Mechanical properties of waste copper slag filled surface activated jute fiber reinforced composite(2019) Materials Research Express, 6 (12), art. no. 125347.
  11. Saleh, T.A., Sarı, A., Tuzen, M.Carbon nanotubes grafted with poly(trimesoyl, m-phenylenediamine) for enhanced removal of phenol(2019) Journal of Environmental Management, 252, art. no. 109660.
  12. T.A., Tuzen, M., Sari, A.Magnetic vermiculite-modified by poly(trimesoyl chloride-melamine) as a sorbent for enhanced removal of bisphenol A(2019) Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 7 (6), art. no. 103436.
  13. Ouikhalfan, M., Sari, A., Chehouani, H., Benhamou, B., Biçer, A.Preparation and characterization of nano-enhanced myristic acid using metal oxide nanoparticles for thermal energy storage(2019) International Journal of Energy Research, 43 (14), pp. 8592-8607.
  14. K., Tyagi, V.V., Pathak, A.K., Pandey, A.K., Sari, A.Experimental performance evaluation of a novel designed phase change material integrated manifold heat pipe evacuated tube solar collector system(2019) Energy Conversion and Management, 198, art. no. 111896.
  15. Sarı, A., Al-Ahmed, A., Bicer, A., Al-Sulaiman, F.A., Hekimoğlu, G. Investigation of thermal properties and enhanced energy storage/release performance of silica fume/myristic acid composite doped with carbon nanotubes(2019) Renewable Energy, 140, pp. 779-788.
  16. A., Biçer, A., Hekimoğlu, G.Effects of carbon nanotubes additive on thermal conductivity and thermal energy storage properties of a novel composite phase change material(2019) Journal of Composite Materials, 53 (21), pp. 2967-2980.
  17. Sarı, A., Bicer, A., Alkan, C., Özcan, A.N.Thermal energy storage characteristics of myristic acid-palmitic eutectic mixtures encapsulated in PMMA shell(2019) Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 193, pp. 1-6.
  18. Sarı, A., Sharma, R.K., Hekimoğlu, G., Tyagi, V.V.Preparation, characterization, thermal energy storage properties and temperature control performance of form-stabilized sepiolite based composite phase change materials(2019) Energy and Buildings, 188-189, pp. 111-119.
  19. Sarı, A., Biçer, A., Alkan, C.Poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride)-graft-fatty acids as novel solid?solid PCMs for thermal energy storage(2019) Polymer Engineering and Science, 59 (s2), pp. E337-E347.
  20. Sezer, R., Bilen, A., Yilmaz, E., Ertürk, S., Arslan, C.Investigation of leaching characteristics of celestite concentrate in acidic media and SrCO3 production via precipitation](2019) Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 34 (3), pp. 1409-1416.
  21. Sezer, R., Yilmaz, E., Ertürk, S., Arslan, C.Calcination of Strontium Carbonate in Rotary Kiln Furnace(2019) Minerals, Metals and Materials Series, pp. 591-597.
  22. Sezer, R., Arslan, C.Mechano-chemical conversion of celestite in highly concentrated sodium carbonate media(2019) Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 55 (2), pp. 324-335.
  23. Güler, O., Varol, T., Alver, Ü., Çanakçı, A. The effect of flake-like morphology on the coating properties of silver coated copper particles fabricated by electroless plating (2019) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 782, pp. 679-688.
  24. Varol, T., Ozsahin, S.Artificial neural network analysis of the effect of matrix size and milling time on the properties of flake Al-Cu-Mg alloy particles synthesized by ball milling(2019) Particulate Science and Technology, 37 (3), pp. 381-390.
  25. Yalçın, E.D., Çanakçı, A., Erdemir, F., Çuvalcı, H., Karabacak, A.H. Enhancement of Wear and Corrosion Resistance of ZA27/Nanographene Composites Produced by Powder Metallurgy(2019) Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 44 (2), pp. 1437-1445.
  26. Reddy, N.C., Koppad, P.G., Reddappa, H.N., Ramesh, M.R., Babu, E.R., Varol, T.Hot corrosion behaviour of HVOF sprayed Ni3Ti and Ni3Ti + (Cr3C2 + 20NiCr) coatings in presence of Na2SO4-40%V2O5 at 650 °c(2019) Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 7 (2), art. no. 025019, .
  27. Alver, U., Kudret, A., Kerli, S. Effect of Ethanol on the Photovoltaic Performance of ZnO Based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells(2019) Crystallography Reports, 64 (7), pp. 1159-1164.
  28. Kerli, S., Alver, Ü., Eskalen, H., Uruş, S., Soğuksu, A.K. Structural and Morphological Properties of Boron Doped V 2 O 5 Thin Films: Highly Efficient Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Blue(2019) Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 92 (2), pp. 304-309.
  29. Kerli, S., Alver, Ü., Eskalen, H., Soğuksu, A.K.Electrochemical properties and photocatalytic activity of In2O3-Co3O4 thin films(2019) Comptes Rendus de L'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 72 (3), pp. 327-332.

2020 Yılı

2020 Yılında Bölümümüzde Üretilen Bilimsel Çalışmalar


  1. Güler, O., Çelebı, M., Dalmış, R., Çanakçi, A., Çuvalci, H.Novel ZA27/B4C/Graphite Hybrid Nanocomposite-Bearing Materials with Enhanced Wear and Corrosion Resistance(2020) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 51 (9), pp. 4632-4646.
