


2020-2021 Academic Year Fall Semester Education-Training Method


Dear students,

In the statement of the Council of Higher Education dated 13.08.2020, universities were asked to plan their education calendar to start after October 1, 2020. In addition, it was stated that “diluting students on campuses and reducing mobility” is also important, and therefore universities are given wide opportunities in decision-making processes, thus making it possible for universities to make different applications on the basis of faculties and programs. In the statement in question, it was stated that the relevant boards of the universities will decide on the applications to be made for different programs according to the regional and local course of the Covid-19 outbreak. In this context, for the 2020-2021 Academic Year Fall Semester, in line with the decision of the university senate dated 03.09.2020 and numbered 311;

        1. In our university, all courses in associate degree, undergraduate and graduate programs, except for the exceptions stated in article 2, will be conducted online simultaneously (distance).
        2. Faculty of Dentistry 5th grade and Faculty of Medicine 6th grade courses will be held face to face by dividing them into sufficient number of groups in accordance with the pandemic conditions.

In line with the decisions to be taken by the Higher Education Council, new regulations in the form of education may be in question. For this reason, we kindly request you to act only in accordance with the statements made on our official web pages and social media accounts about the process, we wish you healthy days.