
Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI Reappointed as Rector

President Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN has reappointed our Rector, Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI, as the Rector of our University. Rector Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI, who was reappointed to his position with the Presidential Decree published in the Official Gazette on September 21, 2024, made a statement regarding his second appointment: "I have been reappointed as the Rector of Karadeniz Technical University with the appreciation and approval of our President, Mr. Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN. I feel a great honor and responsibility in assuming this significant role once again. I would like to extend my gratitude to our President, Mr. Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, to the President of the Council of Higher Education (CoHE), Prof. Dr. Erol ÖZVAR, and to the members of the Council of Higher Education for entrusting me with this honorable task once more. I also thank everyone for their unwavering support."

In his statement, Rector Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI emphasized that KTU would continue its national and international work tirelessly: "I consider myself very fortunate to have the opportunity to serve the ancient city of Trabzon, KTU – the region’s well-established university, and our country as Rector for a second time. The fact that I have been deemed suitable and successful for this role is a result of the dedicated and diligent efforts of our academic and administrative staff. I extend my sincere thanks to each of them. Throughout our 4-year term, we focused on transforming quantitative growth into qualitative advancement and prioritized internationalization efforts. However, at Karadeniz Technical University, a well-established higher education institution, our goals are never exhausted. In this regard, we will not only be a university that fulfills its education, teaching, and research missions but also one that nurtures individuals who contribute to society and prioritize the higher education goals of our nation."

At the end of his speech, our Rector wished that the reappointment decision would bring prosperity to the members and stakeholders of our University, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the city of Trabzon.

23 September 2024