  2. Ayar, M.K., Guven, M.E., Burduroglu, H.D., Erdemir, F.Repair of aged bulk-fill composite with posterior composite: Effect of different surface treatments(2019) Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, 31 (3), pp. 246-252.
  3.  Ayar, M.K.,Erdemir,F. Effect of operating light exposure on enamel bonding performances of universal adhesives(2020) Medziagotyra, 26 (3), pp. 352-357.
  4. Canakcı, A., Ozkaya, S., Erdemir, F., Karabacak, A.H., Celebi, M.Effects of Fe?Al intermetallic compounds on the wear and corrosion performances of AA2024/316L SS metal/metal composites(2020) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 845, art. no. 156236.
  5. Yalçin, E.D., Çanakçi, A.Corrosion and wear performance of ZA27/graphene/B4C hybrid nanocomposites produced by powder metallurgy(2020) Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, 26 (3), pp. 126-131.
  6. Yilmaz, N., Baltaci, E., Baygin, O., Tüzüner, T., Ozkaya, S., Canakci, A.Effect of the usage of Er,Cr:YSGG laser with and without different remineralization agents on the enamel erosion of primary teeth(2020) Lasers in Medical Science, 35 (7), pp. 1607-1620.
  7. Güler, O., Varol, T., Alver, Ü., Canakci, A.Effect of Al2O3 content and milling time on the properties of silver coated Cu matrix composites fabricated by electroless plating and hot pressing(2020) Materials Today Communications, 24, art. no. 101153.
  8. Kumar, S.S., Erdemir, F., Varol, T., Kumaran, S.T., Uthayakumar, M., Canakci, A.Investigation of WEDM process parameters of Al?SiC?B4C composites using response surface methodology(2020) International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, 3 (2), pp. 127-135.
  9. Karabacak, A.H., Çanakçı, A., Erdemir, F., Özkaya, S., Çelebi, M.Effect of different reinforcement on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AA2024-based metal matrix nanocomposites(2020) International Journal of Materials Research, 111 (5), pp. 416-423.
  10. Al-Ahmed, A., Sarı, A., Mazumder, M.A.J., Salhi, B., Hekimoğlu, G., Al-Sulaiman, F.A., InamuddinThermal energy storage and thermal conductivity properties of fatty acid/fatty acid-grafted-CNTs and fatty acid/CNTs as novel composite phase change materials(2020) Scientific Reports, 10 (1), art. no. 15388.
  11. Al-Ahmed, A., Sarı, A., Mazumder, M.A.J., Hekimoğlu, G., Al-Sulaiman, F.A., InamuddinThermal energy storage and thermal conductivity properties of Octadecanol-MWCNT composite PCMs as promising organic heat storage materials(2020) Scientific Reports, 10 (1), art. no. 9168.
  12. Sahin, G., Aslan, A., Tuzen, M., Sarı, A.Removal of Cr ions from aquatic solutions using olive leaves as low-cost bio-sorbent(2020) Atomic Spectroscopy, 41 (6), pp. 256-262.
  13. Sarı, A., Tyagi, V.V. Thermal energy storage properties and lab-scale thermal performance in cementitious plaster of composite phase change material for energy efficiency of buildings(2020) Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 39 (6), art. no. e13455.
  14. Tuzen, M., Sarı, A., Saleh, T.A.Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of carbon nanofiber modified-polymer for ultra-removal of thorium ions from aquatic media(2020) Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 163, pp. 76-84.
  15. Bozkurt, F., Köse, C., Sarı, A.A texture-based 3D region growing approach for segmentation of ICA through the skull base in CTA(2020) Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79 (43-44), pp. 33253-33278.
  16. Temiz, A., Hekimoğlu, G., Köse Demirel, G., Sarı, A., Mohamad Amini, M.H.Phase change material impregnated wood for passive thermal management of timber buildings(2020) International Journal of Energy Research, 44 (13), pp. 10495-10505.
  17. Deka, P.P., Ansu, A.K., Sharma, R.K., Tyagi, V.V., Sarı, A.Development and characterization of form-stable porous TiO2/tetradecanoic acid based composite PCM with long-term stability as solar thermal energy storage material(2020) International Journal of Energy Research, 44 (13), pp. 10044-10057.
  18. Sarı, A., Hekimoğlu, G., Tyagi, V.V., Sharma, R.K.Evaluation of pumice for development of low-cost and energy-efficient composite phase change materials and lab-scale thermoregulation performances of its cementitious plasters(2020) Energy, 207, art. no. 118242.
  19. Naeemullah, Tuzen, M., Sarı, A., Turkekul, I.Influential bio-removal of mercury using Lactarius acerrimus macrofungus as novel low-cost biosorbent from aqueous solution: Isotherm modeling, kinetic and thermodynamic investigations(2020) Materials Chemistry and Physics, 249, art. no. 123168.
  20. Tuzen, M., Saleh, T.A., Sarı, A., NaeemullahInterfacial polymerization of trimesoyl chloride with melamine and palygorskite for efficient uranium ions ultra-removal(2020) Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 159, pp. 353-361.
