
All Quotas Filled at Our University in the 2024 Higher Education Institutions Exam!

Our university has achieved a remarkable success in placements to its associate and undergraduate programs, according to the 2024 Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) placement results announced by the Measurement, Selection, and Placement Center (ÖSYM).

According to the 2024 YKS General Placement results announced by ÖSYM, our university has achieved significant success this year, as it has every year. Based on these results, our university reached a placement rate of 99.94% in associate programs and 98.18% in undergraduate programs, totaling a 98.73% placement rate. The intense interest in undergraduate programs once again highlighted the high educational standards of our university. Our university, which admitted students to 59 undergraduate and 35 associate programs, continues to offer students broad opportunities with the quality and variety of its education. According to the 2024 YKS General Placement results, the total placement rate for undergraduate programs was announced as 98.19%. By category, the placement rates were 97.20% for quantitavive scores, 100% for equal weight scores, 100% for verbal scores, and 100% for language scores. In associate programs, a placement rate of 99.94% was recorded.

Intense Interest in Newly Opened Departments

The newly opened Software Development Undergraduate Program, with 31 student quotas, the Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering (English-Medium of Instruction) Program, also with 31 quotas, and the Software Engineering (English-Medium of Instruction) Program, with 52 quotas, achieved a 100% occupancy rate. Additionally, the Artificial Intelligence Operator Associate Program, with 31 student quotas, also reached 100% occupancy. Students entered the Software Development Undergraduate Program with a base score of 339.13785, the Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering (English-Medium of Instruction) Program with a base score of 423.12323, and the Software Engineering (English-Medium of Instruction) Program with a base score of 417.37192. Students were admitted to the Artificial Intelligence Operator Associate Program with a base score of 327.80536.

“You Will Push the Boundaries of Knowledge”

Our Rector, Prof. Dr. Hamdullah Çuvalcı, wished that the results of the 2024 YKS be beneficial to our students, their families, our university, and our country, stating, “By successfully passing the 2024 YKS, you have become a part of the ‘Karadeniz Technical University Family,’ one of the most established universities of the Republic of Türkiye. Our university, known for its research university mission and support for innovation, promises you high-quality education with its 5-Year Full Accreditation. For 69 years, our university has successfully carried out education and teaching activities. With its strong academic staff and modern infrastructure, it offers an environment that encourages you to question and explore during your learning journey.”

“You Will Contribute to Türkiye”

Rector Prof. Dr. Hamdullah Çuvalcı highlighted the evolving and transforming world, stating, “In a world where competition is increasing and digital transformation is prominent, I want to emphasize that the opportunity to contribute to our country’s goals and ensure Türkiye's local and national development lies in the hands of you, our valuable youth. As you know, university years pass quickly. In this context, I would like to say that you should make the most of your time here. After graduating from KTU, you will contribute to the development of our country and support Türkiye in competing with other countries. You can be assured that Karadeniz Technical University, with its strong academic staff, modern infrastructure, and cultural richness, will provide you with the best education. The knowledge and experiences you gain here will form the foundation for your future successes. With these sentiments, I welcome you to our ancient city of Trabzon, to the Kanuni Campus which is full of nature, and to the ‘KTU Family,’ wishing each of you success in your educational journey.”


15 August 2024