
Panel on Health Rights and Malpractice Law in Constitutional Court Decisions Held at Our University

The panel was organized collaboratively by our University's Graduate School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, the Turkish Ministry of Health's Trabzon Provincial Directorate, the Health Rights and Healthy Life Association (HAKSAY), and the Trabzon Bar Association. It took place at the Prof. Dr. Osman Turan Culture and Congress Center. Speakers included Constitutional Court Member Prof. Dr. Yusuf Şevki HAKYEMEZ, Pulmonologist Prof. Dr. Tevfik ÖZLÜ, and Criminal-Health Law Expert Prof. Dr. M. Hakan HAKERİ.

"Everyone Has the Right to Live in a Healthy and Balanced Environment"

In his opening remarks, our Rector, Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI, emphasized health rights as a constitutional entitlement enhancing quality of life and imposing obligations on the state. Referring to Article 56 of the Turkish Constitution, which guarantees the right to live in a healthy and balanced environment, Prof. Dr. ÇUVALCI highlighted the state's responsibilities in organizing equitable health services. He also underscored the Constitutional Court's approach to health rights, focusing on access to healthcare, service quality, and public authority responsibilities, often evaluating whether inadequate healthcare services violate individuals' rights.

Moderated by Graduate School of Health Sciences Director Prof. Dr. Sedat BOSTAN, the panel examined global developments in constitutional law. It emphasized health rights as an essential aspect of fundamental human rights, identifying obstacles and deficiencies. Panelists also discussed the state's role in ensuring access to healthcare, including the provision of infrastructure, personnel, and resources.

The issue of malpractice lawsuits, addressing harms caused during diagnosis, treatment, and care by healthcare professionals, was examined in-depth. The panel highlighted how Constitutional Court decisions aim to ensure equal and effective access to healthcare while supporting healthcare professionals in fulfilling their responsibilities.

18 December 2024