  21. Saleh, T.A., Al-Ruwayshid, S.H., Sarı, A., Tuzen, M.Synthesis of silica nanoparticles grafted with copolymer of acrylic acrylamide for ultra-removal of methylene blue from aquatic solutions(2020) European Polymer Journal, 130, art. no. 109698.
  22. Chopra, K., Tyagi, V.V., Pandey, A.K., Sharma, R.K., Sari, A.PCM integrated glass in glass tube solar collector for low and medium temperature applications: Thermodynamic & techno-economic approach(2020) Energy, 198, art. no. 117238.
  23. Sarı, A., Ouikhalfan, M., Chehouani, H., Hekimoğlu, G., Bicer, A., Al-Ahmed, A., Al-Sulaiman, F.A., Tyagi, V.V.Form-Stabilized Polyethylene Glycol/Palygorskite Composite Phase Change Material: Thermal Energy Storage Properties, Cycling Stability, and Thermal Durability(2020) Polymer Engineering and Science, 60 (5), pp. 909-916.
  24. Sarı, A., Biçer, A., Alkan, C.Thermal energy storage properties of polyethylene glycol grafted styrenic copolymer as novel solid-solid phase change materials(2020) International Journal of Energy Research, 44 (5), pp. 3976-3989.
  25. Sarı, A., Hekimoğlu, G., Tyagi, V.V.Low cost and eco-friendly wood fiber-based composite phase change material: Development, characterization and lab-scale thermoregulation performance for thermal energy storage(2020) Energy, 195, art. no. 116983.
  26. Ansu, A.K., Sharma, R.K., Tyagi, V.V., Sarı, A., Ganesan, P., Tripathi, D.A cycling study for reliability, chemical stability and thermal durability of polyethylene glycols of molecular weight 2000 and 10000 as organic latent heat thermal energy storage materials(2020) International Journal of Energy Research, 44 (3), pp. 2183-2195.
  27. Ouikhalfan, M., Labihi, A., Belaqziz, M., Chehouani, H., Benhamou, B., Sarı, A., Belfkira, A.Stability and thermal conductivity enhancement of aqueous nanofluid based on surfactant-modified TiO2(2020) Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 41 (3), pp. 374-382.
  28. Sarı, A., Saleh, T.A., Hekimoğlu, G., Tuzen, M., Tyagi, V.V.Evaluation of carbonized waste tire for development of novel shape stabilized composite phase change material for thermal energy storage(2020) Waste Management, 103, pp. 352-360.
  29. Chopra, K., Pathak, A.K., Tyagi, V.V., Pandey, A.K., Anand, S., Sari, A.Thermal performance of phase change material integrated heat pipe evacuated tube solar collector system: An experimental assessment(2020) Energy Conversion and Management, 203, art. no. 112205, .
  30. Erdemir, F., Varol, T., Çanakçi, A.Synthesis of SiC nanoparticles by central composite design response surface methodology directed mechanical milling(2020) Micro and Nano Letters, 15 (3), pp. 189-192.
  31.  Sezer, R., Hızlı, G., Bilen, A., Ertürk, S., Dışpınar, D., Arslan, C.Metallothermic Production of Aluminum?Strontium Master Alloy for Modification of Silicon(2020) Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 9 (6), pp. 833-840.
  32. Sezer, R., Bilen, A., Hızlı, G., Ertürk, S., Arslan, C.Effects of Furnace Slope and Rotational Speed on the Carbothermic Reduction of Celestite in a Laboratory-Scale Rotary Kiln Furnace(2020) Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 37 (4), pp. 1273-1278.
  33. Türk, T., Alp, İ., Sezer, R., Arslan, C.Removal of arsenic from water using copper slag(2020) Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 120 (5), pp. 313-318.
  34. Özen, İ., Çava, K., Gedikli, H., Alver, Ü., Aslan, M.Low-energy impact response of composite sandwich panels with thermoplastic honeycomb and reentrant cores(2020) Thin-Walled Structures, 156, art. no. 106989.
  35. Güler, O., Alver, Ü., Varol, T.Fabrication and characterization of novel layered materials produced by electroless plating and hot pressing(2020) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 835, art. no. 155278.
  36. John, K.M., Kumaran, S.T., Senthil Kumar, K., Suresh Kumar, S., Aslan, M., Alver, Ü.  Mechanical and vibrational behavior of twill woven carbon fiber reinforced composites(2020) International Polymer Processing, 35 (2), pp. 203-210.
  37. Kerli, S., Alver, U., Göğebakan, M. Investigation of the Electrical Properties of Al85Y9Ni6 Metallic Glass and Formulation of the Results(2020) Glass Physics and Chemistry, 46 (2), pp. 189-193.
  38. Öztürk, B., Gedikli, H., Kılıçarslan, Y.S.Erosive wear characteristics of E-glass fiber reinforced silica fume and zinc oxide-filled epoxy resin composites(2020) Polymer Composites, 41 (1), pp. 326-337.
  39.  Öztürk, S., Sünbül, S.E., Metoğlu, A., Önal, S., İçin, K.Characterisation of nickel?aluminium bronze powders produced by the planar flow casting method(2020) Materials Science and Technology (United Kingdom), 36 (16), pp. 1771-1784.
  40. Öztürk, S., Sünbül, S.E., Metoğlu, A., İÇİN, K.Improvement of microstructure, tribology and corrosion characteristics of nickel-aluminum bronze by P/M method(2020) Tribology International, 151, art. no. 106519.
  41. Sünbül, S.E., Öztürk, S., İçin, K.Structural and Hydrogen Storage Properties of Mg60-Ni40 and Mg80-Ni20 Alloys Prepared by Planar Flow Casting(2020) Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 29 (9), pp. 6101-6107.
  42. İçi?n, K., Öztürk, S., Çakil, D.D., Sünbül, S.E.Effect of the stoichiometric ratio on phase evolution and magnetic properties of SrFe12O19 produced with mechanochemical process using mill scale(2020) Ceramics International, 46 (9), pp. 14150-14160.
  43. Aslan, M., Kaymaz, E.G.Characterization of thick carbon/basalt hybrid fiber polyester composites with graphene nanoplatelets(2020) Materialpruefung/Materials Testing, 62 (1), pp. 12-18.
  44. ÖZTÜRK, S., SÜNBÜL, S.E., İCİN, K.Effects of melt spinning process parameters and wheel surface quality on production of 6060 aluminum alloy powders and ribbons(2020) Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition), 30 (5), pp. 1169-1182.
  45. Öztürk, S., İçin, K., Gençtürk, M., Göbülük, M., Svec, P.Effect of heat treatment process on the structural and soft magnetic properties of Fe38Co38Mo8B15Cu ribbons(2020) Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 527, art. no. 119745.

2021 Yılı

2021 Yılında Bölümümüzde Üretilen Bilimsel Çalışmalar


  1. Çelebi, M., Güler, O., Çanakçı, A., Çuvalcı, H.The effect of nanoparticle content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ZA27-Al2O3-Gr hybrid nanocomposites produced by powder metallurgy(2021) Journal of Composite Materials, 55 (24), pp. 3395-3408.
  2. Erdemir, F., Güler, O., Çanakçı, A.Electroless nickel-phosphorus coated expanded graphite paper: Binder-free, ultra-thin, and low-cost electrodes for high-performance supercapacitors(2021) Journal of Energy Storage, 44, art. no. 103364, .
  3. Çevik, Z.A., Karabacak, A.H., Kök, M., Canakçı, A., Kumar, S.S., Varol, T.The effect of machining processes on the physical and surface characteristics of AA2024-B4C-SiC hybrid nanocomposites fabricated by hot pressing method(2021) Journal of Composite Materials, 55 (19), pp. 2657-2671.
  4. Kumar, S.S., Varol, T., Canakci, A., Kumaran, S.T., Uthayakumar, M. A review on the performance of the materials by surface modification through EDM(2021) International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, 4 (1), pp. 127-144.
  5. Kahya, V., Okur, F.Y., Karaca, S., Altunışık, A.C., Aslan, M.Multiple damage detection in laminated composite beams using automated model update(2021) Structures, 34, pp. 1665-1683.
  6. Kahya, V., Karaca, S., Okur, F.Y., Altunışık, A.C., Aslan, M.Damage Localization in Laminated Composite Beams with Multiple Edge Cracks Based on Vibration Measurements(2021) Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering, 45 (1), pp. 75-87.
  7. Sarı, A., Saleh, T.A., Tuzen, M.Development and characterization of polymer-modified vermiculite composite as novel highly-efficient adsorbent for water treatment(2021) Surfaces and Interfaces, 27, art. no. 101504.
  8. Gencel, O., Hekimoğlu, G., Sarı, A., Sutcu, M., Er, Y., Ustaoglu, A.A novel energy-effective and carbon-emission reducing mortars with bottom ash and phase change material: Physico-mechanical and thermal energy storage characteristics(2021) Journal of Energy Storage, 44, art. no. 103325.
  9. Hekimoğlu, G., Sarı, A., Arunachalam, S., Arslanoğlu, H., Gencel, O.Porous biochar/heptadecane composite phase change material with leak-proof, high thermal energy storage capacity and enhanced thermal conductivity(2021) Powder Technology, 394, pp. 1017-1025.
  10. Singh, H.M., Tyagi, V.V., Kothari, R., Azam, R., Khare, P., Sari, A.Novel approach for harvesting of microalgal biomass using electric geyser waste material deposit as flocculant in coupling with poultry excreta leachate(2021) Bioresource Technology, 341, art. no. 125646.
  11. Gencel, O., Sarı, A., Ustaoglu, A., Hekimoglu, G., Erdogmus, E., Yaras, A., Sutcu, M., Cay, V.V.Eco-friendly building materials containing micronized expanded vermiculite and phase change material for solar based thermo-regulation applications(2021) Construction and Building Materials, 308, art. no. 125062.
  12. Saleh, T.A., Sarı, A., Tuzen, M.Development and characterization of bentonite-gum arabic composite as novel highly-efficient adsorbent to remove thorium ions from aqueous media(2021) Cellulose, 28 (16), pp. 10321-10333.
  13. Singh, G., Tyagi, V.V., Chopra, K., Pandey, A.K., Sharma, R.K., Sari, A. Correction to: Energetic and exergetic assessment of two- and three-stage spray drying units for milk processing industry (Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, (2021), 43, 7, (359), 10.1007/s40430-021-03015-3)(2021) Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 43 (10), art. no. 450.
  14. Tyagi, V.V., Chopra, K., Kalidasan, B., Chauhan, A., Stritih, U., Anand, S., Pandey, A.K., Sarı, A., Kothari, R.Phase change material based advance solar thermal energy storage systems for building heating and cooling applications: A prospective research approach(2021) Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 47, art. no. 101318.
  15. Saleh, T.A., Tuzen, M., Sarı, A.Evaluation of poly(ethylene diamine-trimesoyl chloride)-modified diatomite as efficient adsorbent for removal of rhodamine B from wastewater samples(2021) Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28 (39), pp. 55655-55666.
  16. Singh, G., Tyagi, V.V., Chopra, K., Pandey, A.K., Sharma, R.K., Sari, A.Energetic and exergetic assessment of two- and three-stage spray drying units for milk processing industry(2021) Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 43 (7), art. no. 359.
  17. Döğüşcü, D.K., Hekimoğlu, G., Sarı, A.High internal phase emulsion templated-polystyrene/carbon nano fiber/hexadecanol composites phase change materials for thermal management applications(2021) Journal of Energy Storage, 39, art. no. 102674.
  18. Hekimoğlu, G., Sarı, A., Kar, T., Keleş, S., Kaygusuz, K., Yıldırım, N., Tyagi, V.V., Sharma, R.K., Saleh, T.A.Carbonized waste hazelnut wood-based shape-stable composite phase change materials for thermal management implementations(2021) International Journal of Energy Research, 45 (7), pp. 10271-10284.
  19. Ahmad, S., Kothari, R., Singh, H.M., Tyagi, V.V., Singh, B., Sari, A.Experimental investigation of microalgal harvesting with low cost bottom ash: Influence of temperature and pH with zeta potential and thermodynamic function(2021) Environmental Technology and Innovation, 22, art. no. 101376.
  20. Singh, P., Sharma, R.K., Ansu, A.K., Goyal, R., Sarı, A., Tyagi, V.V.A comprehensive review on development of eutectic organic phase change materials and their composites for low and medium range thermal energy storage applications(2021) Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 223, art. no. 110955.
  21. Sarı, A., Saleh, T.A., Hekimoğlu, G., Tyagi, V.V., Sharma, R.K.Microencapsulated heptadecane with calcium carbonate as thermal conductivity-enhanced phase change material for thermal energy storage(2021) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 328, art. no. 115508.
  22. Hekimoğlu, G., Nas, M., Ouikhalfan, M., Sarı, A., Tyagi, V.V., Sharma, R.K., Kurbetci, Saleh, T.A.Silica fume/capric acid-stearic acid PCM included-cementitious composite for thermal controlling of buildings: Thermal energy storage and mechanical properties(2021) Energy, 219, art. no. 119588.
  23. Hekimoğlu, G., Nas, M., Ouikhalfan, M., Sarı, A., Kurbetci, Ş., Tyagi, V.V., Sharma, R.K., Saleh, T.A.Thermal management performance and mechanical properties of a novel cementitious composite containing fly ash/lauric acid-myristic acid as form-stable phase change material(2021) Construction and Building Materials, 274, art. no. 122105.
  24. Al-Ahmed, A., Mazumder, M.A.J., Salhi, B., Sari, A., Afzaal, M., Al-Sulaiman, F.A.Effects of carbon-based fillers on thermal properties of fatty acids and their eutectics as phase change materials used for thermal energy storage: A Review(2021) Journal of Energy Storage, 35, art. no. 102329.
  25. Hekimoğlu, G., Sarı, A., Kar, T., Keleş, S., Kaygusuz, K., Tyagi, V.V., Sharma, R.K., Al-Ahmed, A., Al-Sulaiman, F.A., Saleh, T.A.Walnut shell derived bio-carbon/methyl palmitate as novel composite phase change material with enhanced thermal energy storage properties(2021) Journal of Energy Storage, 35, art. no. 102288.
  26. Altıntıg, E., Yenigun, M., Sarı, A., Altundag, H., Tuzen, M., Saleh, T.A.Facile synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles loaded activated carbon as an eco-friendly adsorbent for ultra-removal of malachite green from water(2021) Environmental Technology and Innovation, 21, art. no. 101305.
  27. Ahmad, S., Kothari, R., Pathak, V.V., Tyagi, V.V., Pandey, A.K., Sari, A.Response surface methodology?based extraction optimization with application of ZrCl4 as novel quenching agent for enhancement of bio-oil yield from Jatropha curcas and Chlorella pyrenoidosa(2021) Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery.
  28. Erdemir, F., Tuzcu, E., Bilgin, S., Alver, Ü., Çanakçı, A.Influence of fluorine doping of zinc oxide on its electrochemical performance in supercapacitors(2021) Materials Chemistry and Physics, 259, art. no. 124033.
  29. Bilgin, S., Güler, O., Alver, Ü., Erdemir, F., Aslan, M., Çanakçı, A.Effect of TiN, TiAlCN, AlCrN, and AlTiN ceramic coatings on corrosion behavior of tungsten carbide tool(2021) Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, 57 (1), pp. 263-273.
  30. Güler, O., Varol, T., Alver, Ü., Biyik, S.The wear and arc erosion behavior of novel copper based functionally graded electrical contact materials fabricated by hot pressing assisted electroless plating(2021) Advanced Powder Technology, 32 (8), pp. 2873-2890.
  31. Güler, O., Varol, T., Alver, Ü., Kaya, G., Yıldız, F.Microstructure and wear characterization of Al2O3 reinforced silver coated copper matrix composites by electroless plating and hot pressing methods(2021) Materials Today Communications, 27, art. no. 102205.
  32. Öztürk, B., Topcu, A., Cora, Ö.N.Influence of processing parameters on the porosity, thermal expansion, and oxidation behavior of consolidated Fe22Cr stainless steel powder(2021) Powder Technology, 382, pp. 199-207.
  33. Özen, İ., Gedikli, H., Öztürk, B.Improvement of solid particle erosion resistance of helicopter rotor blade with hybrid composite shield(2021) Engineering Failure Analysis, 121, art. no. 105175.
  34. Varol, T., Güler, O., Akçay, S.B., Aksa, H.C.The effect of silver coated copper particle content on the properties of novel Cu-Ag alloys prepared by hot pressing method(2021) Powder Technology, 384, pp. 236-246.
  35. Için, K., Öztürk, S., Sünbül, S.E.Investigation and characterization of high purity and nano-sized SrCO3 production by mechanochemical synthesis process(2021) Ceramics International, 47 (23), pp. 33897-33911.
  36. Varol, T., Hacısalihoğlu, İ., Kaya, G., Güler, O., Yıldız, F., Aksa, H.C., Akçay, S.B.The Effect of Selective Laser Melting Process on the Microstructure, Density, and Electrical Conductivity of Silver-Coated Copper Cores(2021) Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 30 (7), pp. 5216-5226.
  37. İÇİN, K., ÖZTÜRK, S., ÇAKIL, D.D., SÜNBÜL, S.E.Mechanochemical synthesis of SrFe12O19 from recycled mill scale: Effect of synthesis time on phase formation and magnetic properties(2021) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 873, art. no. 159787.
  38. Sünbül, S.E., İçi?n, K., Şeren, F.Z., Şahin, Ö., Çakil, D.D., Sezer, R., Öztürk, S. Determination of structural, tribological, isothermal oxidation and corrosion properties of Al?Co?Cr?Fe?Ni?Ti?Cu high-entropy alloy(2021) Vacuum, 187, art. no. 110072.


2022 Yılı

2022 Yılında Bölümümüzde Üretilen Bilimsel Çalışmalar


  1. Topcu, A., Öztürk, B., Cora, Ö.N.Performance evaluation of machined and powder metallurgically fabricated Crofer®22 APU interconnects for SOFC applications(2022) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (5), pp. 3437-3448.
  2. Kocaman, M., Çuvalcı, H., Güler, O.Novel Flame-retarded Novolac Matrix Hybrid Composites with Graphite Particles and Glass Fiber Reinforcement(2022) Fibers and Polymers, 23 (7), pp. 2017-2029.
  3. Kocaman, M., Çuvalcı, H.The evolution of tribological properties of graphite and glass fiber reinforced novolac matrix hybrid composites(2022) Polymer Composites,
  4. Karabacak, A.H., Çanakçı, A., Erdemir, F., Özkaya, S., Çelebi, M.Corrosion and Mechanical Properties of Novel AA2024 Matrix Hybrid Nanocomposites Reinforced with B4C and SiC Particles(2022) Silicon, 14 (14), pp. 8567-8579.
  5. Canpolat, Ö., Çanakçı, A., Erdemir, F.Evaluation of microstructure, mechanical, and corrosion properties of SS316L/Al2O3 composites produced by hot pressing(2022) Materials Chemistry and Physics, 280, art. no. 125826.
  6.  Singh, P., Sharma, R.K., Goyal, R., Hekimoğlu, G., Sarı, A., Rathore, P.K.S., Tyagi, V.V.Development and characterization a novel leakage-proof form stable composite of graphitic carbon nitride and fatty alcohol for thermal energy storage(2022) Journal of Energy Storage, 55, art. no. 105761.
  7. Yaras, A., Ustaoglu, A., Gencel, O., Sarı, A., Hekimoğlu, G., Sutcu, M., Erdogmus, E., Kaplan, G., Bayraktar, O.Y.Characteristics, energy saving and carbon emission reduction potential of gypsum wallboard containing phase change material(2022) Journal of Energy Storage, 55, art. no. 105685.
  8. Gencel, O., Sarı, A., Kaplan, G., Ustaoglu, A., Hekimoğlu, G., Bayraktar, O.Y., Ozbakkaloglu, T.Properties of eco-friendly foam concrete containing PCM impregnated rice husk ash for thermal management of buildings(2022) Journal of Building Engineering, 58, art. no. 104961.
  9. Gencel, O., Subasi, S., Ustaoglu, A., Sarı, A., Marasli, M., Hekimoğlu, G., Kam, E.Development, characterization and thermo-regulative performance of microencapsulated phase change material included-glass fiber reinforced foam concrete as novel thermal energy effective-building material(2022) Energy, 257, art. no. 124786.
  10. Singh, P., Sharma, R.K., Khalid, M., Goyal, R., Sarı, A., Tyagi, V.V.Evaluation of carbon based-supporting materials for developing form-stable organic phase change materials for thermal energy storage: A review(2022) Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 246, art. no. 111896.
  11. Gencel, O., Balci, B., Bayraktar, O.Y., Nodehi, M., Sarı, A., Kaplan, G., Hekimoğlu, G., Gholampour, A., Benli, A., Ozbakkaloglu, T.The effect of limestone and bottom ash sand with recycled fine aggregate in foam concrete(2022) Journal of Building Engineering, 54, art. no. 104689.
  12. Ouikhalfan, M., Sarı, A., Hekimoğlu, G., Gencel, O., Tyagi, V.V.Thermal energy storage properties, thermal conductivity, chemical/and thermal reliability of three different organic phase change materials doped with hexagonal boron nitride(2022) Surfaces and Interfaces, 32, art. no. 102176.
  13. Saleh, T.A., Tuzen, M., Sarı, A.Effective antimony removal from wastewaters using polymer modified sepiolite: Isotherm kinetic and thermodynamic analysis(2022) Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 184, pp. 215-223.
  14. Singh, G., Tyagi, V.V., Pandey, A.K., Goel, V., Sari, A.Comparative exergoeconomic analysis of single, two and three stage spray drying systems(2022) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 147 (16), pp. 8947-8968.
  15. Gencel, O., Hekimoglu, G., Sarı, A., Ustaoglu, A., Subasi, S., Marasli, M., Erdogmus, E., Memon, S.A.Glass fiber reinforced gypsum composites with microencapsulated PCM as novel building thermal energy storage material(2022) Construction and Building Materials, 340, art. no. 127788.
  16. Göksu, H., Aydınlı, E., Hekimoğlu, G., Sarı, A., Gencel, O., Subaşı, S., Tozluoğlu, A.Activated carbon nanotube/polyacrylic acid/stearyl alcohol nanocomposites as thermal energy storage effective shape-stabilized phase change materials(2022) Surfaces and Interfaces, 31, art. no. 102088.
  17. Saleh, T.A., Tuzen, M., Sarı, A., Altunay, N.Factorial design, physical studies and rapid arsenic adsorption using newly prepared polymer modified perlite adsorbent(2022) Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 183, pp. 181-191.
  18. Ahmad, S., Iqbal, K., Kothari, R., Singh, H.M., Sari, A., Tyagi, V.V.A critical overview of upstream cultivation and downstream processing of algae-based biofuels: Opportunity, technological barriers and future perspective(2022) Journal of Biotechnology, 351, pp. 74-98.
  19. Gencel, O., Nodehi, M., Hekimoğlu, G., Ustaoğlu, A., Sarı, A., Kaplan, G., Bayraktar, O.Y., Sutcu, M., Ozbakkaloglu, T.Foam Concrete Produced with Recycled Concrete Powder and Phase Change Materials(2022) Sustainability (Switzerland), 14 (12), art. no. 7458.
  20. Sarı, A., Hekimoğlu, G., Karabayır, Y., Sharma, R.K., Arslanoğlu, H., Gencel, O., Tyagi, V.V.Capric-stearic acid mixture impregnated carbonized waste sugar beet pulp as leak-resistive composite phase change material with effective thermal conductivity and thermal energy storage performance(2022) Energy, 247, art. no. 123501.
  21. Harja, M., Gencel, O., Sarı, A., Sutcu, M., Erdogmus, E., Hekimoglu, G.Production and characterization of natural clay-free green building brick materials using water treatment sludge and oak wood ash(2022) Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 22 (2), art. no. 79.
  22. Palanti, S., Temiz, A., Demirel, G.K., Hekimoğlu, G., Sarı, A., Nazari, M., Jebrane, M., Schnabel, T., Terziev, N.Bio-Based Phase Change Materials for Wooden Building Applications(2022) Forests, 13 (4), art. no. 603.
  23. Gencel, O., Ustaoglu, A., Benli, A., Hekimoğlu, G., Sarı, A., Erdogmus, E., Sutcu, M., Kaplan, G., Yavuz Bayraktar, O.Investigation of physico-mechanical, thermal properties and solar thermoregulation performance of shape-stable attapulgite based composite phase change material in foam concrete(2022) Solar Energy, 236, pp. 51-62.
  24. Chopra, K., Tyagi, V.V., Pandey, A.K., Popli, S., Singh, G., Sharma, R.K., Sari, A.Effect of simultaneous & consecutive melting/solidification of phase change material on domestic solar water heating system(2022) Renewable Energy, 188, pp. 329-348.
  25. Ouikhalfan, M., Hekimo?lu, G., Sari, A., Gencel, O., Tyagi, V.V.Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Dispersed-Polyethylene Glycol: Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Energy Storage Properties(2022) Energy and Fuels, 36 (5), pp. 2821-2832.
  26. Hekimoğlu, G., Sarı, A., Önal, Y., Gencel, O., Tyagi, V.V., Aslan, E.Utilization of waste apricot kernel shell derived-activated carbon as carrier framework for effective shape-stabilization and thermal conductivity enhancement of organic phase change materials used for thermal energy storage(2022) Powder Technology, 401, art. no. 117291.
  27. Gencel, O., Yaras, A., Hekimoğlu, G., Ustaoglu, A., Erdogmus, E., Sutcu, M., Sarı, A.Cement based-thermal energy storage mortar including blast furnace slag/capric acid shape-stabilized phase change material: Physical, mechanical, thermal properties and solar thermoregulation performance(2022) Energy and Buildings, 258, art. no. 111849.
  28. Kothari, R., Pandey, A., Ahmad, S., Singh, H.M., Pathak, V.V., Tyagi, V.V., Kumar, K., Sari, A.Utilization of Chlorella pyrenoidosa for Remediation of Common Effluent Treatment Plant Wastewater in Coupling with Co-relational Study: An Experimental Approach(2022) Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 108 (3), pp. 507-517.
  29. Hekimoğlu, G., Sarı, A., Gencel, O., Tyagi, V.V.Thermal conductivity enhancement of silica fume based composite thermal energy storage material using different carbon nanomaterials(2022) Energy and Buildings, 257, art. no. 111789.
  30. Tuzen, M., Sarı, A., Afshar Mogaddam, M.R., Kaya, S., Katin, K.P., Altunay, N.Synthesis of carbon modified with polymer of diethylenetriamine and trimesoyl chloride for the dual removal of Hg (II) and methyl mercury ([CH3Hg]+) from wastewater: Theoretical and experimental analyses(2022) Materials Chemistry and Physics, 277, art. no. 125501.
  31. Azam, R., Kothari, R., Singh, H.M., Ahmad, S., Sari, A., Tyagi, V.V.Cultivation of two Chlorella species in Open sewage contaminated channel wastewater for biomass and biochemical profiles: Comparative lab-scale approach(2022) Journal of Biotechnology, 344, pp. 24-31.
  32. Gencel, O., Harja, M., Sarı, A., Hekimoğlu, G., Ustaoğlu, A., Sutcu, M., Erdogmus, E., Kaplan, G., Bayraktar, O.Y.Development, characterization, and performance analysis of shape-stabilized phase change material included-geopolymer for passive thermal management of buildings(2022) International Journal of Energy Research.
  33. Yaras, A., Nodehi, M., Ustaoglu, A., Arslanoglu, H., Sarı, A., Gencel, O., Ozbakkaloglu, T.Cleaner production of polyurethane (PU) foams through use of hydrodesulfurization (HDS) spent catalyst(2022) Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
  34. Al-Ahmed, A., Sari, A., Khan, F., Al-Rasheidi, M., Hekimoğlu, G., Afzaal, M., Alsulami, A.A., Dafalla, H., Salhi, B., Alsulaiman, F.A.A Novel Layered Double Hydroxide and Dodecyl Alcohol Assisted PCM Composite with High Latent Heat Storage Capacity and Thermal Conductivity(2022) Journal of Thermal Science.
  35. Hekimoğlu, G., Sarı, A.Shape stabilized attapulgite/myristic-palmitic acid composite PCM for thermal energy storage implementations in buildings(2022) Materials Today: Proceedings, 58, pp. 1350-1353.
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  37. Coşanay, H., Selimefendigil, F., Öztop, H.F., Sarı, A.Experimental Analysis of Melting Behavior of Capric Acid (CA)?Stearic Acid (SA) Eutectic Mixture and its 3D Numerical Solution of Natural Convection in a Cup(2022) Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering.
  38. Hekimoğlu, G., Sarı, A., Gencel, O., Tyagi, V.V.Thermal energy storage characteristics of polyacrylic acid/dodecanol/carbon nanofiber composites as thermal conductive shape-stabilized composite phase change materials(2022) International Journal of Energy Research, 46 (14), pp. 20873-20885.
  39. Singh, G., Chopra, K., Tyagi, V.V., Pandey, A.K., Sharma, R.K., Sari, A.Estimation of thermodynamic and enviroeconomic characteristics of khoa (milk food) production unit(2022) Environment, Development and Sustainability, 24 (11), pp. 12542-12581.
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  41. Tyagi, V.V., Chopra, K., Sharma, R.K., Pandey, A.K., Tyagi, S.K., Ahmad, M.S., Sarı, A., Kothari, R.A comprehensive review on phase change materials for heat storage applications: Development, characterization, thermal and chemical stability(2022) Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 234, art. no. 111392.
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  47. Varol, T., Güler, O., Akçay, S.B., Çuvalcı, O.Enhancement of electrical and thermal conductivity of low-cost novel Cu?Ag alloys prepared by hot-pressing and electroless plating from recycled electrolytic copper powders(2022) Materials Chemistry and Physics, 281, art. no. 125892.
  48. Akçay, S.B., Varol, T., Güler, O., Aksa, H.C.Effect of Boron Carbide Reinforcement Amount on the Properties of Boron Carbide Reinforced Al Based Composites(2022) El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, 9 (2), pp. 869-881.
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  51. Aksa, H.C., Hacısalihoğlu, İ., Yıldız, F., Varol, T., Güler, O., Kaya, G., Akçay, S.B.Effects of fabrication parameters and post-processing treatments on the mechanical and tribological behavior of surface-enhanced copper based materials by selective laser melting(2022) Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 304, art. no. 117564.
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  54. Varol, T., Güler, O., Akçay, S.B., Çolak, H.The evolution of microstructure and properties of Cu-Cr alloys synthesized via flake powder metallurgy assisted by mechanical alloying and hot pressing(2022) Materials Today Communications, 33, art. no. 104452.